Salam. Ahoyyyy everyone (cett, nak ahoy everyone pebedenanya, padahal kau tahu yang readers kau tinggal berapa kerat je disebabkan kau private kan blog kau), surprise surprise surprise, kali ini saya menulis dalam mood yang agak baik! Mungkin kerana saya baru sahaja lepas sembahyang subuh, maka semua benda pun terasa tenang walaupun Take Aim by Kasabian sedang memekak di telinga dan walaupun saya tak sabar untuk mendengar album baru Muse. Ye betul, solat mampu menyebabkan saya berasa lebih tenang dan hati yang gundah gulana pun mampu menyebabkan saya rasa normal kembali.
BTW, saya rasa (nak kena pelempang ke apa sebab guna saya) sangat excited because I have finally reached my 100th post BABEYH! Couldn't believe that this blog has managed to stay active for how many years already. HAIH. So much has happened and sometimes I could browse through the old posts just to remember what have happened in the past few years. Eceh aku cakap macam bajet ni diari aku dah tulis since aku pakai tudung sekolah selekeh and pakai braces masa aku form 4 form 5 padahal baru dua tahun je. WEH OHMAIGOD DUA TAHUN DAH BLOG NI. BESAR ANAK MAK. =')
2009 is coming to an end. OHMAIGOD OHMAIGOD TAK SANGKA 2009 IS GOING TO END IN APPROXIMATELY 17 HOURS AND I'M TURNING 19 NEXT YEAR. OHMAIGOD OHMAIGOD CAN YOU BELIEVE IT PEOPLEEEEEEE 19 BABEYHHHHHH. Macam if you have that number "1" kat age kau, kau macam diberi excuse untuk berlaku reckless and such sebab orang akan cakap, ohh, kau baru 19, remaja lagi, muda lagi, they are bound to make mistakes and stupid actions, biasalah nak try benda2 baru. OKAY KENAPA AKU RASA AKU KEDENGARAN SANGAT SANGAT STEREOTYPE AND CLICHE AND SANGAT BERFIKIRAN TERTUTUP? Macam kalau remaja je mesti diorang akan buat benda-benda yang bodoh padahal tak pun. YAAAY.
Okaayy memandangkan tinggal lagi beberapa jam je untuk aku menikmati the sweetness of being an 18-year-old, ALAAA BESTNYA 18 TAHUN, kedengaran market sikit kan, okay menyimpang, ayuh dan marilah, dan taffaddal dan yallah untuk buat recap of 2009 dan mungkin akan juga saya pilih beberapa perkara yang membuat impak dan efek terbesar dalam hidup saya. :D
Perkara-perkara yang berlaku dalam hidup si Gorgeous:
1. Managed to find myself one whole group of supportive friends yang bengong.
Afiqah Azali, Atiqah Yusoff, Fatinah Kauthar, Yanie Abdullah, Bibi Sakira, Syafiq Roslan, Zaki (fak aku tak ingat nama ayah kau), Badrul Hisyam, Syazwan, Najib Hilmi (Najib, I owe you so much. Sumpah kau kawan yang baik doe). KAU ORANG MEMANG DAH BAWAK CHANGES DALAM HIDUP AKU DOE. Susah senang kita bersama, each one of us are there for us through whatever, aku berani cakap camtu sebab dah banyak benda yang kita lalui sesama. Kes aku dan satu bilik kena panggil dengan Puan Safizan sampai menangis-nangis dan sampai mula membayangkan kegelapan hidup yang bakal ditempuhi kalau kena buang kolej, saat Fiq pengsan dan aku kena berlari sana sini cari felo yang last-last marah aku sebab time tu dah pukul 11, saat aku kena jalan balik sorang-sorang ke blok B1 dan only God knows betapa cuaknya aku dahlah LONDANG weh, saat Mek terasa dengan clank diaaa, saat Mek ada masalah dengan felo diaa, saat Najib dan soulmate dia Zaki haha bergaduh, saat tandakan attendance untuk korang semua, saat kawad kaki, saat pergi pantai, WEHHH RINDU WEHHH. Walaupun aku dah buat tahi sebab tak bagitahu korang awal-awal pasal aku nak pergi kursus bahasa Arab and Mesir ni, korang still stick with me. =') Sumpah sayang dan korang nyawa aku.
2. Berjumpa dengan soulmate a.k.a. kembar yang bernama Nurul Syafika Ruslan.
YESSS. Finally aku jumpa juga kembar aku. Finally aku dapat jugak ada kembar macam Echa and Gdah. Haha. First time meeting her was in the bilik pantry, waiting for our turn to iron our clothes. Masa tu memang tak bertegur sangat pun, I am not really friendly with new people. Started to get close to her masa bluetooth2 lagi. Den ada time yang dia berlari dari bilik dia ke bilik aku semata-mata nak download lagu Damaged by Danity Kane walhal time tu masih lagi dalam fasa "Hi-Bye". Den somehow, makin rapat dengan dia. Dia selalu sleepover bilik aku, we went through that Aiman-Ezwan-Acap phase together (Cakap terima kasih kat aku cepat sebab aku guna nama Ezwan instead of TUUT)and when it comes to melagho or such, memang banyak sangat melagho dengan Peeka ni. Haihh. Entahlah tapi macam banyak sangat benda yang aku dah buat dengan kau walhal baru kenal setahun. Tapi sayang aku kat kau dah macam sayang aku dekat kawan yang aku kenal since aku kecik. MUNGKINKAH KITA BETUL-BETUL KEMBAR PEEKA? HAAA ITU YANG KITA TAK TAHU. (Ohmaigod ohmaigod aku annoying sila lempang) Pendek kata, PEEKA I LAP YOU FOREVER BABEYH!
3. Managed to graduate from Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka.
Aaaaa. Salah satu phase dalam hidup aku yang paling manis. 17 April marked the end of my study there. Teringat baru a few seconds keluar dari pagar Matriks dah menjerit rinduuuuuuuuuuu dengan Timah. Gaah. Malas nak cerita banyak-banyak sebab once you get me start to talk about Matriks, sampai aku habis Idadi' kat sini pun tak habis-habis aku cerita. And Alhamdulillah, CGPA pun mampu buat aku tersenyum walaupun aku tahu yang itu bukan the best that I can get. (wah! riaknye bunyi. Astaghfirullahalazim). Tapi conclusion : Matriks = Bahagia.
4. Kursus Bahasa Arab di UKM.
Ohoh yeah, aku memang menempah maut betullah kan sebab masuk kursus ni. Can you believe it pipeeeelll, Arab? Dulu aku tolak mentah-mentah masuk sekolah Sharodz, faktor utamanya ialah sebab aku fobia dengan Bahasa Arab. Dulu pun masa sekolah agama aku paling banyak mood "Tak-kuasa-mak-eyyy-nak-belajar" ialah masa waktu bahasa Arab. Kau tengoklah macam mana Allah SWT balas weh. BELAJAR DI MESIR DI MANA MEDIUM BAHASANYA IALAH ARAB WAH. Okay berbalik pada pokok perbincangan, ye, aku menyertai kursus bahasa arab di UKM. Macam kelakar pun ada sebab aku bawak luggage macam nak duduk kat sana setahun. Cet. First time dapat jejak kaki dalam UKM. First time duduk satu bilik dua orang. Masa mula-mula masuk, selalu duduk dengan Husna, Farah, Fatin, Atirah, Fatin Tsara, Boney and Sara. Ingat lagi first day of kuliah duduk belakang Mad and the gang and start dari situ dah boleh hafal nama dia and Qomp. When it comes to sorting ourselves into tutors, bila dengar je nama Ahmad Safuan last-last masa announce kan pelajar untuk tutor 4, I actually cringed? Sebab takut hahah aku takut dengan Mad. Okay kenapa kita bercakap pasal dia? T____________T
Henden aku bertemu dengan HSC. HSC - Hot Single Club okay sila gelak nama geng kitorang kelakar. Qu-Zura-Nau-Aisyah-Belle-Husna-Farah-Aten-Jee. Haihh. BEST WEH BEST SANGAT ni salah satu phase yang paling manis dalam hidup aku. Slowly aku makin suka kat bahasa Arab. Best sangat bila dah boleh faham sikit-sikit bahasa yang pernah buat aku takut dulu. Siap berlakon and menyanyi dalam bahasa arab wehhh hamboi maju doe Qu hamboi hamboi hamboiiii. SIAP MENARI ZAPIN LAGI HAMBOI HAMBOI HAMBOIIII PART 2. Sama macam matriks, aku tak nak cerita pasal kursus ni sebab it will take forever for me to stop talking about sebab mcm aku cakap tadi, it is one of the best things that has happened to me. Sila buat emoticon menangis sambil tersenyum sambil keluar hingus sekarang.
5. Lesen.
