I hate it when I cannot fulfill things that I have promised to do.
Macam pagi tadi. :(
To whom that individual may concern, I'm sorry that I couldn't wake you laa. I myself dah terbabas tadi. Sorrrrryyyyyyyyy :( :( :( ='(
And to uncle kereta Myvi hitam, I AM SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SORRY UNCLE!! ='(
Serious aku yang tengok kereta kemek tu pun dah rasa macam sumpah sedih dengan kesian dengan takut dengan dengan dengan WAHHH THE FEELINGS ARE UNDESCRIBABLE LA BAI. Nasib baik uncle tu tak marah tapi weh uncle tu muka redha je weh alamak aku tak boleh tengok la muka orang yang redha dengan pasrah ni weeehhhhh. Nasib baik jugak uncle tu walaupun muka redha yang buat aku rasa bersalah uncle tu masih lagi boleh tanya aku, "Baru lepas eh?" Terima kasih uncle kerana memahami. ='( Dan aku rasa macam aku ni bad driver gile ahhh tak boleh dah tak boleh ni lepas kena incident tu terus aku bawak bapak slow ahhhhh. ='( bon bon saya tak boleh drive kereta awakla macam ni kalau awak tak nak kereta awak bercalar ='( Dan I actually cried tadi? Before you guys go on and do that rolling your eyes and stuff, I nearly went berserk and nearly burst with panic kotttt. ='(
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
tick tock tick tock.
:( / :) ?
I shall use both emoticons though.
:( / :) ?
I shall use both emoticons though.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
procrastination is a big
These recent incidents made me realize that the Almighty God wanna show me the mistakes that I have done until now.
As my mom mentioned this, I'll admit that it made me feel better and relieved as well. At least now if I'm facing any obstacles or whatsoever, I will not fret or anything.
This is what they call as blessing in disguise, no?
It's getting harder everyday to think about leaving.
And it's getting harder now that Taylor Swift's song is stuck in my head.
And Iron and Wine's song keeps replaying in my head too.
Okay this is not good. I'm going crazy. Not because of boredom due to nothing to be done. No. Not because there's nothing left for me to do. Because that will be a super big lie with a big L on my forehead if I say there's nothing to be done. (Walhal baru sahaja aku nyatakan di atas yang aku bosan, bukan? T__T )
These recent incidents made me realize that the Almighty God wanna show me the mistakes that I have done until now.
As my mom mentioned this, I'll admit that it made me feel better and relieved as well. At least now if I'm facing any obstacles or whatsoever, I will not fret or anything.
This is what they call as blessing in disguise, no?
It's getting harder everyday to think about leaving.
And it's getting harder now that Taylor Swift's song is stuck in my head.
And Iron and Wine's song keeps replaying in my head too.
Okay this is not good. I'm going crazy. Not because of boredom due to nothing to be done. No. Not because there's nothing left for me to do. Because that will be a super big lie with a big L on my forehead if I say there's nothing to be done. (Walhal baru sahaja aku nyatakan di atas yang aku bosan, bukan? T__T )
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
i said what?
Sometimes one word, one sentence, could change everything. From bad to better, and even from good to bad to worse.
And sometimes things are better left unsaid.
And that's why I'm keeping it mum right now.
And sometimes things are better left unsaid.
And that's why I'm keeping it mum right now.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
you got the swagger of the champion
When the time comes, then only I will come to my senses and starts to believe that I am really leaving.
*sila pasang lagu Leaving on A Jet Plane.
34/35 more days before flying off. Gahh. Time is flying so, so fast right?
I was suggesting to Hidayah about planning to berbuka puasa ramai-ramai with our MGSS-ians. I was telling that maybe we could do that a few days before Ramadan ends, with almost practically everyone is away from Melaka right now.
And Hidayah was asking me how would I feel sitting down, eating, chatting, having fun with them for the last time. It kinda sucks to think that it is going to be most probably the last time everyone sees each other. But IDK, nak tak nak have to deal with it, right? Although I gotta admit that it kills to feel that way. :(
Oh BTW, went to MGSS this morning. And I was amazed and happy to know that many of my classmates are flying overseas. May Ling, Tian Feng, Shi Wei are going to fly to UK. Hidayah and Illi are going to US. I mean WOW.
Gotta go aite. My mom has reminded me about packing up my stuff and she added on how many more days left for me. THANKYOUVERYMUCH MOM HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH. :D
*tutup balik lagu Leaving on A Jet Plane hahahahah awal lagi ni sebulan lagi kot gehehehe.

