Another 16-17 hours and then I will be off.
:( & :).
Goodbye. But this will not be the final one, Insya-Allah.
Do pray for me and my friends, yeah?
Ayah, Ibu, adik-adik, nenek, uncles and aunts, friends, i'm going to miss you dearly. ='(
Hopefully we'll have a safe journey tonight. AMIN.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thank God I've found you, Internet kat office ayah.
Okay tetiba rasa macam bengang sebab kat sini tak boleh bukak Facebook and can only be opened after 6 pm? THANKYOUVERYMUCH.
These past few days have been quite tiring actually, mentally and physically tired. With all the open houses, (Macam dapat banyak invitation untuk open house padahal tak pun), needless to say mentally tired 'cause having to think about Egypt stuff, woah woah.
So Raya this year is fab, I should say, besides the fact that I fell sick during the first and second day of Eid. But that's okay. The sight of my cousins and the rest of the Abu-ians gathering around the small TV, screaming and yelling while watching MU vs Manc City is something that I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET and it did make me feel better from my sickness stuff. =') Dan tiba-tiba rasa macam nak sokong MU tapi err DAH SYAROS TAK PAYAH NAK SELEBERET YE DAHLAH TAK NAK RAYA RUMAH AKU HOHO.
Tiba-tiba rasa sayang pulak tak amik gambar and video of all of them.
Finallllyyyyyy last week I get to meet my darlings. (Ish gelinya panggil darlings) My darlings yang hot ngetopz gitu yall haha. God knows how much I miss them especially Fatimah, Munirah, and Hidayah and spending one whole day with all of them rocks :) Although I have to admit that it was tiring after driving from 11.00 am until 10.00 pm and I practically gotta drag my feet while accompanying my mom shopping at Mydin 24 jam, IT DOES WORTH IT BABEYH.
And I get to meet my cousins and aunts and uncles =') And seeing the looks on their faces when I was salam-ing them when they wanted to go back from my open house got me crying, actually. Ish tak boleh nak cakap la haish kang sebak kang weh ='(
I cannot believe that I'm going off tomorrow. I admit that I am scared thinking about having to leave Malaysia, leave my fab family, my fab friends, the fab Malacca, but thinking again, hey, this is something that I have chosen, so there's no reason for me to be all whiny about leaving. Haih.
But still, honestly, I AM SCARED. Surviving in foreign land, needless to say studying after a few months not touching any books, like what Syaros had mentioned, takut otak jadi jam je nanti. Hopefully takdelah kena macam tuu. AMIN. And hopefully, I won't repeat the same mistakes that I have done in high school and matriks. AMIN JUGAK.
Mun, your latest posts buat gua terharu la bai. Nasib baik mood sedih tu bukan kat peak sekarang ni. Tapi serious weh, ='( Thanks. For. Everything. Thanks sebab kasi lepak rumah kau sampai pukul 9 lebih. Thanks for the teddy bear and the card. Thanks for EVERYTHING WEH. AND I LAP YOU FOREBER AND EBER. Gonna miss you!!
Dayah, I LAP YOU BABEYH. Kau teman gedik aku, teman meronda aku, teman Gossip Girl aku, (we still haven't decided who's Blair and who's Serena btw) kau teman gossip aku, everytime kita balik melaka mesti kita keluar, kau kau kau, ahh kau BEST AH WEH. BFF forever, okay? =') I'm so going to miss you babeee.
Timah, sayang kau wehhhhhh. SERIOUS. Kau the one who knows almost everything about me. THANKS. FOR. EVERYTHING. Mesti lain gila tanpa kau ='( Dah aku tak boleh cakap banyak-banyakla God knows how much you mean to me. ='(
Yang lain-lain, I'm going to miss youuuuu. ='(
Here are some of the pictures that have been taken last week with my darlings (fam+friends+cousins):

My gorgeous cousins and I :)

Gorgeous cousins and I part 2 :)

Gorgeous cousins and I part 3 :)




mysterious babeyh.WOAH WOAH.

Dayah dan aku bajet Gossip Girl. BOO BOO TAK JADI DAH PERGI BALIK RUMAH.
These past few days have been quite tiring actually, mentally and physically tired. With all the open houses, (Macam dapat banyak invitation untuk open house padahal tak pun), needless to say mentally tired 'cause having to think about Egypt stuff, woah woah.
