Tuesday, June 30, 2009

khas untuk students of tutorial 4 :)

Untuk bebudak tutorial 4 untuk program PINTAR harituh.

Walaupun rehearsal jek, tapi korang memang gempak habis ahh.

Hidup Tutor 4!

HOMAIGOD sumpah aku rindu korang ouh!

Monday, June 29, 2009

saya tahu final epi season 2 gossip girl dah lama being aired, tapi tak kisah ahh saya tahu saya ketinggalan, saya tak kira saya nak buat gak post ni.

Ouh, saya memang betul-betul freako sebab terus buat new post lepas dapat tengok gossip girl finale episode of season 2. (okeh dapat tengok 8 minit je kot, tak dapat tengok full episode, busuk betul)

Dan saya tahu epi finale season 2 GG dah lama being aired, saya tahu saya tahu. Jadi sebelum kamu semua go "eh kau ni bedah oiii, cite lama kau nak kecoh kecohkan buat apa amboi amboi amboi ehh nakal eh kau ni" kepada saya, saya pohon kamu semua kasihanilah saya sebab saya tak dapat access kepada TV shows kegemaran saya selama beberapa bulan sejak saya berada di matriks sampailah saya menghabiskan kursus bahasa arab saya *wtf ayat nak explain memanjang

*bedah, pinjam nama kau.

Okay ceritanya begini.

Saya blog hopping tadi. Dan tetiba saya jumpa satu blog ni. Mula-mula saya takde ahh pay attention sangat en. Lagipun saya tengah fikir nak tidur je.

Then tiba-tiba saya nampak dia type...

"and it is all worth it when chuck bass said"i love you too"


Maka saya jadi segar bugar dan terus rasa macam nak melompat. Lepas tu saya sabarkan diri saya. Isbir, Isbir Qurratu, mungkin itu hanya helah semata-mata. Mungkin si blogger tersebut bermimpi Chuck-Bass-OMG-sumpah-kau-hot cakap ilapu kat si blogger. Mungkin juga dia seperti saya, dia bermonolog luaran yang dia mengharapkan chuck bass finally confess his feelings towards blair waldorf. Mungkin. Mungkin.

Tapi apabila saya membaca comments untuk post si blogger tu, saya dah terus jadi AAAAAAA TAK BOLEH JADI NI HARUS PERGI YOU TUBE HARUS HARUS NYAHH OIIIIIIIII. :(

Chuck Bass memang betul-betul cakap i love you too dekat Blair Waldorf.

Shit rupa-rupanya gossip girl dah sampai at the end of season 2. gile ketinggalan saya.

Jadi saya pun menggagahkan diri saya untuk pergi ke website rasmi gossip girl. Hmm hampeh. Terus saya pergi youtube.


Mula-mula saya jadi cair seketika sebab tengok Chuck-Bass-OMG-sumpah-kau-hot.

Tapi lepas tu bila fokus tu dah betul skit, dan bila saya dah tengok si Chuck-Bass-OMG-sumpah-kau-hot tunggu Blair Waldorf depan limo dia dengan presents in his hands,

dan bila Blair Waldorf cakap dia tak boleh nak percayakan Chuck-Bass-OMG-sumpah-kau-hot lagi because he hurts her too many times,

dan bila Chuck-Bass-OMG-sumpah-kau-hot finally cakap i love you too

dan bila tengok senyuman kegembiraan di muka Blair Waldorf dan muka Chuck-Bass-OMG-sumpah-kau-hot,

saya hampir menjerit dengan kuat di hadapan computer ini tapi dapat kawal sebab sedar yang sekarang dah nak pukul 3 pagi dan mungkin kalau saya jerit jiran sebelah akan complain kat mak saya yang anak dia tak tidur walaupun dah pukul 3 pagi.

*getting teary* finally a happy ending for both Blair Waldorf dan Chuck-Bass-OMG-sumpah-kau-hot.

Tapi sebenarnya nak sepuk kepala dorang berdua and jerit kat telinga dorang, "BOLEH TAK STOP MAIN TARIK TALI AND TURUNKAN EGO AND MENGAKU JE KORANG SAYANG EACH OTHER KAN SENANG ADOI"

Dan kenapa saya tak suka kristen bell? oh sebab character dia sebagai gossip girl yang sangat bitchy dalam finale episode tu membuatkan saya rasa ahh-wtf-kau-memang-busuk-ahh-kristen-bell.