gambar macam annoying sebab pecah-pecah. takpelah. nampak sikit nilai sentimental, no?
*sila pasang lagu Leaving on A Jet Plane.
34/35 more days before flying off. Gahh. Time is flying so, so fast right?
I was suggesting to Hidayah about planning to berbuka puasa ramai-ramai with our MGSS-ians. I was telling that maybe we could do that a few days before Ramadan ends, with almost practically everyone is away from Melaka right now.
And Hidayah was asking me how would I feel sitting down, eating, chatting, having fun with them for the last time. It kinda sucks to think that it is going to be most probably the last time everyone sees each other. But IDK, nak tak nak have to deal with it, right? Although I gotta admit that it kills to feel that way. :(
Oh BTW, went to MGSS this morning. And I was amazed and happy to know that many of my classmates are flying overseas. May Ling, Tian Feng, Shi Wei are going to fly to UK. Hidayah and Illi are going to US. I mean WOW.
Gotta go aite. My mom has reminded me about packing up my stuff and she added on how many more days left for me. THANKYOUVERYMUCH MOM HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH. :D
*tutup balik lagu Leaving on A Jet Plane hahahahah awal lagi ni sebulan lagi kot gehehehe.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
I am...
1) getting scared of the thoughts of going away in a few more weeks.
2) trying to register in my mind about having to leave my family, friends and beloved Melaka in a few more weeks.
3) trying my hardest to not go berserk over that register-online thingy.
4) wondering when am I going to sit down and organize my stuff that will be brought
but most importantly,
5) thankful that I am given the opportunity and the chance to go through and experience Ramadhan this year. Alhamdulillah. And I hope this can be a point for me to start changing to become a better me, Insya-Allah. And hopefully starting this month, I can beramal more and hopefully my Ramadhan will be blessed.
Amin. :D
2) trying to register in my mind about having to leave my family, friends and beloved Melaka in a few more weeks.
3) trying my hardest to not go berserk over that register-online thingy.
4) wondering when am I going to sit down and organize my stuff that will be brought
but most importantly,
5) thankful that I am given the opportunity and the chance to go through and experience Ramadhan this year. Alhamdulillah. And I hope this can be a point for me to start changing to become a better me, Insya-Allah. And hopefully starting this month, I can beramal more and hopefully my Ramadhan will be blessed.
Amin. :D
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
treng treng treng.
Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. We have to understand that knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beats the hell out of never trying.
Grey's Anatomy is always brilliant with quotes. I can spend hours and hours reading through all the quotes. Some of them are motivational though. Lagi-lagi that show bun basal doktor-doktor stuff en, so some of them really can be used in our situation as well la kot?
Jadi hmm, the biggest failure is not to try anything ey?
I have to agree on that one. I have been there, done that. I got to admit that I am kinda pessimistic and painfully shy and painfully not confident of myself's capabilities. Especially when I was back in high school. Sumpah sucks gila. Sebab aku rasa macam banyak gila benda yang aku missed out tak buat back then. :(
But people can change. And hopefully, I am going through that process. Macam dulu macam haram la weh kalau nak suruh aku pergi depan pentas. Tapi kini, ececeh, aku dah mampu overcome fear aku tu dan aku pernah menari zapin masa dinner GMN haritu. Walaupun aku mengaku yang masa aku menari tu memang haram tak pandang audience langsung, (terima kasih kepada AJK yang turn off the light kat bahagian audience wooah gua cinta sama lu), dan walaupun time diorang buat hakka tu memang aku pandang je dorang, dan walaupun time nyanyi lagu barney aku memang pandang nina je tak pandang orang lain dah, haha, aku rasa macam satu progress jugaklah untuk someone like me kan.
Tapi aku sampai sekarang tak pernah tengok video aku menari kat dinner GMN tu.
Life is a learning process. It is also a path and an alternative for me to discover and learn more new things and I know it won't harm or cost me anything to do so. So bungee jumping, you're on my what-to-do list bebeh!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
kenaba kenaba kenaba.
kenaba bila kita ada duit sikit dan nak beli shawls semua shawls yang cantik cantik dah sold out dan kenaba bila kita takda duit time tu lah shawls yang cantik menarik tertarik kau memang the bomb semua available? Kenaba kenaba kenaba?
Ignore the B's. It's the thing that Hani and I tetiba buat semalam all out of sudden unexpectedly. gehehe.
karaoke-ing through youtube is uber fun.
This is pretty obvious another random post, haha my mind must be frozen or something. hee.
okey dah bye.