So Raya this year is fab, I should say, besides the fact that I fell sick during the first and second day of Eid. But that's okay. The sight of my cousins and the rest of the Abu-ians gathering around the small TV, screaming and yelling while watching MU vs Manc City is something that I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET and it did make me feel better from my sickness stuff. =') Dan tiba-tiba rasa macam nak sokong MU tapi err DAH SYAROS TAK PAYAH NAK SELEBERET YE DAHLAH TAK NAK RAYA RUMAH AKU HOHO.
Tiba-tiba rasa sayang pulak tak amik gambar and video of all of them.
Finallllyyyyyy last week I get to meet my darlings. (Ish gelinya panggil darlings) My darlings yang hot ngetopz gitu yall haha. God knows how much I miss them especially Fatimah, Munirah, and Hidayah and spending one whole day with all of them rocks :) Although I have to admit that it was tiring after driving from 11.00 am until 10.00 pm and I practically gotta drag my feet while accompanying my mom shopping at Mydin 24 jam, IT DOES WORTH IT BABEYH.
And I get to meet my cousins and aunts and uncles =') And seeing the looks on their faces when I was salam-ing them when they wanted to go back from my open house got me crying, actually. Ish tak boleh nak cakap la haish kang sebak kang weh ='(
I cannot believe that I'm going off tomorrow. I admit that I am scared thinking about having to leave Malaysia, leave my fab family, my fab friends, the fab Malacca, but thinking again, hey, this is something that I have chosen, so there's no reason for me to be all whiny about leaving. Haih.
But still, honestly, I AM SCARED. Surviving in foreign land, needless to say studying after a few months not touching any books, like what Syaros had mentioned, takut otak jadi jam je nanti. Hopefully takdelah kena macam tuu. AMIN. And hopefully, I won't repeat the same mistakes that I have done in high school and matriks. AMIN JUGAK.
Mun, your latest posts buat gua terharu la bai. Nasib baik mood sedih tu bukan kat peak sekarang ni. Tapi serious weh, ='( Thanks. For. Everything. Thanks sebab kasi lepak rumah kau sampai pukul 9 lebih. Thanks for the teddy bear and the card. Thanks for EVERYTHING WEH. AND I LAP YOU FOREBER AND EBER. Gonna miss you!!
Dayah, I LAP YOU BABEYH. Kau teman gedik aku, teman meronda aku, teman Gossip Girl aku, (we still haven't decided who's Blair and who's Serena btw) kau teman gossip aku, everytime kita balik melaka mesti kita keluar, kau kau kau, ahh kau BEST AH WEH. BFF forever, okay? =') I'm so going to miss you babeee.
Timah, sayang kau wehhhhhh. SERIOUS. Kau the one who knows almost everything about me. THANKS. FOR. EVERYTHING. Mesti lain gila tanpa kau ='( Dah aku tak boleh cakap banyak-banyakla God knows how much you mean to me. ='(
Yang lain-lain, I'm going to miss youuuuu. ='(
Here are some of the pictures that have been taken last week with my darlings (fam+friends+cousins):
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It is still there.
Four Septembers have come and passed, but it is still there.
And throughout those four years, I have been to anywhere and everywhere. But it is still there.
For the past 2 years, different kinds of responses, different types of comments have come and made their presences clear in my head.
But it is still there.
No matter how hard I tried, it still comes back and keeps on haunting.
Things that remind me of it are everywhere around me. Running in circles surrounding me, it seems I can't run away from it.
This is what I think it's called as the bittersweet pain, no?
Oh I sucks with words, I don't know how the hell am I going to write down the ache that has been storing itself in words.
The urge of bursting it out is there at times, the thought about not having to worry about what others might think have suggested its presence, but my conscience have pulled me back from doing so.
But it's just...It's nice to be playful and all cheery and all fluttery inside, no? And you would love that butterfly feeling to keep on being there.
Oh crap.
What the hell la weh aku baru cakap.
Maybe these five years absence from Malaysia will be a good change, we'll see.
I'm gonna lay off the "unserious mode" from blogging for a while.
Oh, baru gua tahu John Lennon mati satu hari sebelum birthday gua.
And throughout those four years, I have been to anywhere and everywhere. But it is still there.
For the past 2 years, different kinds of responses, different types of comments have come and made their presences clear in my head.
But it is still there.
No matter how hard I tried, it still comes back and keeps on haunting.
Things that remind me of it are everywhere around me. Running in circles surrounding me, it seems I can't run away from it.
This is what I think it's called as the bittersweet pain, no?
Oh I sucks with words, I don't know how the hell am I going to write down the ache that has been storing itself in words.
The urge of bursting it out is there at times, the thought about not having to worry about what others might think have suggested its presence, but my conscience have pulled me back from doing so.