Sangat rasa rendah diri dan sangat fedap dan sangat bosan bila diri ini selalu dijadikan bahan usikan dan ejekan hanya kerana tiada lesen. Sekali HAH AMIK KAU! siap fail on the road sekali sila gelak dan sila buat tanda L di dahi. Memang macam tahi jugak bila fail on the road sebab memang dah aim nak pass and memang dah aim nak bawak rakan-rakan kesayangan jalan-jalan ronda-ronda sekeliling melaka. Tetapi apabila dah fail...apakan daya cuma mampu menangis sahaja. Nasib baik emosi tidak terjejas tatkala menjalani ujian dalam litar pula. Dan apabila pass for the second time and apabila sudah mendapat lesen, YABEDA BEDUUUUUUUUUUU SAMPAI KE SELANDAR PERNAH KU BAWA KERETA ACCENT ITU DAN SAMPAI KERETA MYVI APEK TUA YANG BAIK HATI PUN PERNAH AKU LANGGAR. God bless the apek la weh sebab tak charge aku apa-apa pun sebab kemekkan hump Myvi dia and sebab tak marah aku. Tapi serious bila dah dapat lesen rasa bebas. Semua tempat nak conquer kereta tu sampai bergaduh dengan ibu sebab nak drive. Henden teringat time jalan-jalan raya dengan teman-teman MGSS dari pagi sampai malam sehingga mendapat pujian daripada Mun yang aku nampak cool dengan Accent itu. Wah bestnya cepatlah bulan 7 tak sabar nak pegang stereng Accent.
6. Mula menanam perasaan cinta kepada Kasabian, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Muse serta The Strokes.
Terima kasih kepada kau, aku dah mula minat Kasabian. Terima kasih kepada Mad kerana aku dah mula meminati The Strokes. Dan terima kasih kepada diri sendiri, aku dah mula meminati Yeah Yeah Yeahs dan Muse. Current obsession adalah Undisclosed Desires oleh Muse. Kalau ada orang yang menyanyikan lagu ini untuk aku, nescaya akan aku limpahkan kasih sayang aku terhadap kau.
Perlu ke aku elaborate panjang-panjang pasal ini? Ini salah satu lagi perkara yang paling manis berlaku dalam hidup aku. The Gonjs ditubuhkan; Qu-Zura-Nau-Skina. Kenal dengan lebih ramai orang. Mula bergaul dengan orang Arab yang ada yang baik dan ada yang macam ^%&%^&$^()(. The Babeyhs juga mula ditubuhkan; Ikyn-Haneyh-Izzy-Qu. Surprise birthday party untuk aku yang dianjurkan oleh Gonjs and Babeyhs. <333333. Dah mula berkawan dengan si senget + condong : Pito, Sunyi dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Serious mereka sengal dan kalau ada soalan What is something that they did that could make you laugh I would say everything. <3 Sudah mula ada nafsu untuk membeli belah dan sudah mula ada nafsu untuk ber'sense of style' haha dulu aku selekeh je makkk. Sudah pandai berinteraksi dengan pak dan mak arab; "Khamastasyar mumkiiiin? Ana auzah lau deh khamastasyar, lak isyirin". Sudah mula menyayangi Physics. Sudah boleh tersenyum sebab dah ada pengalaman membedah katak. Sudah boleh berbangga kerana kini pergi ke kelas pernah memakai gladiator with heels dari Vincci dulu pergi kelas pakai flats dari Nose dan Casper je. Sudah boleh memasang balik niat untuk diet sebab sini heaven of food, kalau diikutkan nafsu nak makan je semua OHH PIZZA KING I LAP U WAIT FOR ME tengok tu kan dah terkeluar monolog dalaman. Sudah boleh membeli belah winter coats dan boots sebab sini sejuk macam kau tak payah pasang pun kipas kalau kau pasang kipas maksudnya kulit kau kulit buaya.
Memang best duduk di Mesir, memang tak tipu walaupun Allah je tahu betapa banyak dugaan yang terpaksa aku dan kawan-kawan aku especially dentistry-ians hadapi kat sini. Tapi just keep holding strongly onto your faith and your belief that everything's going to turn out fine and everything that happened must have it's own pros and contras and mesti ada hikmahnya, and insya-Allah we can get throught it. Serious, dengan dorang ni, aku dah rasa banyak sangat benda yang kalau difikirkan balik memang menyentap jiwa habislah. Bayangkan, kau di oversea tanpa mak bapak kau dan kau dicampakkan dengan masalah yang aku rasa terlalu besar untuk remaja berusia 18-19 tahun tanggung, tapi Alhamdulillah semuanya okay finally. =') Aku sayang korang semua, sumpah. Susah perit suka duka kita lalui bersama. Paat, Hariz, Ijat, Iqbal, TJ, Aiiman, aku doakan korang semua di Azhar doing fine, okayyy? Aku sayang korang weh serious. Bila orang kuat macam korang pergi, memang terasa weh, but it's okay. The remaining of us will pick up the pieces and bits of us and put it all back together again. HIDUP DENTISTRY!
8. Homesick.
Makin hari makin teruk makin hari makin berleluasa. Semalam berbual dengan nenek aku sampai aku menangis teresak-esak lepas tu sebab rasa bersalah dah lama tak contact beliau semasa ketiadaan ibu ayah aku di Malaysia. Macam aku melepaskan tanggungjawab aku kat nenek aku and nenek aku terkontang-kanting jaga adik aku. YA ALLAH SERIOUS AKU RASA BERSALAH SANGAT. Bila dengar suara excited nenek aku macam Ya Allah apa aku dah buat ni...aku rasa macam aku ni cucu yang sangat ungrateful. ='( SUDAH JANGAN SAMPAI AKU VIDEO CALL TIMAH DAN MENANGIS TERESAK-ESAK DAN JANGAN SAMPAI AKU MENANGIS TERESAK-ESAK SAMBIL MENUTUP MUKA AKU DENGAN TUALA MUKA MAK AKU DEPAN AZURA, NAU DAN SKINA. Penat dah aku cakap dengan ibu ayah aku yang aku cemburu sebab diorang dah sampai Melaka. Tsk tsk. Tak sabar nak tengok Danial pakai baju sekolah and annoy aku, tak sabar nak bergurau dengan Aimran tapi dia dah nak masuk sekolah Telok Mas dah =(, tak sabar nak bergaduh dan annoy Luqman dan Arsyad, tak sabar nak bercerita dengan ibu and ayah aku, tak sabar nak cium nenek, CEPATLAH BULAN 7.
Dan aku nak cakap, throughout the time di mana aku terpaksa berdepan dengan masalah emotional yang menyesakkan kepala aku ni, aku nak ambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada MUNIRAH HASHIM DAN NOOR FATIMAH MARDIAH. Terima kasih kamu berdua yang juga merupakan soulmates saya sebab tidak penat memberi aku nasihat dan tak penat dengar aku membebel pasal masalah aku. Terima kasih sebab selalu ada untuk aku. MUN, I OWE YOU SO MUCH WEHHH. SO FREAKING MUCH. AKU SAYANG KORANG, TAHUUUUU! SUMPAH. NYAWA AKU WEHHH. NYAWA WEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. =') =')
Ohhh. 4 jam aku spend untuk membuat satu post ni. *claps* Memang skill blogging kau dah makin zero ah weh. Apa-apapun, aku rasa aku seorang je yang takda resolution baru sempena tahun 2010. Hmm. Tu sebabnya aku masih lagi di takuk lama? Okeylah okeylah, aku cuma harapkan untuk 2010 ni, aku
1. Tak malas belajar.
2. Study hard and smart.
3. Mumtaz or Jaid Jiddan. TOLONGLAH AMIN.
4. Save duit.
5. Umrah.
6. Malaysia, July okay?
7. Control my temper.
31st December 2009. :D Dan masih lagi dapat bernafas. Alhamdulillah.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
"Akak belajar betul-betul tau. Sembahyang jangan sesekali tinggal. Rajin-rajinkanlah sembahyang. Jangan sesekali tinggal. Belajar betul-betul tau Aini. Make sure Akak balik dengan result yang cemerlang. Make sure akak bawak balik Mumtaz. Make sure tau. Nanti tahun depan kita buat umrah sama-sama ehhh."
"Take care of yourself there. Wishing you the best of luck and happy new year."
A wake up call and a reminder from both of my parents who are on their flight back to Malaysia now. Remembering these reminders from them caused me to go a bit emotional for a while because oh God how high hopes that my father and my mother put on me. I am not stressed about that, but you know, it will kill me to hurt both of them and to let them down by not getting Mumtaz or Jaid Jiddan. And I have to say that day by day I begin to doubt my own abilities. By looking at the seniors, I begin to wonder if I could ever get Mumtaz or Jaid Jiddan. OH GOD.
I promise I'll try, ibu, ayah. These reminders indeed did raise my spirits up actually. :)
Oh btw, to be honest my homesick-ness is getting worse day by day. IDK why, I feel like July is a looooongggg way to go before I could go back to Malaysia for my holiday. Idk, maybe because I haven't seen my family for about, emm, let's see, 3 MONTHS? yeah I know I am making a big deal of this, pfft, but IDK, but uh, OKAY CUT IT OUT OKAY BYE BYE PEOPLE I'M LOGGING OFF.