Tengoklah sendiri, nanti kamu semua mesti faham perasaan saya ini.

p/s: ayat skema, blame it on tadi jadi hyper terus jadi senget seketika.

p/s lagik: i know i sounded macam tak betul sebab go all hyper just because of this, tapi GG die hard fans akan faham kot perasaan saya.

padan muka kena tatap gambar diorang. walaupun gambar lama tapi tak kisah ahh.

Okeh dah saya nak tidur. Toodles. :)

Semua orang ada minat tersendiri kan?

Teringat time waktu sekolah menengah dulu, kan selalu kena buat essay untuk English. Time tu memang suka gile lah, kalau buat essay tu mesti dengan penuh semangat.

Masa Form 4 and Form 5 la en, when it comes to examinations, paper English tu memang haruslah dijawab dengan 110% concentration and dengan penuh bersungguh-sungguh.

Sampai time SPM dulu, time jawab paper English, buat essay sampai nak nangis. Gee. Sappy gile ouh Qurratu.

Entah dari mana datang minat untuk menulis tu, aku pun tak tau. haha.

I don't even remember sejak bila I have the interest to write and also since when do I start writing.

Oh okeh dah ingat. Dulu time AF-mania dulu (okeh sue me, I used to be a fan of AF. But ONLY AF1 AND AF2. yang season lain semua macam hampeh~). And selalu jugaklah pergi website AF en time tu.

and kat website AF tu banyaklah jugak fans yang buat fanfiction. So it's like I was influenced by them jugakla untuk start writing ni. heh. Millions of thanks to those AF fans for exposing me towards this writing stuff and fanfiction thing. (ni serious ikhlas straight from the bottom of my heart weh.)

So the picture above is one perfect way to explain the situation that I'm in right now. Memang serious dari dulu sampai sekarang memang banyak cerita yang ditulis (check my pendrive and pc, then you'll believe it) tapi semua tak pernah habis.

Most of the time I wrote fanfictions la. I know it sounds macam lame tapi sebenarnya serious seronok. Sebab nanti besides writing about the celebrities, I would also include my friends and I in the stories as well. Wahaha. Talk about being all escaping into another world by creating my own fantasies through writing.

I know I sound like a freako or something, but hey, everyone has his or her own ways to escape from reality once in a while, right? And this is the way I do it. Sometimes if you see me all daydreaming or termenung jauh, that means I'm plotting the storyline for my writing in my head. And if you know me really well and if you do read what I have been writing, you will realize that I mostly write about what's happening around me.

It's like I write about what I have been going through for these past few years. So don't be surprised la heh kalau korang baca (KALAU lah), and then korang rasa macam, eh, eh, bukan ke dia cakap pasal aku ni? haaa. nasib ahh korang. ahaha.

And if you do remember in the previous posts, I have mentioned something about publishing a book en? Okeh. Tu memang one of my ultimate dreams la sebenarnya. Sumpah tak tipu. In fact, I have been thinking of becoming a writer kalau dah retired daripada jadi dentist nanti. You know, time kita dah ada anak cucu semua. (heeeeee, tak boleh blah dah fikir sampai situ dah enn).

Tapi publishing a book tu macam susah je nak berlaku. Entahlah. I have to admit that I AM SHY when people start reading the story that I have written. Sebab rasa macam aaaaahh, malunya, aku ni dahlah tak bagus mana punnnnn, and then gedik2 kasi orang baca. ;(

Ada interest untuk writing tak semestinya kita ada bakat enn?

So if you expect me to be all Shakespeare-y or if you expect me to write pantun, or sajak, or puisi, or something, I'm sorry, sampai sekarang tak boleh nak buat semua benda alah tu.

I think if you know me personally, I am one person that can talk non-stop. I tend to talk about everything and there are a lot of rants you can expect from me, tsk pity my friends la yang terpaksa tahan selama ni haha.

And I guess that loves-talking-attitude ni terbawak-bawak sampai ke dalam writing sekalik. Tulah kekadang kalau tulis essay dulu kat MGSS, boleh tulis sampai 4 muka surat.

Sampai Aina Not Not pun naik pelik camana kitorang pelik dengan sebegitu panjang.


Merapik and membebel tak boleh dipisahkan daripada Qurratu.

Termasuklah sekarang.

God, what am I doing? Ngeh. Blame the maximum level of boredom that I'm having right now for blurbing and babbling about these writing thing. Haha.