But it's just...It's nice to be playful and all cheery and all fluttery inside, no? And you would love that butterfly feeling to keep on being there.
Oh crap.
What the hell la weh aku baru cakap.
Maybe these five years absence from Malaysia will be a good change, we'll see.
I'm gonna lay off the "unserious mode" from blogging for a while.
Oh, baru gua tahu John Lennon mati satu hari sebelum birthday gua.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Qu's latest sit-rep yaww.
Hari ini, saya rasa sayaaanggg sangat kat radio saya sebab mainkan lagu-lagu Raya, lagu-lagu dangdut (QUQUQU PUNYA CINTA. GET IT?!) dan juga lagu-lagu Hindustan.
Oh, 20 more days to go.
Dan perkembangan diri saya,
1. Saya tiba-tiba menyukai kembali lagu-lagu rock kapak yang lama. Ya, saya actually pergi ke Youtube dan mencari lagu BPR, Rahmat, Search, APA INI APA INIIIII.
2. Saya juga tiba-tiba menyukai dangdut. Amelina adalah penyanyi dangdut yang terbaik. (QUQUQU PUNYA CINTA. TAK FAHAM LAGI KE?!)
3. Emotional management saya juga semakin hari semakin gagal berfungsi. Buktinya, sudah tiga hari berturut-turut air mata saya mengalir tanpa dipaksa. Hari pertama insiden ini berlaku adalah kerana saya mula membayangkan semasa ketiadaan saya, Munirah, Fatimah dan Hidayah dapat berjumpa sesama sendiri dan mereka dapat create this bonding session tanpa kehadiran saya DAN BAGI SAYA INI TIDAK FAIR INI TIDAK FAIR DAN SANGAT TIDAK FAIR BILA MEMIKIRKAN MUNIRAH DAPAT MENONTON CERITA TWILIGHT heesh. Okay sebenarnya saya sedih sebab kena berpisah dengan mereka la DUH.
Hari kedua insiden ini berulang adalah kerana ibu saya menyatakan sesuatu tentang "tidak-dapat-berjumpa-dengan-ayah-saya-lagi" dan terus automatik air mata saya mengalir LAGI T___T.
Seterusnya, pada hari ketiga, iaitu hari ini, saya membuat pengakuan tergempar kepada ibu saya yang saya tidak boleh memandang adik bongsu saya yang sangat menyukai Pink Panther sehingga membawanya tidur sekali dan yang sanggup bangun dari tidurnya apabila Yu Yu Hakusho disiarkan di televisyen dan dia boleh turut menyanyi lagu tema Yu Yu Hakusho, eh eh menyimpang, ya, saya memberitahu ibu saya yang saya tidak boleh memandang adik saya, Danial kerana sebak memikirkan saya akan meninggalkannya tidak lama lagi. T_____T
Pada masa yang sama, saya juga berasa geram dengan diri sendiri kerana membiarkan emotional management go haywire sebab, saya pasti rakan-rakan GMN saya yang lain juga menghadapi situasi yang sama, iaitu meninggalkan keluarga tercinta dan kampung halaman yang damai permai aman ini. Jadi I AM NOT ALONE SO FACE IT BABEYH KAU PERGI PUN SEBAB KAU BELAJAR QURRATU, BUKAN SEBAB BENDA LAIN TSK.
4. Saya berasa geram kerana Streamyx sangatlah bangang pada hari ini kerana sudah tiga kali saya cuba download Gossip Girl, tiga-tiga kalilah itu Streamyx mula gedik nak blink-blink HAPE KAU INGAT KAU TU BLINK 182 KE APA NAK BLINK BLINK. Semalam lagi best, dah download sampai 90% tetiba Streamyx connection failed. ()^&&^&$%^#%$
5. Memandangkan adik saya sedang menjalani peperiksaan UPSR, maka cara penulisan saya juga bertukar menjadi begini.
6. Saya nak pack barang saya tetapi tiada perasaan untuk berbuat demikian.
7. Previous entry itu dibuat ketika saya sedang dalam keadaan tensi. (FUUYOH TENSI). Maafkan saya.
8. Saya nak jumpa adik saya yang berada di Selandar.
9. Saya nak pergi belasah Streamyx.
10. Majulah sukan untuk Taman Kenanga. OKEY DAH BOIBOI.
Oh, 20 more days to go.
Dan perkembangan diri saya,
1. Saya tiba-tiba menyukai kembali lagu-lagu rock kapak yang lama. Ya, saya actually pergi ke Youtube dan mencari lagu BPR, Rahmat, Search, APA INI APA INIIIII.