Ohh one adik missing. Tulah sape suruh gedik lagi nak balik awal before Aidilfitri break. Tengok kan tak boleh ponteng a few days to see your beloved kakak fly off. T___T

One happy family. =')
p/s : i am sooooooooooooo looking forward for July.
"Take care of yourself there. Wishing you the best of luck and happy new year."
A wake up call and a reminder from both of my parents who are on their flight back to Malaysia now. Remembering these reminders from them caused me to go a bit emotional for a while because oh God how high hopes that my father and my mother put on me. I am not stressed about that, but you know, it will kill me to hurt both of them and to let them down by not getting Mumtaz or Jaid Jiddan. And I have to say that day by day I begin to doubt my own abilities. By looking at the seniors, I begin to wonder if I could ever get Mumtaz or Jaid Jiddan. OH GOD.
I promise I'll try, ibu, ayah. These reminders indeed did raise my spirits up actually. :)
Oh btw, to be honest my homesick-ness is getting worse day by day. IDK why, I feel like July is a looooongggg way to go before I could go back to Malaysia for my holiday. Idk, maybe because I haven't seen my family for about, emm, let's see, 3 MONTHS? yeah I know I am making a big deal of this, pfft, but IDK, but uh, OKAY CUT IT OUT OKAY BYE BYE PEOPLE I'M LOGGING OFF.
p/s : i am sooooooooooooo looking forward for July.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Salam everyone. I am safe back in Mansoura, and currently I am trying my best to not shiver on this bed and I can't help but keep comparing the weather here and in Alex. Yes, I have spent 2 days and 2 nights in Alex, and I have to say that the trip to Alex is one hella fun and great experience. And I can spot a vast difference between Mansoura and Alex. For eg, the city in Alex is obviously prettier, DUH. There are like McDs at every street the buildings there sorta remind me of France, Italy and obviously things that do not exist in Mansoura are shopping malls and the beach! <333. And we did get to ride on the trem (Dunno how to spell it though), which reminds me of San Francisco, and I get to have my first ride on tremko, which is actually a taxi van. Haha haven't been on one in Mansoura because it looks just damn scary, because it is so damn packed and eewy but in Alex, I actually loved it? hahaha. But all in all, after going back from Alex, my heart still prefers here, Mansoura. Sometimes, simplicity is the best :)
Btw, before heading to Alex last Saturday, the GMN-ians had a gathering at Dewan Istad Gamaah and IT WAS AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! I can really feel the Raya atmosphere back then with everyone's wearing our traditional costumes including the boys! I think all of us were more excited for the camwhoring time and yess I practically take pictures with almost everyone! Gehehehe. Gehehehhee. Gehehehehe.
Ohhh btw part 2, FINAAAALLLYYY I get to meet Wan Amirul and Muhsin and it was a big pleasure to meet them! Muhsin would be a really great tour guide and I would recommend all of you to hire him as one if you're planning a visit to Alex! Hahaha. He practically memorized every facts about Alex I think! And our Alexandri-ans friends have shown a great hospitality here. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SYRRUL MUHSIN AMIRUL(ROSYAM) SYAHMI WEEN INARAH AQILA SYEROK HAJAR ABE BELLE SEMUALAAA THANK

miahahahah cubaan pertama sebelum melagho dan mentekedarah.

miahahaha cubaan kedua sebelum melagho dan mentekedarah.

miahahaha cubaan ketiga sebelum melagho dan mentekedarah dah ni dah macam beauty pageant dah.




bersama kembar Bangi huauhuahua comell comelll

muka aku sangat annoying walhal dia............

inilah keluarga saya sekarang.

inilah keluarga saya sekarang part2.

Syahmi cakap: "Aku nak tangkap gambar dengan the Gonjs!" WAHAHAHA rindu kau syahmi

Teman baik <3


Apa kejadah jalan malam-malam pakai baju kurung tapi comel kan kan kan :D
In a nutshell, ececeh bajet essay SPM, these past few dats were full with experiences, I should say. And I am looking forward for the next trip with them. <3333
P/S: I must have a really nice sleep last night since I sound awkwardly happy.
P/S: YOU make me go lalala la wehhhhhhhhhhh with your baju melayuuuuuuuuuuu.
Btw, before heading to Alex last Saturday, the GMN-ians had a gathering at Dewan Istad Gamaah and IT WAS AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! I can really feel the Raya atmosphere back then with everyone's wearing our traditional costumes including the boys! I think all of us were more excited for the camwhoring time and yess I practically take pictures with almost everyone! Gehehehe. Gehehehhee. Gehehehehe.
Ohhh btw part 2, FINAAAALLLYYY I get to meet Wan Amirul and Muhsin and it was a big pleasure to meet them! Muhsin would be a really great tour guide and I would recommend all of you to hire him as one if you're planning a visit to Alex! Hahaha. He practically memorized every facts about Alex I think! And our Alexandri-ans friends have shown a great hospitality here. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SYRRUL MUHSIN AMIRUL(ROSYAM) SYAHMI WEEN INARAH AQILA SYEROK HAJAR ABE BELLE SEMUALAAA THANK