Ignore the B's. It's the thing that Hani and I tetiba buat semalam all out of sudden unexpectedly. gehehe.
karaoke-ing through youtube is uber fun.
This is pretty obvious another random post, haha my mind must be frozen or something. hee.
okey dah bye.
Friday, August 14, 2009
kau cakap apa?
As we get older, we'll be wiser.
Ramai orang cakap aku matang. Kat UKM dulu, Azie dan Nina beria-ria cakap aku matang. Tapi aku tak pernah rasakan aku matang. Betul, aku admit yang kadang-kadang aku jenis yang diam. Dan aku admit yang aku takkan buat something terburu-buru. Aku akan tend to think too hard about those actions yang I'm taking before doing something. Dan aku admit yang kadang-kadang aku remind diri aku supaya jangan overreact sebab aku takut aku boleh give out bad impression pasal diri aku. Seperti apa yang aku pernah cakap dulu, aku tak nak orang cakap aku ni cheap dan desperately friendly.
Betul. Aku mengaku that I think too much. Sampaikan apa yang aku nak buat setelah aku dah tua dan dah ada anak cucu yang akan panggil aku "Grandma, grandma!" sebab aku kahwin dengan mat saleh dan aku imagine mat saleh tu Ed Westwick, okey menyimpang, ye, I even think about what will happen by the time I grow old with my spouse nanti.
Tiba-tiba tak sabar nak ada cucu yang boleh panggil aku "Grandma, grandma!".
Tulah sampai orang suruh aku don't think too much and take it slow. Lepas tu diikuti dengan pertanyaan pernah ke aku dengar lagu Estrella - Take it Slow? Okey menyimpang lagi dari topik.
Jadi aku tak tahu samada sikap terlampau kuat berfikir ni membuatkan aku seorang yang matang. Kadang-kadang aku rasa aku ni lebih kepada paranoid. Entahlah.
For the time being I have also been trying to teach myself on how to not let my feelings and emotions control me. And to be honest, I am trying so hard not to go head over heels for this particular someone. Salah satu reason dia ialah sebab, dia macam "WOW!" dan aku macam "wee." Dia macam HEBAT dan aku macam kurang hebat.
Ni salah satu lagi flaws aku. I have this extremely low self esteem and I always think that others are sooo much better. (Adakah ini juga bermaksud aku tak vain? hahahahah gegegegedik).
Entahlah. Aku deny every thoughts about that particular person yang keeps terjah-ing into my head. Aku tak nak fikir woah pasal tu. Sebab aku rasa macam aku ni seorang yang sangat weak kalau aku fikir pasal tu and kalau aku admit apa yang aku tak nak admit, orang akan cakap yang aku ni gegegedik je lebih nak feeling feeling ni.
Dan aku takut kalau prinsip yang selama ni aku pertahankan akan runtuh kalau aku admit perasaan aku tu. Entahlah. Aku takut weh, sumpah. Tapi aku takut kalau hati aku broken kalau dia choose someone else. Heh. Macam dia pernah pulak interested dengan aku selama ni.
Tapi normal kan, korang tak rasa sakit ke kalau tengok the one that you have been falling head over heels for with someone else? Macam korang rasa geram tengok Orlando Bloom sekarang is together with Victoria Secret's model ntah pekenama model tu,
macam korang rasa geram tak kalau Ed Westwick hook up dengan Leighton Meester ke (tapi ni takkan berlaku. Confirm. Sebab Leighton Meester's currently dating Sebastian Stan)
dan macam korang rasa geram tengok Jake Gyllenhaal dates Reese Witherspoon. Hah macam tu la rasanya.
Jadi sekarang ni, untuk tidak membiarkan aku rasa sakit tu, aku cuba nak buang rasa tu. Sebab aku takut it will destroy me. Tapi how am I gonna be able to do that when I will be seeing him for the next 5-6 years lepas ni kat egypt sana nanti? :(
Takpe Qurratu. Kalau kau rasa perit sangat nak buang rasa tu, fikirlah ada hikmah coming from this. Fikirlah maybe there is something good coming from this. With Allah's will, you can do it.
Dan sebab takda sape tahu pasal apa aku rasa. Mungkin lagi senang untuk aku buang apa aku rasa.
Fikirkan keredhaan Allah. Itu lagi penting.
Tiba-tiba aku rasa best sangat blog macam ni.