HOOMAAAIIIGGODDD kau memang cantik ahh hayley. sumpah aku jealous dengan rambut merah kau. DAH SAPE TAK SUKA PARAMORE TOLONG DIAM.

*tetiba upload gambar hayley. ahaha

Okeh dah bye. Tak tau nak merapik apa lagi. ahahaha.

p/s: eng aku makin teruk. hahah.

Will be posting more,

Sunday, June 28, 2009

anak pak din mengidam nak main drum.

kalau dia boleh buat, saya pun boleh buat.

Lepas ni kena buat date dengan Tre Cool la.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

all good things come to an end.

Honestly, what will become of me
Don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
Miss everything daydreaming

Salam everyone.
So the PINTAR programme has already ended.
Which brought me back to the oh-em-ji-i'm-so-bored-that-i-can-even-chew-my-nails-off-to-kill-some-time phase.

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Come to an end
Come to an
Why do all good things come to an end

So I just wanna summarize syuwaiyah about this programme that I have been attending for these past 2 months.

One awesome, wonderful, terbaik, quwaiz experience that I swear I will never ever forget.

Actually, before I attend this course, I was thinking, "Hell, I just wanna finish this course like super fast"

Because besides the fact that I do not have the basics in Arab, (yeah qu, sape suruh kau ponteng sekolah agama time sekolah rendah dulu -__-') I was also kinda pissed off sebab tak sangka yang course ni akan start gile cepat babeng (10 mei? like seriously, baru lepas habis matriks kot)

But bila dah start course neh, pergh, memang masyuk habis okeh :D

Traveling, I only stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay-tay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why

I have learnt a lot of new things back in UKM. Those Ammiah words, acting, singing in Arab, haha, making new friends, getting along with everyone, trying to suit myself in the new environment, staying up late till 4 or 5 in the morning (teringat tidur kat bilik cermin dengan syrrul, afrah, zura and farahin. seronok :D), pergi melepak kat azura tengah2 malam, speaking Arab, playing ping-pong in baju kurung, dinner, everything...

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Come to an end
Come to an
Why do all good things come to an end

I am never good with goodbyes.

And the dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon
So that they could...

Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon
Soon so that they could die
(Diee... Diee... Diee...)

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Come to an end
Come to an (end)
Why do all good things come to an end (end)

korang memang best gile okeh. memang tak nyesal kenal ngan korang :D korang memang quwaiz awi awi awi giddan giddan giddan! :D
to apek and farawala, millions of thanks for being the rais and raisah yang gempak and best! :D

tau tak yang aku rindu gile nak melagho sesama ngan korang walaupun baru sehari tak jumpa? :(

zati, thanks for sticking up with me, ngee. take care of your health, okeh?

sengal and gerraaam, tapi seronok okeh :D

can you notice the difference of heights between me and him????? okeh as if that's one hard thing to notice. -_-' haha

syrrul, gambar ni gelap hoh -__-' ngee.

siapa hebat? TUTOR 4! siapa gempak? TUTOR 4? Siapa power? TUTOR 4! TUTOR 4 TUTOR 4!

aku dah perasan nak jadi blair waldorf.

scandal paling hot di UKM. :D

When the dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon

And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day
Til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling and the clouds were dropping
And the rainfall forgot how to bring salvation
The dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune hoping it would come soon
So that they could die

As I have mentioned earlier, I was never good with goodbyes. I suck at it to be precise. I think that there's a lot for me to tell them, those peeps that I'll say goodbye to.

But IDK.
Sometimes I tend to keep everything bottled up inside, because I think that's a safer way to not letting your emotions controlling you.

ehhmm. I think I'm going to talk about that in my next post.

GMN-ians Fourth Batch, although it has only been one day since we last met, tapi aku dah wahesytuni awi awi awi giddan giddan giddan. serious rindu gile kat korang ouh.

Thanks for all the superb and wonderful memories that have been built together in KIY for the past 2 months. ily imy :)

Ashufkum tenni fil 18/7!

p/s: i know that this song mcm tak kena sangat en, tapi takpelah, what i'm trying to say here is, why does every good thing that's happening to us must come to an end? hee, by the way, the song is All Good Things Come to An End by Nelly Furtado.

Will be posting more,

Friday, June 26, 2009

May you Rest In Peace, MJ.