2. Saya juga tiba-tiba menyukai dangdut. Amelina adalah penyanyi dangdut yang terbaik. (QUQUQU PUNYA CINTA. TAK FAHAM LAGI KE?!)
3. Emotional management saya juga semakin hari semakin gagal berfungsi. Buktinya, sudah tiga hari berturut-turut air mata saya mengalir tanpa dipaksa. Hari pertama insiden ini berlaku adalah kerana saya mula membayangkan semasa ketiadaan saya, Munirah, Fatimah dan Hidayah dapat berjumpa sesama sendiri dan mereka dapat create this bonding session tanpa kehadiran saya DAN BAGI SAYA INI TIDAK FAIR INI TIDAK FAIR DAN SANGAT TIDAK FAIR BILA MEMIKIRKAN MUNIRAH DAPAT MENONTON CERITA TWILIGHT heesh. Okay sebenarnya saya sedih sebab kena berpisah dengan mereka la DUH.
Hari kedua insiden ini berulang adalah kerana ibu saya menyatakan sesuatu tentang "tidak-dapat-berjumpa-dengan-ayah-saya-lagi" dan terus automatik air mata saya mengalir LAGI T___T.
Seterusnya, pada hari ketiga, iaitu hari ini, saya membuat pengakuan tergempar kepada ibu saya yang saya tidak boleh memandang adik bongsu saya yang sangat menyukai Pink Panther sehingga membawanya tidur sekali dan yang sanggup bangun dari tidurnya apabila Yu Yu Hakusho disiarkan di televisyen dan dia boleh turut menyanyi lagu tema Yu Yu Hakusho, eh eh menyimpang, ya, saya memberitahu ibu saya yang saya tidak boleh memandang adik saya, Danial kerana sebak memikirkan saya akan meninggalkannya tidak lama lagi. T_____T
Pada masa yang sama, saya juga berasa geram dengan diri sendiri kerana membiarkan emotional management go haywire sebab, saya pasti rakan-rakan GMN saya yang lain juga menghadapi situasi yang sama, iaitu meninggalkan keluarga tercinta dan kampung halaman yang damai permai aman ini. Jadi I AM NOT ALONE SO FACE IT BABEYH KAU PERGI PUN SEBAB KAU BELAJAR QURRATU, BUKAN SEBAB BENDA LAIN TSK.
4. Saya berasa geram kerana Streamyx sangatlah bangang pada hari ini kerana sudah tiga kali saya cuba download Gossip Girl, tiga-tiga kalilah itu Streamyx mula gedik nak blink-blink HAPE KAU INGAT KAU TU BLINK 182 KE APA NAK BLINK BLINK. Semalam lagi best, dah download sampai 90% tetiba Streamyx connection failed. ()^&&^&$%^#%$
5. Memandangkan adik saya sedang menjalani peperiksaan UPSR, maka cara penulisan saya juga bertukar menjadi begini.
6. Saya nak pack barang saya tetapi tiada perasaan untuk berbuat demikian.
7. Previous entry itu dibuat ketika saya sedang dalam keadaan tensi. (FUUYOH TENSI). Maafkan saya.
8. Saya nak jumpa adik saya yang berada di Selandar.
9. Saya nak pergi belasah Streamyx.
10. Majulah sukan untuk Taman Kenanga. OKEY DAH BOIBOI.
Just stop.
Have you ever come across a situation where you're totally disgusted with people pretending that they're supporting you, while actually they are totally against it?
I am no Blair Waldorf.
Do whatever you want, but don't expect me throwing tatrums or seeking for revenges. Yes, again I would like to highlight, I am definitely not going to throw in some Blair-esque act.
But don't push it. I am a human being after all. Be kind to me, please? ='(
I am no Blair Waldorf.
Do whatever you want, but don't expect me throwing tatrums or seeking for revenges. Yes, again I would like to highlight, I am definitely not going to throw in some Blair-esque act.
But don't push it. I am a human being after all. Be kind to me, please? ='(
Monday, September 7, 2009
Soalan mencabar minda.
Situasi pertama.
Si chantek HARHAR : Ibu, kenapa ayah tidur?
Ibu : Sebab ayah mengantuk. Kenapa kau tidur?
Si chantek HARHAR : Akak tidur sebab takde kerja nak buat.
Situasi kedua.
Si chantek HARHAR : Ibu, akak nak rambut merah boleh?
Ibu : Boleh. Rambut hijau pun boleh.