Ramai orang cakap aku matang. Kat UKM dulu, Azie dan Nina beria-ria cakap aku matang. Tapi aku tak pernah rasakan aku matang. Betul, aku admit yang kadang-kadang aku jenis yang diam. Dan aku admit yang aku takkan buat something terburu-buru. Aku akan tend to think too hard about those actions yang I'm taking before doing something. Dan aku admit yang kadang-kadang aku remind diri aku supaya jangan overreact sebab aku takut aku boleh give out bad impression pasal diri aku. Seperti apa yang aku pernah cakap dulu, aku tak nak orang cakap aku ni cheap dan desperately friendly.
Betul. Aku mengaku that I think too much. Sampaikan apa yang aku nak buat setelah aku dah tua dan dah ada anak cucu yang akan panggil aku "Grandma, grandma!" sebab aku kahwin dengan mat saleh dan aku imagine mat saleh tu Ed Westwick, okey menyimpang, ye, I even think about what will happen by the time I grow old with my spouse nanti.
Tiba-tiba tak sabar nak ada cucu yang boleh panggil aku "Grandma, grandma!".
Tulah sampai orang suruh aku don't think too much and take it slow. Lepas tu diikuti dengan pertanyaan pernah ke aku dengar lagu Estrella - Take it Slow? Okey menyimpang lagi dari topik.
Jadi aku tak tahu samada sikap terlampau kuat berfikir ni membuatkan aku seorang yang matang. Kadang-kadang aku rasa aku ni lebih kepada paranoid. Entahlah.
For the time being I have also been trying to teach myself on how to not let my feelings and emotions control me. And to be honest, I am trying so hard not to go head over heels for this particular someone. Salah satu reason dia ialah sebab, dia macam "WOW!" dan aku macam "wee." Dia macam HEBAT dan aku macam kurang hebat.
Ni salah satu lagi flaws aku. I have this extremely low self esteem and I always think that others are sooo much better. (Adakah ini juga bermaksud aku tak vain? hahahahah gegegegedik).
Entahlah. Aku deny every thoughts about that particular person yang keeps terjah-ing into my head. Aku tak nak fikir woah pasal tu. Sebab aku rasa macam aku ni seorang yang sangat weak kalau aku fikir pasal tu and kalau aku admit apa yang aku tak nak admit, orang akan cakap yang aku ni gegegedik je lebih nak feeling feeling ni.
Dan aku takut kalau prinsip yang selama ni aku pertahankan akan runtuh kalau aku admit perasaan aku tu. Entahlah. Aku takut weh, sumpah. Tapi aku takut kalau hati aku broken kalau dia choose someone else. Heh. Macam dia pernah pulak interested dengan aku selama ni.
Tapi normal kan, korang tak rasa sakit ke kalau tengok the one that you have been falling head over heels for with someone else? Macam korang rasa geram tengok Orlando Bloom sekarang is together with Victoria Secret's model ntah pekenama model tu,
macam korang rasa geram tak kalau Ed Westwick hook up dengan Leighton Meester ke (tapi ni takkan berlaku. Confirm. Sebab Leighton Meester's currently dating Sebastian Stan)
dan macam korang rasa geram tengok Jake Gyllenhaal dates Reese Witherspoon. Hah macam tu la rasanya.
Jadi sekarang ni, untuk tidak membiarkan aku rasa sakit tu, aku cuba nak buang rasa tu. Sebab aku takut it will destroy me. Tapi how am I gonna be able to do that when I will be seeing him for the next 5-6 years lepas ni kat egypt sana nanti? :(
Takpe Qurratu. Kalau kau rasa perit sangat nak buang rasa tu, fikirlah ada hikmah coming from this. Fikirlah maybe there is something good coming from this. With Allah's will, you can do it.
Dan sebab takda sape tahu pasal apa aku rasa. Mungkin lagi senang untuk aku buang apa aku rasa.
Fikirkan keredhaan Allah. Itu lagi penting.
Tiba-tiba aku rasa best sangat blog macam ni.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
oops I farted, sorry.
Sebenarnya I was not farting at all whenever I'm typing this, tapi tak tahu nak tulis apa dah, hence I came up with that gedik title.
I have managed to find out Mun's blog. T__T Yes, I'm so good at stalking people through blogs, I think I should put "Have an amazing capability of tracking down people through Internet" in my resume next time. Woah. Hebatnya. Confirm boleh dapat kerja terus.
So I was kinda shocked when she tagged me in one of her posts. Because it has been a long time since Mun and I have a proper conversation, even in Facebook. So yeah, there you go, I kinda get the shock of my life when she mentioned and tagged me. Macam sumpah terharu wehhhh kau ingat aku lagiii =') *nangis kegembiraan sampai keluar air hingus*
Before doing the quiz that I have been tagged on, have another brilliant and awesome chat with Hani.