In a nutshell, ececeh bajet essay SPM, these past few dats were full with experiences, I should say. And I am looking forward for the next trip with them. <3333
P/S: I must have a really nice sleep last night since I sound awkwardly happy.
P/S: YOU make me go lalala la wehhhhhhhhhhh with your baju melayuuuuuuuuuuu.
Friday, November 27, 2009
I spend my Eid Adha walking at the empty street of Shari' Gala', eating Bahgat & Samir and having a few brief conversations with the rest of the gang.
How pathetic is that.
And I shall say that these past few days I have been utterly moody and now we're talking about mood swing baaaabeee. MOOD SWING. Like for a sec, I could be all happy and stuff, and the next sec, I could be feeling all low. Bodoh tak bodoh.
Yesterday, for the rest of the morning I am having one of those down days again. And miraculously my mom called me. Macam ada insticnt ibu kann yang dapat sense anak perempuan dia tengah sewel ninoninonino terus dia call. And automatically tears were pouring down macam air terjun shiiuuu shiiiuuuu shiiiuuuu haihhh like non-stop. And talking to my mother, it seemed so different now. My mom sounded more calm and at the end of our conversation, she mentioned, "Dah dah, jangan nangis lagi." ='( Fak aku nak jumpa mak aku.
And yesterdaaaayyyyy, finaaalllllyyyy I get to meet Syahmingal, Amirul Mukminin, and and and and jeng jeng jeng Fathi hahaha. I have only heard his name for the past few weeks and finaaaallllyyy dapat jumpa hahaha. And sumpah dia macam junior Esan. Except muka dia Melayu sikit and dia kecik sikit while Esan muka Jepun habis and besar sikit. Harharhar kembar kembar rasa nak suruh je dorang tangkap gambar berdua harharhar.
And oh. There is something that I did yesterday that I am utterly regretted to do. I AM DISAPPOINTED IN MYSELF. LIKE SUMPAH.
And I do not like the way he is when he's with his clanks. Macam. Entahlah. I thought I have seen a different side of him but then mcm when he's with the clank macam HAHAHAHAHAA MENTANG MENTANG BLOG DAH PRIVATE KAN SESUKA HATI JE NAK CAKAP APA PASAL DIA KAT SINI KAN KAN KAN.
But at least he smiled and waved at me yesterday. I take it as a way of acknowledgment? huhu.
OHHH and my friends and I get to meet up with Apek yesterday, and he was super cool and adorable and funny!! :D :D :D :D
And clearly, I am running out of words right now. One word to describe my day - Roller coaster of emotions.
How pathetic is that.
And I shall say that these past few days I have been utterly moody and now we're talking about mood swing baaaabeee. MOOD SWING. Like for a sec, I could be all happy and stuff, and the next sec, I could be feeling all low. Bodoh tak bodoh.
Yesterday, for the rest of the morning I am having one of those down days again. And miraculously my mom called me. Macam ada insticnt ibu kann yang dapat sense anak perempuan dia tengah sewel ninoninonino terus dia call. And automatically tears were pouring down macam air terjun shiiuuu shiiiuuuu shiiiuuuu haihhh like non-stop. And talking to my mother, it seemed so different now. My mom sounded more calm and at the end of our conversation, she mentioned, "Dah dah, jangan nangis lagi." ='( Fak aku nak jumpa mak aku.
And yesterdaaaayyyyy, finaaalllllyyyy I get to meet Syahmingal, Amirul Mukminin, and and and and jeng jeng jeng Fathi hahaha. I have only heard his name for the past few weeks and finaaaallllyyy dapat jumpa hahaha. And sumpah dia macam junior Esan. Except muka dia Melayu sikit and dia kecik sikit while Esan muka Jepun habis and besar sikit. Harharhar kembar kembar rasa nak suruh je dorang tangkap gambar berdua harharhar.
And oh. There is something that I did yesterday that I am utterly regretted to do. I AM DISAPPOINTED IN MYSELF. LIKE SUMPAH.
And I do not like the way he is when he's with his clanks. Macam. Entahlah. I thought I have seen a different side of him but then mcm when he's with the clank macam HAHAHAHAHAA MENTANG MENTANG BLOG DAH PRIVATE KAN SESUKA HATI JE NAK CAKAP APA PASAL DIA KAT SINI KAN KAN KAN.
But at least he smiled and waved at me yesterday. I take it as a way of acknowledgment? huhu.
OHHH and my friends and I get to meet up with Apek yesterday, and he was super cool and adorable and funny!! :D :D :D :D
And clearly, I am running out of words right now. One word to describe my day - Roller coaster of emotions.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hari ni sangat cool sebab dapat jumpa the second Gerard Butler in Mansoura. The first one is my Physical Chemistry teacher, and the second Butler just now he taught us Physics. Haha tapi the first Gerard Butler tu tang suara je dah nak sama, tapi the second Gerard Butler tu muka dah nak sama sikit hahahaha apa ni qu you sounded like a fan of Butler padahal tak punn langsung tak hahahaha.
okey dah bye abaikan.
okey dah bye abaikan.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I think I have been selfish for the past few days and I am totally regretting it.
All I want to do now is be there for my friends.
Oh btw, thank you SO MUCH for calling my friend a biatch? Considering the fact that you do not even know her, considering the fact that you do not even know how is she like, TQ TQ TQ TQ because that just give us an impression about you and I bet that it's not a good one and congratulations because you have just portrayed yourself as someone who judged someone who you barely know and as someone who easily call others by rude names.WOAH WOAH HOW CIVILIZED OF YOU, RIGHT?
Munn, pleaseee do not be offended or whatsoever, ehhh? Kau tau kan all we want is the best for yah. And we may sound harsh, but it's for your own good. ='(
Sunday, November 22, 2009
It's 6.30 in the morning and I haven't slept yet since I woke up from my evening nap yesterday. Well maybe I think that my evening nap gantikan my tidur malam tadi, so that's why rasa segar bugar bak sayur sawi yang baru dikutip di kebun eh tapi kan aku tak suka sayur doe camana ni better pilih tempe doe aku dahlah teringin nak makan sambal tempe and Firdaus cakap budak kuliah Adab ada jual tempe okey dah shaddap ah Qurratu.
Okey tipu semata-mata la kalau aku cakap aku segar bugar. Gila tipu. Dusta belaka siak. Padahal aku tengah tahan diri sendiri daripada terus tersungkur syahid atas katil ni dek melihat si Nau and Azura ni dah nyenyak tidur ni. Haihh.
Dan hidung aku sejuk doe, macam frozen gitu. Geheheheh. Okay rakan-rakan, mari berangan kita bercakap-cakap sambil mulut tu keluarkan asap-asap. Cool gila doe, nanti kita boleh buat bentuk dengan asap tu, macam haritu kitorang suruh Apai buat asap bentuk O, cantik seh, sumpah cool. Lepas ni aku nak tanam azam nak bercakap time winter nanti sambil keluarkan asap berbentuk O. Lepas berjaya buat asap bentuk O, kita buat pulak asap bentuk Q. Eeeei serious aku excited doe. Okay, harus masukkan azam ni dalam list "Things-to-Do-la-Gonj-Gonj" besides azam untuk membunuh at least, AT LEAST SATU LALAT SEMENTARA AKU ADA DI TANAH MESIR INI. Usah tanya kenapa nak bunuh lalat kalau kau tak nak dengar aku berceloteh lagi satu page. T__T
Sebenarnya, to be honest la kan, aku pun tak tahu kenapa aku publish post ni. Aku tak tahu why am I even typing this right now. Nak cakap bosan, HAH KAU PAGI NI ADA TEST MATHS TAPI AKU MASIH LAGI MELAGHO UPDATE BLOG, DENGAN ADA EXPERIMENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAGI HARI NI HAIH, nak cakap boring, HAH KAU eh eh ni dah ulang ayat tadi ni bukan ke boring dan bosan itu mempunyai satu definisi yang sama.
Okay seriously, I need something to cover or to help me to fake this freaking-shitty feelings. Haihh. Thought it is going away, but then it comes back and slaps you on the face again and again and again. Shit doe. Macam before this, bila kau ada masalah yang kau macam agak berat to face kan, you will go like, "Ok, ok, this is hard. Waaay hard. But it's okay. It's going to get better." And then when you thought that it is going to fade away, the problem, I mean, tiba-tiba PAAP! Kau terus jadi macam, "OK NI SUNGGUH TIDAK OKAY SANGAAAATTTT TIDAK OKAY!"
My Hotsetaps are helping me a lot with their advices regarding this problem of mine. And now only I know that it is waaaayyy easier to give advices to people rather than we ourselves to follow it. Macam shit jugak sebab I have told Mun soo many times that just get over him! Get over him! And now when Mun and Timah told me the same thing, honestly a tiny part of me refused to do so. Reluctant to do so. Haihh.
But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate their advices wehhh TAK TAK. Mun, Timah, Peeka, I think you guys understand,kan?
Sumpah aku buntu.
Ohhh. Kebuntuan menyebabkan ketidaktahuan untuk menghapdet belog. Will continue this thingy later. Tata.
p/s: do pray for my friends and I yeah!
Okey tipu semata-mata la kalau aku cakap aku segar bugar. Gila tipu. Dusta belaka siak. Padahal aku tengah tahan diri sendiri daripada terus tersungkur syahid atas katil ni dek melihat si Nau and Azura ni dah nyenyak tidur ni. Haihh.
Dan hidung aku sejuk doe, macam frozen gitu. Geheheheh. Okay rakan-rakan, mari berangan kita bercakap-cakap sambil mulut tu keluarkan asap-asap. Cool gila doe, nanti kita boleh buat bentuk dengan asap tu, macam haritu kitorang suruh Apai buat asap bentuk O, cantik seh, sumpah cool. Lepas ni aku nak tanam azam nak bercakap time winter nanti sambil keluarkan asap berbentuk O. Lepas berjaya buat asap bentuk O, kita buat pulak asap bentuk Q. Eeeei serious aku excited doe. Okay, harus masukkan azam ni dalam list "Things-to-Do-la-Gonj-Gonj" besides azam untuk membunuh at least, AT LEAST SATU LALAT SEMENTARA AKU ADA DI TANAH MESIR INI. Usah tanya kenapa nak bunuh lalat kalau kau tak nak dengar aku berceloteh lagi satu page. T__T
Sebenarnya, to be honest la kan, aku pun tak tahu kenapa aku publish post ni. Aku tak tahu why am I even typing this right now. Nak cakap bosan, HAH KAU PAGI NI ADA TEST MATHS TAPI AKU MASIH LAGI MELAGHO UPDATE BLOG, DENGAN ADA EXPERIMENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAGI HARI NI HAIH, nak cakap boring, HAH KAU eh eh ni dah ulang ayat tadi ni bukan ke boring dan bosan itu mempunyai satu definisi yang sama.
Okay seriously, I need something to cover or to help me to fake this freaking-shitty feelings. Haihh. Thought it is going away, but then it comes back and slaps you on the face again and again and again. Shit doe. Macam before this, bila kau ada masalah yang kau macam agak berat to face kan, you will go like, "Ok, ok, this is hard. Waaay hard. But it's okay. It's going to get better." And then when you thought that it is going to fade away, the problem, I mean, tiba-tiba PAAP! Kau terus jadi macam, "OK NI SUNGGUH TIDAK OKAY SANGAAAATTTT TIDAK OKAY!"