It had been a shocking news to me when my father told me about Michael-Jackson-died thing while I was on my way back home from UKM. And I have to say, I was hella shocked and my jaws were nearly dropped to the floor. I heard about the cancer thing that he had been going through, and I thought there are still some hopes for him to continue living, but it turns out that cardiac arrest caused his death.

I have always been a fan of him, despite all those controversies that he had been going through. My dad even bought DVD of him and sometimes my younger brothers and I will be lying down in front of the TV watching his video clips and singing along with him.

one of my favorite songs. daripada kecik sampai besar tak pernah lupa vid clip dia. hee.

RIP Michael Jackson. A legendary performer, a pop icon that had touched the hearts of his fans with his songs

Saturday, June 20, 2009

blue and yellow colored nails macam hot.

haven't been updating my writing for ages wehh. I assume I'm having this writer's block thingy or whatsoever. Arrrrrhhh. My hands are itching to continue writing but aarrrrrrrrrrr. geerraaammm taaauuu. Idea tu mcm tak nak kuar je ohh.

I have tried asking my mom that I have been thinking of publishing a book or something.

But of course la weh,dengan tengah nak fikir lagi pasal nak pergi blajar semua tu, my mom discouraged me la. Takpe takpe, aku faham. hoho.

Tapi en tapi en tapi en, I WILL try to finish the writing thingy ASAP. wee :D

weh by the way, everyone is talking about Drag Me To Hell. Okeh people people, tak payah tengok okeh cerita neh kalau tak nak keluar dari cinema dengan baju yang basah dek air tertumpah or kalau korang tak nak keluar dari cinema dengan jantung/hati yang sakit, kalau korang tak nak keluar dari cinema dengan sumpah seranah, lebih baik tak payah tengok cerita tu.

Sebab seriously, cerita tu terlampau banyak dan surprising-scenes overdosed weh. Sampai aku sendiri dah rasa penat nak tengok.

And the ending is such a @$$%^$^$*^)(()_)(*(&*MNYUB^%_)_)+ la weh.

Lebih baik tengok Slumdog berulang-ulang kali.

Dan LOTR. emmmm, yummmy Orlando *eee geli geli

Dan Terminator.

Which brought me to the fact that I haven't watched Terminator Salvation sampai Sharos pun cakap aku ketinggalan, or was it Angels and Demons....

Okeh Qurratu diam sekarang.

sheet double u tee eff la weh. nak blog pun sumpah da takde idea.

p/s: the title of the post memang tak associated langsung dengan this post. ahaha. btw, oh em jii dah jatuh cinta dengan Elianto.

p/s lagik: feeewwwiiitt, ada orang tu mesti dah terlonjak keriangan sampai kalau lompat atas katil spring katil boleh patah sebab tangkap gambar dengan prince charming dia. *Nau, sila rasa terasa haha

will be posting more,

Friday, June 19, 2009

Everyone's spread out throughout this Malaysia la wehhhh.

Fiq - UPM
Terk - UMS
Yanie - UiTM Shah Alam (Kau dapat jugak pharmacy weh!! be grateful for it and congratulations machaaa!! :D)
Zaki - UKM
Mek - UKM (korang memang ar weh, suka sangat buat komplot nak belajar kat tempat yang sama. Aku tak kira aku nak kad jemputan korang kawen sampai kat mansoura nanti wehhhhh :P)
Sharos - UniMAP (weh, thanks sebab sudi spare your credit to call me. Kau memang kuwaaiizz, terbaaaiiikk la wehhh. :D)
John - UMK (Jauhnye wehh!)
Fifah - UMP (Ohhh emm jiii i am seriously happy for you okeh!)
Timah - UM (I'm seriously happy for you sampai daripada mamai terus jadi segar bugar and terus rasa my eyes are already clouded with tears. :D)
Najib - UMS (bro, chill okeh? Be grateful for what you got. Ada hikmah beneath all of this okehh.)

Sape lagi sape lagi ea?

Congrats guys :D Now that all of you have the opportunity to further your studies, whether you really wanted the course or not, make the best out of it. Do not repeat the same mistakes that we have kept doing from dulu-dulu lagi.

And thanks to that brilliant advice that you have mentioned earlier, Terk. Kau doakanlah untuk aku kat sana, okeh. Aku take up dentistry ni untuk kau jugak. :)

Ki Chan a.k.a. Firdaus is going to Cairo instead of Mansoura. :( Kinda sad news for me actually, because that means that salah satu lagi ahli geng Geram takda kat Mansoura. Hell, mcm takda kot dorang kat Mansoura. Sedih ohh. :(

p/s : to zura, no hope no love no glory, no happy ending. double u tee eff betullah ennnn. sabar ea zura :(

Will be posting more,

Saturday, June 13, 2009

tagged by mas

What is your name?