AND HELL YEAH I WANT A JUMPER A VEST AND A CHECKERED BOYFIEE SHIRT WEHHHHHH. okey dah diam Qurratu you sound like a whiny missy so dah diam diam nanti orang ada bad assumption pasal kau dan nanti orang tak nak kat kau haahhh haru kau nanti balik Malaysia takde sapa nak kahwin dengan kau haahh hahh haiiyooohh tak tahu balik rumah makan tauhu haaahhh haaa tauhu takpe, tempe lebey taugeh wajib asingkan. *tetiba quote Farahin boleh masuk sekali.
Okay I edited those words from my Mom. My mom has been worrying about me and my behavior ever since I will be going away to egypt.
Because at times, I could be a litttllleeeeee bit hyper that will be tad annoying and at times I could be a litttlleee bit overreacted and a liiiittlleeee miss sunshine eh eh tu top yang me and Izzy Bee planning to wear masa mintak diskaun masa beli barang runcit dengan ammu kat egypt nanti :D
To ibu : Takpe ibu, insya-Allah akak behave baik2 kat sana. 0=) tengok tu ada ring kat atas smiley tu I am angelic okey.
Jadi Hani, I dah serious tak sabar nak pergi Alex and Cairo dengan u! Hahaha, di samping tu I pun tak sabar jugak nak pergi Fak sama-sama belajar sama-sama semua tuh. Tujuan utama tetap tidak dilupakan, kan ? :)
And I hope you find your leotard prints and neon colored leggings alright! hihi. :)
OKEY NOW TAGGING TIME Y'ALL!!! *sambil buat pose Azean Irdawaty masa dia cakap Lihatlah Dunia hehehehe
Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 5 fakta/5 hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya
-Hobi 1 : Reading-
[Reading can take you and your imagination to all around the world, without boundaries]
-Hobi 2 : Internet-
[I think that is well established by my frequent presence in Facebook and blogs]
-Hobi 3 : Reality TV shows-
[I started to get hooked to watching these dramatic TV shows back in high school, and the first lucky show that managed to get hme hooked was Laguna Beach. I was soooo in love with Talan Torreiro back then (still ingat lagi dialogue dia, "I don't like you, but I love you, I don't love you but I L-U-V you" ahahah wtfart) and now Keeping Up with the Kardashians fascinates and humor me.]
-Hobi 4 : Bloghopping.-
[I love the different thoughts of people that they turn into writing. Somehow it intrigued me]
-Hobi 5 : Getting my beauty sleep-
[tidur itu nikmat. serious woah.]
Fakta 1 : Have fallen in love with cute mini dresses.

Fakta 2 : Not exactly super friendly and bouncy all the time
[I gotta admit that sometimes I could be really boring when making friends with new people. Like I will sit down and not talking at all and just shot a smile for 3 seconds and do my own thing. Heh Timah kau jangan nak contradict apa yang aku cakap, ni memang fakta, the cold truth.]
Fakta 3 : and yet not exactly super grumpy and quiet all the time
[I can be really noisy with my friends and my closest clique]
Fakta 4 : Thinks that British slang is super sexy
[Ed Westwick melts me with his accent]
Fakta 5 : Is interested in listening to Electrico's songs
[Have heard of them for quite a long time, but I've only managed to listen to their song a few days back. They are cool. ]
Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka.
[my indestructible hot pheewit twin]
[My close friend since high school. Kau memang jarang sangat blog tapi takpe weh aku sabar menunggu kau balik Melaka]
[My fellow GMNian. Kamu cool dan rock okeyyy :D sumpah u're a wise person and every advices of yours memang I akan ingat :D]
[My fellow GMNian. I like your shawls wehhh! :)]
-Izzy Bee-
[My fellow GMNian jugak. Sumpah you cute gile okey Izzy rasa macam nak cubit2 pipi u haha]
Si pen-tag :

rindu kau gak. sayang kau dowh!!!! :D
Sebenarnya I was not farting at all whenever I'm typing this, tapi tak tahu nak tulis apa dah, hence I came up with that gedik title.
I have managed to find out Mun's blog. T__T Yes, I'm so good at stalking people through blogs, I think I should put "Have an amazing capability of tracking down people through Internet" in my resume next time. Woah. Hebatnya. Confirm boleh dapat kerja terus.