Si chantek HARHAR : *grunts* kalau akak tanya ayah boleh? Eh tapi kan mesti ayah marah.
Ibu : Jangan skeptical la Ni.
Si chantek HARHAR berlari ke luar melihat ayahnya yang sedang mengemas taman wtf apahal ayat aku macam karangan ni hahaha. Keinginan di hati untuk bergurau bersama ayahnya tentang hasratnya untuk mendapatkan rambut merah seperti Hayley Williams terpaksa dibantutkan tatkala ayahnya sedang sibuk membuat kerja.
Si chantek HARHAR berlari masuk ke dalam rumah dan berkata kepada ibunya, "Ayah tengah sibuk buat kerjalah, not in the mood for some jokes." Lalu dia berlari ke tingkat atas rumahnya lalu dia pun online gehehehehe.
Situasi ketiga
Si chantek HARHAR : Ayah, dalam banyak-banyak kotak, kotak apa yang tak boleh diangkat?
Ayah yang sedang menggunakan laptop : Emmm...emmm...
Si chantek HARHAR yang menunggu jawapan dengan mata bersinar-sinar : Apa dia yah?!
Ayah yang sedang menggunakan laptop : Kotak hati?
Si chantek HARHAR yang dah mula frust : Bukan! Kotak penalti! Haha!
T___T I am being random again.
Oh, 22 more days to go.
Si chantek HARHAR : Ibu, kenapa ayah tidur?
Ibu : Sebab ayah mengantuk. Kenapa kau tidur?
Si chantek HARHAR : Akak tidur sebab takde kerja nak buat.
Situasi kedua.
Si chantek HARHAR : Ibu, akak nak rambut merah boleh?
Ibu : Boleh. Rambut hijau pun boleh.
Si chantek HARHAR : *grunts* kalau akak tanya ayah boleh? Eh tapi kan mesti ayah marah.
Ibu : Jangan skeptical la Ni.
Si chantek HARHAR berlari ke luar melihat ayahnya yang sedang mengemas taman wtf apahal ayat aku macam karangan ni hahaha. Keinginan di hati untuk bergurau bersama ayahnya tentang hasratnya untuk mendapatkan rambut merah seperti Hayley Williams terpaksa dibantutkan tatkala ayahnya sedang sibuk membuat kerja.
Si chantek HARHAR berlari masuk ke dalam rumah dan berkata kepada ibunya, "Ayah tengah sibuk buat kerjalah, not in the mood for some jokes." Lalu dia berlari ke tingkat atas rumahnya lalu dia pun online gehehehehe.
Situasi ketiga
Si chantek HARHAR : Ayah, dalam banyak-banyak kotak, kotak apa yang tak boleh diangkat?
Ayah yang sedang menggunakan laptop : Emmm...emmm...
Si chantek HARHAR yang menunggu jawapan dengan mata bersinar-sinar : Apa dia yah?!
Ayah yang sedang menggunakan laptop : Kotak hati?
Si chantek HARHAR yang dah mula frust : Bukan! Kotak penalti! Haha!
T___T I am being random again.
Oh, 22 more days to go.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
tagged by Ikyn :D
Suka gile baca belog awak.
2. Rants dia sangat kelakar!
3. She has this cool aura surrounding her
4. She's going to take up pharmacy babeyh
1. Suka tidur sebab takde benda nak buat.
2. I love belog hopping.
3. Pemalas.
4. I love being busy.
5. Always broke tetapi masih gedik-gedik lagi melawat all those blogs yang menjual barang geeheheh
6. I like singing when I'm alone.
7. I like reading and when I'm in the mood babeyh I can read for the whole day babeyh.
8. I'm having a super duper major crush on Ed Westwick. Sila refer previous entry.
9. I DESPISE taugeh.
10. I prefer Ashlee Simpson over her sister. FAKTA MENARIK KA INI?
1. HANEYH BABEYH - lately we're getting crazier. u kEwLzZ oGaYh nYaH?? hOt nGeToPz gItEW!! aHaKzZ!!!
2. IKYN - HARHARHAR u kEnA bUaT bAlIkzZ tAgZ niWh yOuW!! i lOiKe rEaDiNg uR bEloG!
3. FATIMAH TAK SUKA BIJI TIMAH - Kawan baik sejak aku mula belajar pakai tudung secara horror! XD (hint : form 1)
4. IZZAH - We may have bummed into each other these few years back tapi tak pernah kenal huehuehue.
5. NUHAMUNEERAH - Suka baca blog dia gak! Cool!
-budak GMN je faham dan tahu harharhar.