My Hotsetaps are helping me a lot with their advices regarding this problem of mine. And now only I know that it is waaaayyy easier to give advices to people rather than we ourselves to follow it. Macam shit jugak sebab I have told Mun soo many times that just get over him! Get over him! And now when Mun and Timah told me the same thing, honestly a tiny part of me refused to do so. Reluctant to do so. Haihh.
But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate their advices wehhh TAK TAK. Mun, Timah, Peeka, I think you guys understand,kan?
Sumpah aku buntu.
Ohhh. Kebuntuan menyebabkan ketidaktahuan untuk menghapdet belog. Will continue this thingy later. Tata.
p/s: do pray for my friends and I yeah!
Friday, November 20, 2009
I have managed to finish up 7 episodes of Gossip Girl in one night, and yet I have not finished reading Chemistry for my coming test. Terbaiiiikkkkk. T____T
And for Munirah, ='( ='( You know I would kill to be there for you kan? Takpelah text message pun jadi kaaaann. Be strong wehhh. You will get through that painful-recovery process without you realizing it. Just be strong aite? There will be a pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow. (YESSSSSSSS I FINALLY GOT THAT FREAKING IDIOM RIGHT).
And now I think I wanted to put Angkat Kaki by Sheeda as my profile song.
And for Munirah, ='( ='( You know I would kill to be there for you kan? Takpelah text message pun jadi kaaaann. Be strong wehhh. You will get through that painful-recovery process without you realizing it. Just be strong aite? There will be a pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow. (YESSSSSSSS I FINALLY GOT THAT FREAKING IDIOM RIGHT).
And now I think I wanted to put Angkat Kaki by Sheeda as my profile song.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Being positive is good, I think. Like it has managed to open up your eyes and you have managed to see everything from the bright side. Hmm yess, I think yesterday is something different, no, it's not because of Egypt lost to Algeria (%^%&%^%^& okey dah) but IDK, it's like I'm in a good mood. Woah I do sound like a moody gorilla hah? *To Azura, Nau, Skina, and Shikin, say haha now. T________________T
And I have decided to not put a limit to my horizon of friends, just because I used to have that eewy-butterfly-in-my-stomachs feeling. That ain't cool, though.
And I hope this blog is starting to smile, a bit of that won't hurt.
Ohh btw, ALHAMDULILLAH, for my brother's upsr result. =') =') =') =') But still it's kinda sad for not being there with him, with my parents not in Malaysia as well, haihh. Hoping to be able to talk to him through Skype or phone, we'll see. :)
Will be updating soon. :)
And I have decided to not put a limit to my horizon of friends, just because I used to have that eewy-butterfly-in-my-stomachs feeling. That ain't cool, though.
And I hope this blog is starting to smile, a bit of that won't hurt.
Ohh btw, ALHAMDULILLAH, for my brother's upsr result. =') =') =') =') But still it's kinda sad for not being there with him, with my parents not in Malaysia as well, haihh. Hoping to be able to talk to him through Skype or phone, we'll see. :)
Will be updating soon. :)
I wish I could be as positive as my mom could be. Both of them, my parents are currently in Mecca, performing their Hajj. =') I am so glad that both of them could make it safely there. Hopefully they will be able to complete the 5th rukun Islam until the end of this December. =')
A few more tests to go. Maths, Chemistry haihhh. Can I say that I am inorganic-and-physical-chemistry-phobic? Seems like I'll have to go through that mata-macam-koala-but-this-mata-koala-happens-for-good-reason phase agaiinnnn.
And I have been thinking how stupid I am to go emotionally disturbed on something like that. That which is something still uncertain and ambiguous. Ohh sheesh now I am feeling funny for feeling all sorry for myself for the past few days. Heesh.
But still, God, can you please give me some strength? ='(
A few more tests to go. Maths, Chemistry haihhh. Can I say that I am inorganic-and-physical-chemistry-phobic? Seems like I'll have to go through that mata-macam-koala-but-this-mata-koala-happens-for-good-reason phase agaiinnnn.
And I have been thinking how stupid I am to go emotionally disturbed on something like that. That which is something still uncertain and ambiguous. Ohh sheesh now I am feeling funny for feeling all sorry for myself for the past few days. Heesh.
But still, God, can you please give me some strength? ='(
Friday, November 13, 2009
I have clicked on that "new post" button like half an hour ago and still there's nothing on this white blank box thingy.
Still nothing being typed on.
Now I can join Munirah's "hey-mata-saya-macam-koala-dan-panda-sekarang-yang-membuatkan-saya-comel-yang-sedih-tetapi-masih-lagi-comel-heesh-syiton-betul" club. Don't know why all out of sudden just now everything that had been kept for quite a while went pouring non stop just now. And when I say non stop, I MEAN REALLY, REALLY NON STOP.
:( :( :( :(
Bless for the existence of Taylor Swift's songs? Haihh sumpah menyentap gila.
Can I just sleep and forget it all?
Okeyy tetiba rasa sebak nak nangis lagi. Sumpah aku benci gila bila jadi emo macam ni. Gila gedik. Okey dah bye before I go rambling on and on.
Still nothing being typed on.
Now I can join Munirah's "hey-mata-saya-macam-koala-dan-panda-sekarang-yang-membuatkan-saya-comel-yang-sedih-tetapi-masih-lagi-comel-heesh-syiton-betul" club. Don't know why all out of sudden just now everything that had been kept for quite a while went pouring non stop just now. And when I say non stop, I MEAN REALLY, REALLY NON STOP.
:( :( :( :(
Bless for the existence of Taylor Swift's songs? Haihh sumpah menyentap gila.
Can I just sleep and forget it all?
Okeyy tetiba rasa sebak nak nangis lagi. Sumpah aku benci gila bila jadi emo macam ni. Gila gedik. Okey dah bye before I go rambling on and on.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Heyyy ohhh.
To MUNIRAH : Alhamdulillah :) Remember everything that I have told ya, okkk?
To IKYN & IZZY & HANEYH : If you guys have anything's messing with your mind, my ears are all for my babeyhs!!
To TIMAH : Kau jahat sebab tak nak jenjalan kat mesir masa kau cuti ni. :( :( :( :(
To whoever that will be reading this : I'm hungry.
Went Skype-ing with my family just now, exception for my dad, and my two younger brothers. Too bad that they haven't bought webcam for our computer back home :( but it's okay, at least I get to talk to them. Oh btw, these past few days have been quite stressful, with PHYSICS AND THE KATAK OHH SHEESH PAYAH SIOT NAK TENGOK VENOUS SYSTEM PEBENDA ALAH TU OHH SHEESSSSHHHHH AND CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME ABOUT ROBSON'S MAGNET AGAGAGAGAGAGGAGAAGGAGAGAGA Okey dah bye nak makan garlic bread azura buat sedap tau wehhh OKEY DAH BYE.
P/S: pardon me for my sengetness in this post.
To IKYN & IZZY & HANEYH : If you guys have anything's messing with your mind, my ears are all for my babeyhs!!
To TIMAH : Kau jahat sebab tak nak jenjalan kat mesir masa kau cuti ni. :( :( :( :(
To whoever that will be reading this : I'm hungry.
Went Skype-ing with my family just now, exception for my dad, and my two younger brothers. Too bad that they haven't bought webcam for our computer back home :( but it's okay, at least I get to talk to them. Oh btw, these past few days have been quite stressful, with PHYSICS AND THE KATAK OHH SHEESH PAYAH SIOT NAK TENGOK VENOUS SYSTEM PEBENDA ALAH TU OHH SHEESSSSHHHHH AND CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME ABOUT ROBSON'S MAGNET AGAGAGAGAGAGGAGAAGGAGAGAGA Okey dah bye nak makan garlic bread azura buat sedap tau wehhh OKEY DAH BYE.
P/S: pardon me for my sengetness in this post.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Signed, sealed, delivered, part 2.
Mun, I know it is hard. I know how much you are hurt right now and I know how much you are devastated by the recent incidents. I know how painful it is for you, and I know sekarang ni kau dah sangat sangat sangat sangaaaattt berharappppp kat dia. I'm not the best person to turn to for advices when it comes to things like this, hmph, among the four of us aku yang paling tak pernah ada experience kott. But from my point of view, do not get your hopes up too high. Sebab nanti takut kau merana when the things that you have been hoping for fail to live up to your expectations.
Baaabbeee, aku takkan blame on anyone of you. Based on what you have told me, I think he's facing the same problem, just like you. So the decision that he makes, or made, is equally as hard for him to make as well. So nak tak nak, no matter how painful it is, when he said and pleaded for you to give him some time, just do so. Give both of you some time and space from each other. And at the same time, I know how hard you have tried to save your relationship. And aku tau kau mesti tengah takut gila babeng sekarang, takut something that you have been yearning for is slipping away from you. Lagi-lagi bila he mentioned all those things yang aku rasa macam menyakitkan jiwa je, lagilaaaaaaaaaaaa macam ohmaigooddd how are you gonna be able to get through this.
**Baaabeee, macam aku cakap dalam Skype, if anything happens, just remember, there will always be a pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow. Eh salah. There will be rainbow after a rainy day. EH SALAH LAGI IDIOM NI PERGH DAH QURRATU PERGI SOROK MUKA KAT BANTAL SEKARANG. Okey menyimpang. Just remember that every obstacles that you're facing, there must be something good coming from this. I know this sentence is so cliche but it is true, you are being taught all the way while you're struggling to get through this. :)
Believe me weh, masalah ni pasti akan selesai. And bila masalah tu dah selesai, mesti kau rasa sangat-sangat lega kaaaan. Be strong okay? Aku tau yang sekarang ni lah the painful part, where you're waiting for the final result that may affect whatever you have with him. BUT BE STRONG OKAY? PLEASE? FOR THE HOTSETAPS? AND OF COURSE FOR YOURSELF JUGAK?
P/S lagik: I'm done with that whole Taylor Swift thing, Mun. I'm done. I do not even want to think about any of it.