So I was kinda shocked when she tagged me in one of her posts. Because it has been a long time since Mun and I have a proper conversation, even in Facebook. So yeah, there you go, I kinda get the shock of my life when she mentioned and tagged me. Macam sumpah terharu wehhhh kau ingat aku lagiii =') *nangis kegembiraan sampai keluar air hingus*
Before doing the quiz that I have been tagged on, have another brilliant and awesome chat with Hani.
AND HELL YEAH I WANT A JUMPER A VEST AND A CHECKERED BOYFIEE SHIRT WEHHHHHH. okey dah diam Qurratu you sound like a whiny missy so dah diam diam nanti orang ada bad assumption pasal kau dan nanti orang tak nak kat kau haahhh haru kau nanti balik Malaysia takde sapa nak kahwin dengan kau haahh hahh haiiyooohh tak tahu balik rumah makan tauhu haaahhh haaa tauhu takpe, tempe lebey taugeh wajib asingkan. *tetiba quote Farahin boleh masuk sekali.
Okay I edited those words from my Mom. My mom has been worrying about me and my behavior ever since I will be going away to egypt.
Because at times, I could be a litttllleeeeee bit hyper that will be tad annoying and at times I could be a litttlleee bit overreacted and a liiiittlleeee miss sunshine eh eh tu top yang me and Izzy Bee planning to wear masa mintak diskaun masa beli barang runcit dengan ammu kat egypt nanti :D
To ibu : Takpe ibu, insya-Allah akak behave baik2 kat sana. 0=) tengok tu ada ring kat atas smiley tu I am angelic okey.
Jadi Hani, I dah serious tak sabar nak pergi Alex and Cairo dengan u! Hahaha, di samping tu I pun tak sabar jugak nak pergi Fak sama-sama belajar sama-sama semua tuh. Tujuan utama tetap tidak dilupakan, kan ? :)
And I hope you find your leotard prints and neon colored leggings alright! hihi. :)
OKEY NOW TAGGING TIME Y'ALL!!! *sambil buat pose Azean Irdawaty masa dia cakap Lihatlah Dunia hehehehe
-Hobi 1 : Reading-
[Reading can take you and your imagination to all around the world, without boundaries]
-Hobi 2 : Internet-
[I think that is well established by my frequent presence in Facebook and blogs]
-Hobi 3 : Reality TV shows-
[I started to get hooked to watching these dramatic TV shows back in high school, and the first lucky show that managed to get hme hooked was Laguna Beach. I was soooo in love with Talan Torreiro back then (still ingat lagi dialogue dia, "I don't like you, but I love you, I don't love you but I L-U-V you" ahahah wtfart) and now Keeping Up with the Kardashians fascinates and humor me.]
-Hobi 4 : Bloghopping.-
[I love the different thoughts of people that they turn into writing. Somehow it intrigued me]
-Hobi 5 : Getting my beauty sleep-
[tidur itu nikmat. serious woah.]
Fakta 1 : Have fallen in love with cute mini dresses.

Fakta 2 : Not exactly super friendly and bouncy all the time
[I gotta admit that sometimes I could be really boring when making friends with new people. Like I will sit down and not talking at all and just shot a smile for 3 seconds and do my own thing. Heh Timah kau jangan nak contradict apa yang aku cakap, ni memang fakta, the cold truth.]
Fakta 3 : and yet not exactly super grumpy and quiet all the time
[I can be really noisy with my friends and my closest clique]
Fakta 4 : Thinks that British slang is super sexy
[Ed Westwick melts me with his accent]
Fakta 5 : Is interested in listening to Electrico's songs
[Have heard of them for quite a long time, but I've only managed to listen to their song a few days back. They are cool. ]
Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka.
[my indestructible hot pheewit twin]
[My close friend since high school. Kau memang jarang sangat blog tapi takpe weh aku sabar menunggu kau balik Melaka]
[My fellow GMNian. Kamu cool dan rock okeyyy :D sumpah u're a wise person and every advices of yours memang I akan ingat :D]
[My fellow GMNian. I like your shawls wehhh! :)]
-Izzy Bee-
[My fellow GMNian jugak. Sumpah you cute gile okey Izzy rasa macam nak cubit2 pipi u haha]
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rindu kau gak. sayang kau dowh!!!! :D
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Still in the run of searching for the Wow factor.
Not trying to be ungrateful, I know life is precious and beautiful, that's why I'm making the efforts to taste and experience the beauty of life.
And I have to keep reminding myself that everything happens for a reason.

Some photos that will be able to keep me grounded.