How old are you?
17 and 6 months...tak kira aku nak cakap aku 18 gak. (bored of being the under-age kid)

When is your birthday?
9 dec

You are looking forward to?

i'm bored of not doing anything besides this arabic course i'm attending. cepatlah sept oit!

Are you happy?
clueless about that

What makes you happiest?
being with fam and friends.

Are you afraid of something?

Do you live alone, or with someone else?
i live with my fam la ngeng skrg


Do you have any pets?

What is your favorite cartoon?
Totally Spies

Have you ever hit a deer?
Shuush, another sensitive question. because it will remind me that i'm the only one among my friends that I haven't had any driving license yet. busuknyeee.

Do you drink?
plain water, yes. Booze, no.

Do you prefer beer or liquor?
air coconut shake mcm best

What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
plain wter. aha.

What kind of cell phone do you have?

Do you like it?
yea.except for the failure of the keypads la. boleh faham tak keypad space plak tu yang tak boleh tekan. terbaaiikk la.

What is the funniest word you ever heard?

Do you hate it when people call you "dear"?
agaklah. geli.

To whom have you sent the most text messages?
err? tak tahu. semua kawan2 ku kot. aha

What did you do for new year's eve?
ouh, berdiri di tingkap kt balkoni tingkat 4 blok b1 sambil melihat bunga api. tsk, dat sounds super pathetic okeh. shafiq sibuk2 nak riak dengan aku kat uitm ada main bunga api. DUSH.

Were there lots of pictures?

What is your favorite movie?
Slumdog all the way

What is your favorite song?
banyak kot. currently mika's happy ending and sheryl crow's first cut is the deepest is my fav.

What concerts did you want to see in 2009?
concert gelek kat mesir. HAHAH. eew.

What is your favorite place to chill out?
di mana ada kawan, di situ jua mahu ku tuju

Do you work out?
trying :)

Do you wear any jewelry?
nope. hate it actually to be precise.

What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years?
ouh. BANYAK! Matrix life is definitely one of them.

What is your goal for the year?
Tebus balik kesilapan yang dah dibuat masa matriks dulu time kat egypt nanti. wee.

What do you think about when you first wake up?
aaa. pukul bape?

Do you shower daily?
of course la weh.


Have you ever eaten sushi?

Did you like it?
nah, not really. i have italian tounge. ahaha.

List five things you can't live without:
Allah, fam, friends, phone, money.

What is your best physical feature?
ask them. they judge better.

What is your middle name?
dont have any

Do you get choked up during dramatic movies?
at times.

Have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate?
aaa. no kot.

Is there anything that you regret?
of course la. i believe everyone does have one.

Do you want children?
sure :)

How many?

What is your favorite number?
4 and 9

What is your favorite sports team?

What is your most over-used phrase?
"seronoknya!" it gets annoying i can tell

What do you not say enough?
thanks for everything? ahahahah. sappy

You and your other half?
other half of what? liver kah? ahah

Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her?
ohh i'm so-o over eric szmanda, HAHA BUSUK. there's none of them to be remembered.

Are you currently with someone?

Do you love him/her?
nah, ahha

Who said "I love you" first?
my mom, aaha

my house, ahha

What is your most significant relationship?
relationship with my fam, weee.

What is the most romantic thing a significant other can do?
adoi. ini soalan untuk those lovey dovey couples ke? skip skip

Do you like pet names?

Do you have any?

Do you believe in living together before engagement/​marriage?​

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Have you ever broken someone's heart?

Does this person know you better than anyone else?
Allah knows me the best :)

Would you marry this person?
skip skip

Are you happy with your sex life?
gile hape. ahaha.

Who is "Your" band?

What is "Your" song?
currently a lil bit of Mika's Happy Ending and a lil bit of Sheryl Crow's First Cut is The Deepest

Do you think you'll be together for a long time?
adoi. skip skip

Do you do a lot of surveys?
now, no.

Did you like this one?
tak lgsg. haha!

tag sume orang!


Al-Fatihah to my beloved great grandmother who passed away last night, 13th of June 2009.

May Allah Bless.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

si gajah hebat.