P/STUVWXYZABCDEFG : Word of the day - Cool.
P/STUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM Okey annoying dah ni : Makin hari makin sengal. GEHEHEHEH.
Suka gile baca belog awak.
2. Rants dia sangat kelakar!
3. She has this cool aura surrounding her
4. She's going to take up pharmacy babeyh
1. Suka tidur sebab takde benda nak buat.
2. I love belog hopping.
3. Pemalas.
4. I love being busy.
5. Always broke tetapi masih gedik-gedik lagi melawat all those blogs yang menjual barang geeheheh
6. I like singing when I'm alone.
7. I like reading and when I'm in the mood babeyh I can read for the whole day babeyh.
8. I'm having a super duper major crush on Ed Westwick. Sila refer previous entry.
9. I DESPISE taugeh.
10. I prefer Ashlee Simpson over her sister. FAKTA MENARIK KA INI?
1. HANEYH BABEYH - lately we're getting crazier. u kEwLzZ oGaYh nYaH?? hOt nGeToPz gItEW!! aHaKzZ!!!
2. IKYN - HARHARHAR u kEnA bUaT bAlIkzZ tAgZ niWh yOuW!! i lOiKe rEaDiNg uR bEloG!
3. FATIMAH TAK SUKA BIJI TIMAH - Kawan baik sejak aku mula belajar pakai tudung secara horror! XD (hint : form 1)
4. IZZAH - We may have bummed into each other these few years back tapi tak pernah kenal huehuehue.
5. NUHAMUNEERAH - Suka baca blog dia gak! Cool!
-budak GMN je faham dan tahu harharhar.
P/STUVWXYZABCDEFG : Word of the day - Cool.
P/STUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM Okey annoying dah ni : Makin hari makin sengal. GEHEHEHEH.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The clean youth.
Now can someone remind me why the hell did I waste my mom's RM5 on a magazine that I bought just for the sake of the guy that posed on the cover of the magazine?
I don't know how can I resist jumping onto page 26 (HARHARHAR DAH LUPE KAT PAGE MANA) to read the articles on the coverboy (hekhekhek cuba cakap coverboy ni mcm ala-ala tyra banks cakap covergirl dalam ANTM).
Bapak penipu aku nak baca and read through page by page sebelum baca the article tu. Budget macam penyabar la kan tak nak tergopoh-gapah baca article coverboy itu. Sehinggakan adik aku yang nak baca pun aku tak kasi. Alasannya sebab aku tak suka orang lain baca majalah ataupun buku yang aku tak baca habis lagi.
Okay just drop the subject on "kenapa-aku-guna-rm5-itu-untuk-galaxie-alangkah-lebih-baik-kalau-aku-gunakan-rm5-itu-untuk-benda-lain-seperti-lima-pek-choki2" issue, and let's move on to another issue.
Which is sahur.
Hari ini dalam sejarah bangun lambat gile untuk sahur. Dah nak masuk imsak dah. Imsak masuk pukul 5.38 am. Manakala aku dikejutkan dengan ketukan berpalu-palu di pintu biru bilik tidur aku (WAHH RHYMES LA) pada pukul 5.30 am.
Masa nak makan tu aku sikit punye rushing la nak makan mengenangkan nak kejar imsak. Sampai hampir tersedak kot huehue. Baru aku teringat yang aku sebenarnya sedang makan asam pedas.
ASAM PEDAS BABEYH. ASAM PEDAS AUNTIE SU BABEYH. TIADA TANDINGAN MESKIPUN MENURUT KUIZ DI FB TERDAPAT ASAM PEDAS YANG TERBAIK BERADA DI BATU 3 KE, PERINGGIT KE, Dah takde kerja aku nak ingat kat mana asam pedas terbaik walhal the best dish lies here in my home sweet home. =') kat sana nanti takda asam pedas bukan? jadi rentak makan daripada "cepat-weh-cepaaaattt" bertukar kepada rentak "let's-enjoy-the-dish-and-the-moment-shall-we?" .
Ahh. If you serve me with my mom's asam pedas for every berbuka puasa, I can say that I will live as a happy girl forever.
Speaking of living as a happy girl, hoho, I remembered a few weeks back, my mom brought me to her friend's house. Because of this QUEYH-MUEYH stuff (yess hani, you can LOL now hoho), so I haven't been to my mom's friend's house for quite of a long time, and I was kinda shocked when a lil boy greeted us at the door.