P/S lagiiiiiiiiiiiik: the part where aku letak star tu is for Timah and the others jugakkk okay.
Will be posting more. Salam.
Baaabbeee, aku takkan blame on anyone of you. Based on what you have told me, I think he's facing the same problem, just like you. So the decision that he makes, or made, is equally as hard for him to make as well. So nak tak nak, no matter how painful it is, when he said and pleaded for you to give him some time, just do so. Give both of you some time and space from each other. And at the same time, I know how hard you have tried to save your relationship. And aku tau kau mesti tengah takut gila babeng sekarang, takut something that you have been yearning for is slipping away from you. Lagi-lagi bila he mentioned all those things yang aku rasa macam menyakitkan jiwa je, lagilaaaaaaaaaaaa macam ohmaigooddd how are you gonna be able to get through this.
**Baaabeee, macam aku cakap dalam Skype, if anything happens, just remember, there will always be a pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow. Eh salah. There will be rainbow after a rainy day. EH SALAH LAGI IDIOM NI PERGH DAH QURRATU PERGI SOROK MUKA KAT BANTAL SEKARANG. Okey menyimpang. Just remember that every obstacles that you're facing, there must be something good coming from this. I know this sentence is so cliche but it is true, you are being taught all the way while you're struggling to get through this. :)
Believe me weh, masalah ni pasti akan selesai. And bila masalah tu dah selesai, mesti kau rasa sangat-sangat lega kaaaan. Be strong okay? Aku tau yang sekarang ni lah the painful part, where you're waiting for the final result that may affect whatever you have with him. BUT BE STRONG OKAY? PLEASE? FOR THE HOTSETAPS? AND OF COURSE FOR YOURSELF JUGAK?
P/S lagik: I'm done with that whole Taylor Swift thing, Mun. I'm done. I do not even want to think about any of it.
P/S lagiiiiiiiiiiiik: the part where aku letak star tu is for Timah and the others jugakkk okay.
Will be posting more. Salam.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Signed, sealed, delivered to you.
I will not fret, and I will not blame anything or anyone. But thank you, a big thank you, for making me realize what kind of person I could be once I am caught in such situation. Thank you for making me feel like a total fool, thank you for making the presence of the butterflies in my stomach exists, thank you for making me feel go right round, thank you for making me go yaaaaaaaayyyyy everytime there's a mentioning of you, thank you for pretending, thank you for MAKING ME REALIZE WHAT KIND OF PERSON I COULD BE. Thank you for that.
Embryology, Physiology and Cytology's tests are on 14/11. Kena hand in protein assignment next week gak. Tapi itu pun gua tak sentuh lagi. Ni memang nak kena hentak dengan botol air zabado.
Embryology, Physiology and Cytology's tests are on 14/11. Kena hand in protein assignment next week gak. Tapi itu pun gua tak sentuh lagi. Ni memang nak kena hentak dengan botol air zabado.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Finally after nearly one month in Mansoura, I have come to my senses to update my blog. I have been procrastinating when it comes to blogging, but seeing all my other GMN-ians updating their blogs made me goo woohoooo okeyy ni dah macam lagu Starstruck dah.
Alhamdulillah, I have managed to survive so far here. Everything's going fine here, except there are some problems here and there, but I'm living now, so I guess hopefully things will keep on getting better. Physics is such a killer subject God knows how much I feared for that killer subject gaaaaaaa and Botany and Zoology surprised me, turns out that both of that subjects are okay. And ironically, Chemistry calms me down now. Especially Organic Chemistry. Okay kawan kawanku buat muka pelik korang sekaranggg korang taukan betapa fobianya aku kat Chem time kat matriks dulu.
Egypt meanwhile, hmm, is an interesting place to experience something different from Malaysia. Macam kat mana-mana pun, kedai ke, kereta ke, korang akan dapat tengok Al-Quran kat situ. Dan makanan kat sini banyak kott. Macam satu meal tu, supposedly untuk sorang je makan, tapi kau boleh kongsi dua orang. Camtulah banyaknya.
And now dah nak masuk winter. Sejuk kottt. Sekarang ni tidur malam semua berselubung dengan comforter ngeow ngeow lembut gile tuu. And SEMALAM ADA HUJAN BATU KOT WEHH SUMPAH AKU MACAM EXCITED KOT TENGOK DAN TAKUT PADA MASA YANG SAMA DAHLAH TIME TU MACAM HUJAN CAM LEBAT GILA AND ANGIN MACAM KENCANG SANGAT WOAAAHHH TAKUT WEHHH.
Ahh. I'm having writer's block la actually. Will be updating more later.
P/S: Noor Fatimah Mardiah, Nurul Syafika, Munirah Hashim, Nur Hidayah, rindu kamu semuaaaaaaaaaa nak matiiiii. Hazreeen, Yasmin, semua tuu, RINDU RINDU RINDU!
P/S lagik: Thanks to everyone yang datang hantar aku haritu. THANKS A LOT AND I LOVE YOU GUYSSSS!
P/S LAGIKKKKK: Nak makan steamboat.
Alhamdulillah, I have managed to survive so far here. Everything's going fine here, except there are some problems here and there, but I'm living now, so I guess hopefully things will keep on getting better. Physics is such a killer subject God knows how much I feared for that killer subject gaaaaaaa and Botany and Zoology surprised me, turns out that both of that subjects are okay. And ironically, Chemistry calms me down now. Especially Organic Chemistry. Okay kawan kawanku buat muka pelik korang sekaranggg korang taukan betapa fobianya aku kat Chem time kat matriks dulu.
Egypt meanwhile, hmm, is an interesting place to experience something different from Malaysia. Macam kat mana-mana pun, kedai ke, kereta ke, korang akan dapat tengok Al-Quran kat situ. Dan makanan kat sini banyak kott. Macam satu meal tu, supposedly untuk sorang je makan, tapi kau boleh kongsi dua orang. Camtulah banyaknya.
And now dah nak masuk winter. Sejuk kottt. Sekarang ni tidur malam semua berselubung dengan comforter ngeow ngeow lembut gile tuu. And SEMALAM ADA HUJAN BATU KOT WEHH SUMPAH AKU MACAM EXCITED KOT TENGOK DAN TAKUT PADA MASA YANG SAMA DAHLAH TIME TU MACAM HUJAN CAM LEBAT GILA AND ANGIN MACAM KENCANG SANGAT WOAAAHHH TAKUT WEHHH.
Ahh. I'm having writer's block la actually. Will be updating more later.
P/S: Noor Fatimah Mardiah, Nurul Syafika, Munirah Hashim, Nur Hidayah, rindu kamu semuaaaaaaaaaa nak matiiiii. Hazreeen, Yasmin, semua tuu, RINDU RINDU RINDU!
P/S lagik: Thanks to everyone yang datang hantar aku haritu. THANKS A LOT AND I LOVE YOU GUYSSSS!
P/S LAGIKKKKK: Nak makan steamboat.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thank God I get to eat my mom's spaghetti.
Another 16-17 hours and then I will be off.
:( & :).
Goodbye. But this will not be the final one, Insya-Allah.
Do pray for me and my friends, yeah?
Ayah, Ibu, adik-adik, nenek, uncles and aunts, friends, i'm going to miss you dearly. ='(
Hopefully we'll have a safe journey tonight. AMIN.
Another 16-17 hours and then I will be off.
:( & :).
Goodbye. But this will not be the final one, Insya-Allah.
Do pray for me and my friends, yeah?
Ayah, Ibu, adik-adik, nenek, uncles and aunts, friends, i'm going to miss you dearly. ='(
Hopefully we'll have a safe journey tonight. AMIN.
Thank God I've found you, Internet kat office ayah.
Okay tetiba rasa macam bengang sebab kat sini tak boleh bukak Facebook and can only be opened after 6 pm? THANKYOUVERYMUCH.
These past few days have been quite tiring actually, mentally and physically tired. With all the open houses, (Macam dapat banyak invitation untuk open house padahal tak pun), needless to say mentally tired 'cause having to think about Egypt stuff, woah woah.
So Raya this year is fab, I should say, besides the fact that I fell sick during the first and second day of Eid. But that's okay. The sight of my cousins and the rest of the Abu-ians gathering around the small TV, screaming and yelling while watching MU vs Manc City is something that I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET and it did make me feel better from my sickness stuff. =') Dan tiba-tiba rasa macam nak sokong MU tapi err DAH SYAROS TAK PAYAH NAK SELEBERET YE DAHLAH TAK NAK RAYA RUMAH AKU HOHO.
Tiba-tiba rasa sayang pulak tak amik gambar and video of all of them.
Finallllyyyyyy last week I get to meet my darlings. (Ish gelinya panggil darlings) My darlings yang hot ngetopz gitu yall haha. God knows how much I miss them especially Fatimah, Munirah, and Hidayah and spending one whole day with all of them rocks :) Although I have to admit that it was tiring after driving from 11.00 am until 10.00 pm and I practically gotta drag my feet while accompanying my mom shopping at Mydin 24 jam, IT DOES WORTH IT BABEYH.
And I get to meet my cousins and aunts and uncles =') And seeing the looks on their faces when I was salam-ing them when they wanted to go back from my open house got me crying, actually. Ish tak boleh nak cakap la haish kang sebak kang weh ='(
I cannot believe that I'm going off tomorrow. I admit that I am scared thinking about having to leave Malaysia, leave my fab family, my fab friends, the fab Malacca, but thinking again, hey, this is something that I have chosen, so there's no reason for me to be all whiny about leaving. Haih.
But still, honestly, I AM SCARED. Surviving in foreign land, needless to say studying after a few months not touching any books, like what Syaros had mentioned, takut otak jadi jam je nanti. Hopefully takdelah kena macam tuu. AMIN. And hopefully, I won't repeat the same mistakes that I have done in high school and matriks. AMIN JUGAK.
Mun, your latest posts buat gua terharu la bai. Nasib baik mood sedih tu bukan kat peak sekarang ni. Tapi serious weh, ='( Thanks. For. Everything. Thanks sebab kasi lepak rumah kau sampai pukul 9 lebih. Thanks for the teddy bear and the card. Thanks for EVERYTHING WEH. AND I LAP YOU FOREBER AND EBER. Gonna miss you!!
Dayah, I LAP YOU BABEYH. Kau teman gedik aku, teman meronda aku, teman Gossip Girl aku, (we still haven't decided who's Blair and who's Serena btw) kau teman gossip aku, everytime kita balik melaka mesti kita keluar, kau kau kau, ahh kau BEST AH WEH. BFF forever, okay? =') I'm so going to miss you babeee.
Timah, sayang kau wehhhhhh. SERIOUS. Kau the one who knows almost everything about me. THANKS. FOR. EVERYTHING. Mesti lain gila tanpa kau ='( Dah aku tak boleh cakap banyak-banyakla God knows how much you mean to me. ='(
Yang lain-lain, I'm going to miss youuuuu. ='(
Here are some of the pictures that have been taken last week with my darlings (fam+friends+cousins):