To Hani and Ahmad, millions of thanks for not being tired to listen to me rambling about what I have been worrying about lately. You guys rock. :)
Not trying to be ungrateful, I know life is precious and beautiful, that's why I'm making the efforts to taste and experience the beauty of life.
And I have to keep reminding myself that everything happens for a reason.

Some photos that will be able to keep me grounded.
To Hani and Ahmad, millions of thanks for not being tired to listen to me rambling about what I have been worrying about lately. You guys rock. :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
staring blankly ahead just making my way, making my way through the crowd
Have been debating with myself lately on what I wanted to achieve in my life for the next coming years.
It's not that "oohhhh-i-wanna-have-a-freaking-big-mansion-with-a-freaking-good-looking-husband-and-a-bunch-of-freaking-comel-kids" plan (anak-anak harus comel. As what have been quoted from syahmi, kalau x comel, dia tak suke. HAHAHAHA bapak diskriminasi), it is more than that.
I'm talking about eternal happiness, stuff like that. (sumpah sappy wtf T_T)
I am still searching for that something, for that WOW factor that will have a this humongous impact on me and my life. Like what had occured to Hani, I have been waiting to feel like what she felt. Total happiness.
Betullah kata Hani. Benda-benda macam tu sebenarnya, kita sendiri kena cari. We are the ones who have to put in soo much effort to search for it. Stuff like that won't drop from the sky or something for us.
So now, while I'm working for it, I'm trying to make the best of everything I'm doing while I'm in Malaysia. Egypt won't be the same as Malaysia, and one thing I will surely miss is my family and my friends. Spending time with them is one of the must thing to do here.
Fiq had make me completely terharu tadi! She told me that Mek, Zaki, and her and some others will most probably send me to the airport. WOAH WOAH AKU SAYANG GILA SAMA KORANG SIAK! dan she added that they are planning to do something for me. T___T and while I'm supposed to be all happy and stuff,I am actually scared.
They have this otak gila when it comes to stuff like pulling on pranks on people, okay. Okay dah sumpah creepy. ahaha.
And Fiq sempat pulak buat lawak all of us should command Zaki and Mek to get married in our wills. HAHAHA.
Tengok tengok menyimpang jauh lagi.
Fatimah and Shakinah are coming back to Melaka! I am so stoked, and Fatimah had even came up with an idea of making a trip to London eh eh tak, Londang. YEYEYEYEYEYEYEYE boleh makan nasi ayam kat pengkalan balak geheheheheheh.
I received some useful advices from a friend of mine. Terharu ohh, and I have at least get an insight of someone who had been claimed as the "playboy". The truth is, I heard the rumors as well when I was wayyy back in high school, and after listening to what he has to say, it is something that is soooo waaaayyy different than what people have been talking about these few years.
speaking of which, AZURAAAAA! aku ada amik satu gambar ni. kau tengok laaa.

Azura and I have this incredulous ways of coming up with ridikulusly funny names for people. For example, Azura first call me bon bon. Then I decided to call her bon bon as well. Then tiba-tiba panggil cek ke bon bon, sebab macam sedap je en nak sebut.(cuba bayangkan kita sebut cek ke bon bon tu macam lagu Ricky Martin. Get it?)
Then tukar lagi, Azura: cek ke bon bon. Me: bon ke cit cit. kalau SMS dengan budak ni memang pening gile kadang-kadang bile tengok banyak sangat bon ke cit cit la, cek ke bon bon la, hahaha. memang gila.
so long story short, there's this presence of someone, ahhh Azura and I decided to call that certain individual by Pumpkin. And we decided to call that masa tengah dengar ceramah kat konvensyen UM dulu aaaaa wtf camana boleh came up with that name dahlah tengah dengar taklimat haiihhhh T__T

ini azura. yang tengah tido tu qoni. tak sedar pon dia amik gambar ni. tengok2 dah ada dalam hp ahaha. belakang tu budak tutor mana eh? btw, camera tua yang sangat annoying.

annoying tak upload gambar dua kali, gehehehehe
tapi takdalah se-annoying my younger bros, Danial and Aimran who spend their time memorizing advertisements. T__T hahha seriously, just listen to them reciting Hayate: the Combat Butler's advertisements. DORANG HAFAL WEHHHH.
ahaha comel ahh dorang. These are the kind of things that I will miss most nanti :'(
okey dah bye @.@.
It's not that "oohhhh-i-wanna-have-a-freaking-big-mansion-with-a-freaking-good-looking-husband-and-a-bunch-of-freaking-comel-kids" plan (anak-anak harus comel. As what have been quoted from syahmi, kalau x comel, dia tak suke. HAHAHAHA bapak diskriminasi), it is more than that.