Seriously, this lil adik memang sangat comel EEI GERAM MACAM NAK CUBIT PIPI HOHO. Dahlah main cak-cak dengan aku. DIULANGI, MAIN CAK-CAK DENGAN AKU. Maksudnya, he's the one who did all the cak-cak, while I just sat there and laughed. hoho.
And he's sooooo excited with showing all of his toys. Macam kebanyakan budak-budak yang aku jumpa, hmph, nak dekat dengan aku pun tak nak, inikan pula nak tunjuk toys. Tapi this lil adik sangat kesayangan =') he even got me interested in his rattle-like toy. T__T And if you were there that time, you can see me playing with that rattle-like toy like the whole time hoho dah jakun dah ni. Duluw Iw mainw powerw rangersw jew youw. Takw pernahw mainw bendaw alahw macamw tuw. HEUHEUHEU annoying dah ni.

Gambar atas ni paling kesayangan =') Sudahlah comel bergaya, peramah pulak tu, now dah memasang angan-angan dari kecil untuk bermain gitar. Walaupun itu hanya raket badminton, yang penting cita-cita dik. =')
Adik ni pasti menjadi hodsetap bila dah besar nanti. (Sangatlah shallow bila kita membuat assumption sebegini sebenarnya). Jangan jadi macam akak, dik, takde sape nak HARHARHAR. (You guys have the urge to lempang tak if you guys heard someone said this?)
Semoga berjaya dik for your future ='). Tetiba tapi kena jugaklah aku cakap macam tu bukan. Tee-hee.

This is the coverboy that I was talking about just now. Bukan Chace Crawford, walaupun dia sangatlah good-looking di situ, dan bukan Penn Badgley, PFFFTTTT tak suka penn badgley, tetapi ED WESTWICK. *mata berkaca*
Hidup Ed Westwick.
Tengoklah betapa coolnya dia di situ berbanding lagi dua.
P/STUVWXYZ : Siapa yang cakap Internet works best during dawn sangat-sangatlah menipu. I have been working on my streamyx for half an hour dan dia masih lagi sangat-sangat gedik nak blink-blink the whole time. Bongok **&*&^%%^$^&*&.
I don't know how can I resist jumping onto page 26 (HARHARHAR DAH LUPE KAT PAGE MANA) to read the articles on the coverboy (hekhekhek cuba cakap coverboy ni mcm ala-ala tyra banks cakap covergirl dalam ANTM).
Bapak penipu aku nak baca and read through page by page sebelum baca the article tu. Budget macam penyabar la kan tak nak tergopoh-gapah baca article coverboy itu. Sehinggakan adik aku yang nak baca pun aku tak kasi. Alasannya sebab aku tak suka orang lain baca majalah ataupun buku yang aku tak baca habis lagi.
Okay just drop the subject on "kenapa-aku-guna-rm5-itu-untuk-galaxie-alangkah-lebih-baik-kalau-aku-gunakan-rm5-itu-untuk-benda-lain-seperti-lima-pek-choki2" issue, and let's move on to another issue.
Which is sahur.
Hari ini dalam sejarah bangun lambat gile untuk sahur. Dah nak masuk imsak dah. Imsak masuk pukul 5.38 am. Manakala aku dikejutkan dengan ketukan berpalu-palu di pintu biru bilik tidur aku (WAHH RHYMES LA) pada pukul 5.30 am.
Masa nak makan tu aku sikit punye rushing la nak makan mengenangkan nak kejar imsak. Sampai hampir tersedak kot huehue. Baru aku teringat yang aku sebenarnya sedang makan asam pedas.
ASAM PEDAS BABEYH. ASAM PEDAS AUNTIE SU BABEYH. TIADA TANDINGAN MESKIPUN MENURUT KUIZ DI FB TERDAPAT ASAM PEDAS YANG TERBAIK BERADA DI BATU 3 KE, PERINGGIT KE, Dah takde kerja aku nak ingat kat mana asam pedas terbaik walhal the best dish lies here in my home sweet home. =') kat sana nanti takda asam pedas bukan? jadi rentak makan daripada "cepat-weh-cepaaaattt" bertukar kepada rentak "let's-enjoy-the-dish-and-the-moment-shall-we?" .
Ahh. If you serve me with my mom's asam pedas for every berbuka puasa, I can say that I will live as a happy girl forever.
Speaking of living as a happy girl, hoho, I remembered a few weeks back, my mom brought me to her friend's house. Because of this QUEYH-MUEYH stuff (yess hani, you can LOL now hoho), so I haven't been to my mom's friend's house for quite of a long time, and I was kinda shocked when a lil boy greeted us at the door.