My gorgeous cousins and I :)

Gorgeous cousins and I part 2 :)

Gorgeous cousins and I part 3 :)




mysterious babeyh.WOAH WOAH.

Dayah dan aku bajet Gossip Girl. BOO BOO TAK JADI DAH PERGI BALIK RUMAH.
These past few days have been quite tiring actually, mentally and physically tired. With all the open houses, (Macam dapat banyak invitation untuk open house padahal tak pun), needless to say mentally tired 'cause having to think about Egypt stuff, woah woah.
So Raya this year is fab, I should say, besides the fact that I fell sick during the first and second day of Eid. But that's okay. The sight of my cousins and the rest of the Abu-ians gathering around the small TV, screaming and yelling while watching MU vs Manc City is something that I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET and it did make me feel better from my sickness stuff. =') Dan tiba-tiba rasa macam nak sokong MU tapi err DAH SYAROS TAK PAYAH NAK SELEBERET YE DAHLAH TAK NAK RAYA RUMAH AKU HOHO.
Tiba-tiba rasa sayang pulak tak amik gambar and video of all of them.
Finallllyyyyyy last week I get to meet my darlings. (Ish gelinya panggil darlings) My darlings yang hot ngetopz gitu yall haha. God knows how much I miss them especially Fatimah, Munirah, and Hidayah and spending one whole day with all of them rocks :) Although I have to admit that it was tiring after driving from 11.00 am until 10.00 pm and I practically gotta drag my feet while accompanying my mom shopping at Mydin 24 jam, IT DOES WORTH IT BABEYH.
And I get to meet my cousins and aunts and uncles =') And seeing the looks on their faces when I was salam-ing them when they wanted to go back from my open house got me crying, actually. Ish tak boleh nak cakap la haish kang sebak kang weh ='(
I cannot believe that I'm going off tomorrow. I admit that I am scared thinking about having to leave Malaysia, leave my fab family, my fab friends, the fab Malacca, but thinking again, hey, this is something that I have chosen, so there's no reason for me to be all whiny about leaving. Haih.
But still, honestly, I AM SCARED. Surviving in foreign land, needless to say studying after a few months not touching any books, like what Syaros had mentioned, takut otak jadi jam je nanti. Hopefully takdelah kena macam tuu. AMIN. And hopefully, I won't repeat the same mistakes that I have done in high school and matriks. AMIN JUGAK.
Mun, your latest posts buat gua terharu la bai. Nasib baik mood sedih tu bukan kat peak sekarang ni. Tapi serious weh, ='( Thanks. For. Everything. Thanks sebab kasi lepak rumah kau sampai pukul 9 lebih. Thanks for the teddy bear and the card. Thanks for EVERYTHING WEH. AND I LAP YOU FOREBER AND EBER. Gonna miss you!!
Dayah, I LAP YOU BABEYH. Kau teman gedik aku, teman meronda aku, teman Gossip Girl aku, (we still haven't decided who's Blair and who's Serena btw) kau teman gossip aku, everytime kita balik melaka mesti kita keluar, kau kau kau, ahh kau BEST AH WEH. BFF forever, okay? =') I'm so going to miss you babeee.
Timah, sayang kau wehhhhhh. SERIOUS. Kau the one who knows almost everything about me. THANKS. FOR. EVERYTHING. Mesti lain gila tanpa kau ='( Dah aku tak boleh cakap banyak-banyakla God knows how much you mean to me. ='(
Yang lain-lain, I'm going to miss youuuuu. ='(
Here are some of the pictures that have been taken last week with my darlings (fam+friends+cousins):
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It is still there.
Four Septembers have come and passed, but it is still there.
And throughout those four years, I have been to anywhere and everywhere. But it is still there.
For the past 2 years, different kinds of responses, different types of comments have come and made their presences clear in my head.
But it is still there.
No matter how hard I tried, it still comes back and keeps on haunting.
Things that remind me of it are everywhere around me. Running in circles surrounding me, it seems I can't run away from it.
This is what I think it's called as the bittersweet pain, no?
Oh I sucks with words, I don't know how the hell am I going to write down the ache that has been storing itself in words.
The urge of bursting it out is there at times, the thought about not having to worry about what others might think have suggested its presence, but my conscience have pulled me back from doing so.
But it's just...It's nice to be playful and all cheery and all fluttery inside, no? And you would love that butterfly feeling to keep on being there.
Oh crap.
What the hell la weh aku baru cakap.
Maybe these five years absence from Malaysia will be a good change, we'll see.
I'm gonna lay off the "unserious mode" from blogging for a while.
Oh, baru gua tahu John Lennon mati satu hari sebelum birthday gua.
And throughout those four years, I have been to anywhere and everywhere. But it is still there.
For the past 2 years, different kinds of responses, different types of comments have come and made their presences clear in my head.
But it is still there.
No matter how hard I tried, it still comes back and keeps on haunting.
Things that remind me of it are everywhere around me. Running in circles surrounding me, it seems I can't run away from it.
This is what I think it's called as the bittersweet pain, no?
Oh I sucks with words, I don't know how the hell am I going to write down the ache that has been storing itself in words.
The urge of bursting it out is there at times, the thought about not having to worry about what others might think have suggested its presence, but my conscience have pulled me back from doing so.
But it's just...It's nice to be playful and all cheery and all fluttery inside, no? And you would love that butterfly feeling to keep on being there.
Oh crap.
What the hell la weh aku baru cakap.
Maybe these five years absence from Malaysia will be a good change, we'll see.
I'm gonna lay off the "unserious mode" from blogging for a while.
Oh, baru gua tahu John Lennon mati satu hari sebelum birthday gua.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Qu's latest sit-rep yaww.
Hari ini, saya rasa sayaaanggg sangat kat radio saya sebab mainkan lagu-lagu Raya, lagu-lagu dangdut (QUQUQU PUNYA CINTA. GET IT?!) dan juga lagu-lagu Hindustan.
Oh, 20 more days to go.
Dan perkembangan diri saya,
1. Saya tiba-tiba menyukai kembali lagu-lagu rock kapak yang lama. Ya, saya actually pergi ke Youtube dan mencari lagu BPR, Rahmat, Search, APA INI APA INIIIII.
2. Saya juga tiba-tiba menyukai dangdut. Amelina adalah penyanyi dangdut yang terbaik. (QUQUQU PUNYA CINTA. TAK FAHAM LAGI KE?!)
3. Emotional management saya juga semakin hari semakin gagal berfungsi. Buktinya, sudah tiga hari berturut-turut air mata saya mengalir tanpa dipaksa. Hari pertama insiden ini berlaku adalah kerana saya mula membayangkan semasa ketiadaan saya, Munirah, Fatimah dan Hidayah dapat berjumpa sesama sendiri dan mereka dapat create this bonding session tanpa kehadiran saya DAN BAGI SAYA INI TIDAK FAIR INI TIDAK FAIR DAN SANGAT TIDAK FAIR BILA MEMIKIRKAN MUNIRAH DAPAT MENONTON CERITA TWILIGHT heesh. Okay sebenarnya saya sedih sebab kena berpisah dengan mereka la DUH.
Hari kedua insiden ini berulang adalah kerana ibu saya menyatakan sesuatu tentang "tidak-dapat-berjumpa-dengan-ayah-saya-lagi" dan terus automatik air mata saya mengalir LAGI T___T.
Seterusnya, pada hari ketiga, iaitu hari ini, saya membuat pengakuan tergempar kepada ibu saya yang saya tidak boleh memandang adik bongsu saya yang sangat menyukai Pink Panther sehingga membawanya tidur sekali dan yang sanggup bangun dari tidurnya apabila Yu Yu Hakusho disiarkan di televisyen dan dia boleh turut menyanyi lagu tema Yu Yu Hakusho, eh eh menyimpang, ya, saya memberitahu ibu saya yang saya tidak boleh memandang adik saya, Danial kerana sebak memikirkan saya akan meninggalkannya tidak lama lagi. T_____T
Pada masa yang sama, saya juga berasa geram dengan diri sendiri kerana membiarkan emotional management go haywire sebab, saya pasti rakan-rakan GMN saya yang lain juga menghadapi situasi yang sama, iaitu meninggalkan keluarga tercinta dan kampung halaman yang damai permai aman ini. Jadi I AM NOT ALONE SO FACE IT BABEYH KAU PERGI PUN SEBAB KAU BELAJAR QURRATU, BUKAN SEBAB BENDA LAIN TSK.
4. Saya berasa geram kerana Streamyx sangatlah bangang pada hari ini kerana sudah tiga kali saya cuba download Gossip Girl, tiga-tiga kalilah itu Streamyx mula gedik nak blink-blink HAPE KAU INGAT KAU TU BLINK 182 KE APA NAK BLINK BLINK. Semalam lagi best, dah download sampai 90% tetiba Streamyx connection failed. ()^&&^&$%^#%$
5. Memandangkan adik saya sedang menjalani peperiksaan UPSR, maka cara penulisan saya juga bertukar menjadi begini.
6. Saya nak pack barang saya tetapi tiada perasaan untuk berbuat demikian.
7. Previous entry itu dibuat ketika saya sedang dalam keadaan tensi. (FUUYOH TENSI). Maafkan saya.
8. Saya nak jumpa adik saya yang berada di Selandar.
9. Saya nak pergi belasah Streamyx.
10. Majulah sukan untuk Taman Kenanga. OKEY DAH BOIBOI.
Oh, 20 more days to go.
Dan perkembangan diri saya,
1. Saya tiba-tiba menyukai kembali lagu-lagu rock kapak yang lama. Ya, saya actually pergi ke Youtube dan mencari lagu BPR, Rahmat, Search, APA INI APA INIIIII.
2. Saya juga tiba-tiba menyukai dangdut. Amelina adalah penyanyi dangdut yang terbaik. (QUQUQU PUNYA CINTA. TAK FAHAM LAGI KE?!)