Despite the annoying and happy-go-lucky front that I put up everyday on my face, I am still someone that has mountains of inferioty building up inside her.

Daaaayyymmn. Nau, Zura, I need you both now.

my roomate-to-be in mesir nanti, insya-Allah.

zura, your bubbliness cheer me up when i'm in the foul mood, like right now.

malam ni tutorial 4 ada buat aktiviti. Nak pergi nak pergi. But yet I'm so far away in Malacca, Huwaaa. :(

Speaking of tutorial 4, OHHH EMM JII Alhamdulillah our tutorial is getting more awesome and fun everyday. Memang serious best ohhh. Like for example, yesterday we have to do this some kind of musical (thanks to Qayyum, huarh), and as usual, each tutorial must act it out in front of the kuliah. And here's a video for all of you.

Memang korang marvelous ohh. marvelous and superb, korang best gile okeh! :D

Firdaus, Muhsin, Amirul, korang juga marvelous and adorable okeh. :D you guys make great friends. :DD Sayang betul aku takde gambar korang, kalau tak memang aku dah post kat blog ni.

i think it's been already well-established that i adore gajah so much. Gajah memang hebat. tengok tu, sampai kat kipas retro tu pun aku tulis gajah hebat.

okay dah bye.

will be posting more,

Sunday, June 7, 2009

cik laila, sila perlahankan suara anda.


Okay y'all.

Nama I sekarang ialah Laila. Sebab hari tu masuk kelas ustaz Khalid, and long story short, he decided to call me Laila. Haha. Sooo. Nama ni kan ada aura-aura keayuan sikit, jadi i kenalah jadi ayu skit dalam blog dari segi penulisan. ahaha.

Dahlah dipanggil Laila, I was also asked to slow down or tune down the volume of my voice masa dalam kelas ustaz Khalid tuh. Okay the thing is, dah memang suara I macam tu. Time I nak baca masa kelas Ustaz Khalid, I did it without not so much effort pun taw. Dah memang naturally suara I kuat. ahaha.

i tak suka ohh gambar i dalam gmbr neh. tapi apa nak buat kan, i kan laila sekarang, jadi tangkap gambar pun kena ayu.

i suka gambar ni, sebab muka i nampak flawless gitu. ahaha.

okay both of these two pictures MUST be put up in my blog. bak kata Zura, TRANSFORMASI Y'ALL!!.

they say candid pictures taken during one laughing might show the true beauty of that particular individual. you decide. :)

korang, dia ni sangat-sangat expert when it comes to driving. mcm pro seh. :)

Alah, I nak post jugak gambar I dengan Fatin dan Farah, tapi I tak bluetooth lagi dari dorang.

Kalau muka I nampak mcm busuk je dalam gambar2 ni, maafkanlah I okey. We have just spent approximately 6 hours at Alamanda after our class finished at 12 pm last Friday.

Apart from the fact that we have spent an hour karaoke-ing. Okey, i think it's not really a singing session, it's more to SHOUTING session, sekian terima kasih. AAAA. BTW, bestnye nyanyi lagu The Killers. :D

OH EM JI, our lecture last friday was AWESOME with a capital a. Memandangkan semua tak nak belajar ikut module, hence, Ustazah Fadhilah pun decide all of us berlakon. All of us kena kumpul balik dalam tutorial masing-masing, and each tutorial will be given a situation that we need to put into acting.

and tutorial i dapat "fil mansourah". nah video dia.

Yesterday Shakinah SMS-ed me, informing me about the reunion that my class is going to held next friday. Insya-Allah, I'm going to the reunion. And I have to admit that I am FREAKING STOKED WEHHHH!!

It had been ages since I last saw my ex-classmates of 5K1. And I miss them like hell ouuuhhh. :(

I wanna go back to Malacca la weh!

people, meet missy Qubuggie.


BTW, Mary Higgins Clark's books are my new drug weh! :D

okey dah bye.

p/s: so what do you think my post by using all the "I's" as my kata ganti nama? ahaha. so not me weh.

will be posting more,

p/s lagik: teringat time taekwondo last thursday, zura and I went to kacau2 Hawa. We said that she's tall and stuff and we're small and kecik and pendek. Then Hawa pun exclaim, "Korang kecik, comel apa."

Zura dan aku tergamam and terkedu and sudah tersenyum2.

hell yes, I am proud to be one of the kecik-ians. :D