Seriously, this lil adik memang sangat comel EEI GERAM MACAM NAK CUBIT PIPI HOHO. Dahlah main cak-cak dengan aku. DIULANGI, MAIN CAK-CAK DENGAN AKU. Maksudnya, he's the one who did all the cak-cak, while I just sat there and laughed. hoho.
And he's sooooo excited with showing all of his toys. Macam kebanyakan budak-budak yang aku jumpa, hmph, nak dekat dengan aku pun tak nak, inikan pula nak tunjuk toys. Tapi this lil adik sangat kesayangan =') he even got me interested in his rattle-like toy. T__T And if you were there that time, you can see me playing with that rattle-like toy like the whole time hoho dah jakun dah ni. Duluw Iw mainw powerw rangersw jew youw. Takw pernahw mainw bendaw alahw macamw tuw. HEUHEUHEU annoying dah ni.

Gambar atas ni paling kesayangan =') Sudahlah comel bergaya, peramah pulak tu, now dah memasang angan-angan dari kecil untuk bermain gitar. Walaupun itu hanya raket badminton, yang penting cita-cita dik. =')
Adik ni pasti menjadi hodsetap bila dah besar nanti. (Sangatlah shallow bila kita membuat assumption sebegini sebenarnya). Jangan jadi macam akak, dik, takde sape nak HARHARHAR. (You guys have the urge to lempang tak if you guys heard someone said this?)
Semoga berjaya dik for your future ='). Tetiba tapi kena jugaklah aku cakap macam tu bukan. Tee-hee.

Hidup Ed Westwick.
Tengoklah betapa coolnya dia di situ berbanding lagi dua.
P/STUVWXYZ : Siapa yang cakap Internet works best during dawn sangat-sangatlah menipu. I have been working on my streamyx for half an hour dan dia masih lagi sangat-sangat gedik nak blink-blink the whole time. Bongok **&*&^%%^$^&*&.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
what happened?
The past stores brilliant memories for us and when we look back at all those, the first thing that pops into your mind is;
"What happened to that?"
Sue me, I am one who's holding onto the past too much at times.
Maybe that's a way to escape the cold reality that hits you right on the face though.
"What happened to that?"
Sue me, I am one who's holding onto the past too much at times.
Maybe that's a way to escape the cold reality that hits you right on the face though.
Dik, tak baik buat macam tu tau.
I was driving tadi bila tetiba ada two kids walking across the road. A girl and a boy. So I slowed down the car la kan. Then this boy went on and stand in the middle of the road with this "MARILAH-AYUHLAH-KERETA-CEPAT-LANGGAR-AKU" expression on his face pergh.
Okeylah. Budak-budak kan. Biasalah tu memain ke apa kan. Aku faham. Sebab aku pun pernah buat macam tu. Tapi aku buat macam tu dengan ayah dan ibu aku je. Diulangi, AYAH DAN IBU AKU JE. Bukan kepada strangers. Bukan kepada kakak hot pakai baju chelsea dan pakai tudung ekin kepunyaan ibunya eh eh macam familiar je kakak ni HUIHUIHUI.
Disebabkan risau kalau adik sayang itu (Tengok tu tak kenal tapi panggil adik sayang tau T___T), maka hon kereta berbunyi. Berbunyi dengan perlahan. Barulah budak tu beralih. Keluhan lega dilepaskan. Nasib baik budak tu selamat tak kena apa-apa.
Tetapi tetapi tetapi, once I drove past him and his little sister, he showed the middle finger towards me and my mom's friend who was there beside me.
What is happening to the kids nowadays? ='(
Okeylah. Budak-budak kan. Biasalah tu memain ke apa kan. Aku faham. Sebab aku pun pernah buat macam tu. Tapi aku buat macam tu dengan ayah dan ibu aku je. Diulangi, AYAH DAN IBU AKU JE. Bukan kepada strangers. Bukan kepada kakak hot pakai baju chelsea dan pakai tudung ekin kepunyaan ibunya eh eh macam familiar je kakak ni HUIHUIHUI.
Disebabkan risau kalau adik sayang itu (Tengok tu tak kenal tapi panggil adik sayang tau T___T), maka hon kereta berbunyi. Berbunyi dengan perlahan. Barulah budak tu beralih. Keluhan lega dilepaskan. Nasib baik budak tu selamat tak kena apa-apa.
Tetapi tetapi tetapi, once I drove past him and his little sister, he showed the middle finger towards me and my mom's friend who was there beside me.
What is happening to the kids nowadays? ='(
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