I'm talking about eternal happiness, stuff like that. (sumpah sappy wtf T_T)
I am still searching for that something, for that WOW factor that will have a this humongous impact on me and my life. Like what had occured to Hani, I have been waiting to feel like what she felt. Total happiness.
Betullah kata Hani. Benda-benda macam tu sebenarnya, kita sendiri kena cari. We are the ones who have to put in soo much effort to search for it. Stuff like that won't drop from the sky or something for us.
So now, while I'm working for it, I'm trying to make the best of everything I'm doing while I'm in Malaysia. Egypt won't be the same as Malaysia, and one thing I will surely miss is my family and my friends. Spending time with them is one of the must thing to do here.
Fiq had make me completely terharu tadi! She told me that Mek, Zaki, and her and some others will most probably send me to the airport. WOAH WOAH AKU SAYANG GILA SAMA KORANG SIAK! dan she added that they are planning to do something for me. T___T and while I'm supposed to be all happy and stuff,I am actually scared.
They have this otak gila when it comes to stuff like pulling on pranks on people, okay. Okay dah sumpah creepy. ahaha.
And Fiq sempat pulak buat lawak all of us should command Zaki and Mek to get married in our wills. HAHAHA.
Tengok tengok menyimpang jauh lagi.
Fatimah and Shakinah are coming back to Melaka! I am so stoked, and Fatimah had even came up with an idea of making a trip to London eh eh tak, Londang. YEYEYEYEYEYEYEYE boleh makan nasi ayam kat pengkalan balak geheheheheheh.
I received some useful advices from a friend of mine. Terharu ohh, and I have at least get an insight of someone who had been claimed as the "playboy". The truth is, I heard the rumors as well when I was wayyy back in high school, and after listening to what he has to say, it is something that is soooo waaaayyy different than what people have been talking about these few years.
speaking of which, AZURAAAAA! aku ada amik satu gambar ni. kau tengok laaa.

Azura and I have this incredulous ways of coming up with ridikulusly funny names for people. For example, Azura first call me bon bon. Then I decided to call her bon bon as well. Then tiba-tiba panggil cek ke bon bon, sebab macam sedap je en nak sebut.(cuba bayangkan kita sebut cek ke bon bon tu macam lagu Ricky Martin. Get it?)
Then tukar lagi, Azura: cek ke bon bon. Me: bon ke cit cit. kalau SMS dengan budak ni memang pening gile kadang-kadang bile tengok banyak sangat bon ke cit cit la, cek ke bon bon la, hahaha. memang gila.
so long story short, there's this presence of someone, ahhh Azura and I decided to call that certain individual by Pumpkin. And we decided to call that masa tengah dengar ceramah kat konvensyen UM dulu aaaaa wtf camana boleh came up with that name dahlah tengah dengar taklimat haiihhhh T__T

tapi takdalah se-annoying my younger bros, Danial and Aimran who spend their time memorizing advertisements. T__T hahha seriously, just listen to them reciting Hayate: the Combat Butler's advertisements. DORANG HAFAL WEHHHH.
ahaha comel ahh dorang. These are the kind of things that I will miss most nanti :'(
okey dah bye @.@.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
hell yeah babe, i'm so back. hello alam maya
NOOR FATIMAH MARDIAH, I hella miss you. PLEASE COME BACK TO MALACCA. I am freaking miserable without you here. :( And I even cried all out of sudden when I started to think that I won't get to see you that frequent once I'm already in egypt...Sheesh i don't wanna talk about that. you and i both agree that we're not the emotional type, the type that will say ohhh i miss you bla bla bla. ahahah. but once you're back here, please temankan aku cari kasut. tengah sale ni bebeh. apa lagiiiii. :D
HANI IZZATI, I miss chatting with you. Like seriously! :) and whatever decisions that you are making, you have my 100% full support. :D and i am soo proud of you! awww now i'm getting teary ya know! :D
FIQ, TERK, MEK, YANIE, BIBI, SHAROS, ZAKI, NAJIB, JOHN, BAD, I miss you guys, like hell. Big Time.
HANI IZZATI, I miss chatting with you. Like seriously! :) and whatever decisions that you are making, you have my 100% full support. :D and i am soo proud of you! awww now i'm getting teary ya know! :D
FIQ, TERK, MEK, YANIE, BIBI, SHAROS, ZAKI, NAJIB, JOHN, BAD, I miss you guys, like hell. Big Time.
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