3. Emotional management saya juga semakin hari semakin gagal berfungsi. Buktinya, sudah tiga hari berturut-turut air mata saya mengalir tanpa dipaksa. Hari pertama insiden ini berlaku adalah kerana saya mula membayangkan semasa ketiadaan saya, Munirah, Fatimah dan Hidayah dapat berjumpa sesama sendiri dan mereka dapat create this bonding session tanpa kehadiran saya DAN BAGI SAYA INI TIDAK FAIR INI TIDAK FAIR DAN SANGAT TIDAK FAIR BILA MEMIKIRKAN MUNIRAH DAPAT MENONTON CERITA TWILIGHT heesh. Okay sebenarnya saya sedih sebab kena berpisah dengan mereka la DUH.
Hari kedua insiden ini berulang adalah kerana ibu saya menyatakan sesuatu tentang "tidak-dapat-berjumpa-dengan-ayah-saya-lagi" dan terus automatik air mata saya mengalir LAGI T___T.
Seterusnya, pada hari ketiga, iaitu hari ini, saya membuat pengakuan tergempar kepada ibu saya yang saya tidak boleh memandang adik bongsu saya yang sangat menyukai Pink Panther sehingga membawanya tidur sekali dan yang sanggup bangun dari tidurnya apabila Yu Yu Hakusho disiarkan di televisyen dan dia boleh turut menyanyi lagu tema Yu Yu Hakusho, eh eh menyimpang, ya, saya memberitahu ibu saya yang saya tidak boleh memandang adik saya, Danial kerana sebak memikirkan saya akan meninggalkannya tidak lama lagi. T_____T
Pada masa yang sama, saya juga berasa geram dengan diri sendiri kerana membiarkan emotional management go haywire sebab, saya pasti rakan-rakan GMN saya yang lain juga menghadapi situasi yang sama, iaitu meninggalkan keluarga tercinta dan kampung halaman yang damai permai aman ini. Jadi I AM NOT ALONE SO FACE IT BABEYH KAU PERGI PUN SEBAB KAU BELAJAR QURRATU, BUKAN SEBAB BENDA LAIN TSK.
4. Saya berasa geram kerana Streamyx sangatlah bangang pada hari ini kerana sudah tiga kali saya cuba download Gossip Girl, tiga-tiga kalilah itu Streamyx mula gedik nak blink-blink HAPE KAU INGAT KAU TU BLINK 182 KE APA NAK BLINK BLINK. Semalam lagi best, dah download sampai 90% tetiba Streamyx connection failed. ()^&&^&$%^#%$
5. Memandangkan adik saya sedang menjalani peperiksaan UPSR, maka cara penulisan saya juga bertukar menjadi begini.
6. Saya nak pack barang saya tetapi tiada perasaan untuk berbuat demikian.
7. Previous entry itu dibuat ketika saya sedang dalam keadaan tensi. (FUUYOH TENSI). Maafkan saya.
8. Saya nak jumpa adik saya yang berada di Selandar.
9. Saya nak pergi belasah Streamyx.
10. Majulah sukan untuk Taman Kenanga. OKEY DAH BOIBOI.
Just stop.
Have you ever come across a situation where you're totally disgusted with people pretending that they're supporting you, while actually they are totally against it?
I am no Blair Waldorf.
Do whatever you want, but don't expect me throwing tatrums or seeking for revenges. Yes, again I would like to highlight, I am definitely not going to throw in some Blair-esque act.
But don't push it. I am a human being after all. Be kind to me, please? ='(
I am no Blair Waldorf.
Do whatever you want, but don't expect me throwing tatrums or seeking for revenges. Yes, again I would like to highlight, I am definitely not going to throw in some Blair-esque act.
But don't push it. I am a human being after all. Be kind to me, please? ='(
Monday, September 7, 2009
Soalan mencabar minda.
Situasi pertama.
Si chantek HARHAR : Ibu, kenapa ayah tidur?
Ibu : Sebab ayah mengantuk. Kenapa kau tidur?
Si chantek HARHAR : Akak tidur sebab takde kerja nak buat.
Situasi kedua.
Si chantek HARHAR : Ibu, akak nak rambut merah boleh?
Ibu : Boleh. Rambut hijau pun boleh.
Si chantek HARHAR : *grunts* kalau akak tanya ayah boleh? Eh tapi kan mesti ayah marah.
Ibu : Jangan skeptical la Ni.
Si chantek HARHAR berlari ke luar melihat ayahnya yang sedang mengemas taman wtf apahal ayat aku macam karangan ni hahaha. Keinginan di hati untuk bergurau bersama ayahnya tentang hasratnya untuk mendapatkan rambut merah seperti Hayley Williams terpaksa dibantutkan tatkala ayahnya sedang sibuk membuat kerja.
Si chantek HARHAR berlari masuk ke dalam rumah dan berkata kepada ibunya, "Ayah tengah sibuk buat kerjalah, not in the mood for some jokes." Lalu dia berlari ke tingkat atas rumahnya lalu dia pun online gehehehehe.
Situasi ketiga
Si chantek HARHAR : Ayah, dalam banyak-banyak kotak, kotak apa yang tak boleh diangkat?
Ayah yang sedang menggunakan laptop : Emmm...emmm...
Si chantek HARHAR yang menunggu jawapan dengan mata bersinar-sinar : Apa dia yah?!
Ayah yang sedang menggunakan laptop : Kotak hati?
Si chantek HARHAR yang dah mula frust : Bukan! Kotak penalti! Haha!
T___T I am being random again.
Oh, 22 more days to go.
Si chantek HARHAR : Ibu, kenapa ayah tidur?
Ibu : Sebab ayah mengantuk. Kenapa kau tidur?
Si chantek HARHAR : Akak tidur sebab takde kerja nak buat.
Situasi kedua.
Si chantek HARHAR : Ibu, akak nak rambut merah boleh?
Ibu : Boleh. Rambut hijau pun boleh.
Si chantek HARHAR : *grunts* kalau akak tanya ayah boleh? Eh tapi kan mesti ayah marah.
Ibu : Jangan skeptical la Ni.
Si chantek HARHAR berlari ke luar melihat ayahnya yang sedang mengemas taman wtf apahal ayat aku macam karangan ni hahaha. Keinginan di hati untuk bergurau bersama ayahnya tentang hasratnya untuk mendapatkan rambut merah seperti Hayley Williams terpaksa dibantutkan tatkala ayahnya sedang sibuk membuat kerja.
Si chantek HARHAR berlari masuk ke dalam rumah dan berkata kepada ibunya, "Ayah tengah sibuk buat kerjalah, not in the mood for some jokes." Lalu dia berlari ke tingkat atas rumahnya lalu dia pun online gehehehehe.
Situasi ketiga
Si chantek HARHAR : Ayah, dalam banyak-banyak kotak, kotak apa yang tak boleh diangkat?
Ayah yang sedang menggunakan laptop : Emmm...emmm...
Si chantek HARHAR yang menunggu jawapan dengan mata bersinar-sinar : Apa dia yah?!
Ayah yang sedang menggunakan laptop : Kotak hati?
Si chantek HARHAR yang dah mula frust : Bukan! Kotak penalti! Haha!
T___T I am being random again.
Oh, 22 more days to go.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
tagged by Ikyn :D
Suka gile baca belog awak.
2. Rants dia sangat kelakar!
3. She has this cool aura surrounding her
4. She's going to take up pharmacy babeyh
1. Suka tidur sebab takde benda nak buat.
2. I love belog hopping.
3. Pemalas.
4. I love being busy.
5. Always broke tetapi masih gedik-gedik lagi melawat all those blogs yang menjual barang geeheheh
6. I like singing when I'm alone.
7. I like reading and when I'm in the mood babeyh I can read for the whole day babeyh.
8. I'm having a super duper major crush on Ed Westwick. Sila refer previous entry.
9. I DESPISE taugeh.
10. I prefer Ashlee Simpson over her sister. FAKTA MENARIK KA INI?
1. HANEYH BABEYH - lately we're getting crazier. u kEwLzZ oGaYh nYaH?? hOt nGeToPz gItEW!! aHaKzZ!!!
2. IKYN - HARHARHAR u kEnA bUaT bAlIkzZ tAgZ niWh yOuW!! i lOiKe rEaDiNg uR bEloG!
3. FATIMAH TAK SUKA BIJI TIMAH - Kawan baik sejak aku mula belajar pakai tudung secara horror! XD (hint : form 1)
4. IZZAH - We may have bummed into each other these few years back tapi tak pernah kenal huehuehue.
5. NUHAMUNEERAH - Suka baca blog dia gak! Cool!
-budak GMN je faham dan tahu harharhar.
P/STUVWXYZABCDEFG : Word of the day - Cool.
P/STUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM Okey annoying dah ni : Makin hari makin sengal. GEHEHEHEH.
Suka gile baca belog awak.
2. Rants dia sangat kelakar!
3. She has this cool aura surrounding her
4. She's going to take up pharmacy babeyh
1. Suka tidur sebab takde benda nak buat.
2. I love belog hopping.
3. Pemalas.
4. I love being busy.
5. Always broke tetapi masih gedik-gedik lagi melawat all those blogs yang menjual barang geeheheh
6. I like singing when I'm alone.
7. I like reading and when I'm in the mood babeyh I can read for the whole day babeyh.
8. I'm having a super duper major crush on Ed Westwick. Sila refer previous entry.
9. I DESPISE taugeh.
10. I prefer Ashlee Simpson over her sister. FAKTA MENARIK KA INI?
1. HANEYH BABEYH - lately we're getting crazier. u kEwLzZ oGaYh nYaH?? hOt nGeToPz gItEW!! aHaKzZ!!!
2. IKYN - HARHARHAR u kEnA bUaT bAlIkzZ tAgZ niWh yOuW!! i lOiKe rEaDiNg uR bEloG!
3. FATIMAH TAK SUKA BIJI TIMAH - Kawan baik sejak aku mula belajar pakai tudung secara horror! XD (hint : form 1)
4. IZZAH - We may have bummed into each other these few years back tapi tak pernah kenal huehuehue.
5. NUHAMUNEERAH - Suka baca blog dia gak! Cool!
-budak GMN je faham dan tahu harharhar.
P/STUVWXYZABCDEFG : Word of the day - Cool.
P/STUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM Okey annoying dah ni : Makin hari makin sengal. GEHEHEHEH.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The clean youth.
Now can someone remind me why the hell did I waste my mom's RM5 on a magazine that I bought just for the sake of the guy that posed on the cover of the magazine?
I don't know how can I resist jumping onto page 26 (HARHARHAR DAH LUPE KAT PAGE MANA) to read the articles on the coverboy (hekhekhek cuba cakap coverboy ni mcm ala-ala tyra banks cakap covergirl dalam ANTM).
Bapak penipu aku nak baca and read through page by page sebelum baca the article tu. Budget macam penyabar la kan tak nak tergopoh-gapah baca article coverboy itu. Sehinggakan adik aku yang nak baca pun aku tak kasi. Alasannya sebab aku tak suka orang lain baca majalah ataupun buku yang aku tak baca habis lagi.
Okay just drop the subject on "kenapa-aku-guna-rm5-itu-untuk-galaxie-alangkah-lebih-baik-kalau-aku-gunakan-rm5-itu-untuk-benda-lain-seperti-lima-pek-choki2" issue, and let's move on to another issue.
Which is sahur.
Hari ini dalam sejarah bangun lambat gile untuk sahur. Dah nak masuk imsak dah. Imsak masuk pukul 5.38 am. Manakala aku dikejutkan dengan ketukan berpalu-palu di pintu biru bilik tidur aku (WAHH RHYMES LA) pada pukul 5.30 am.
Masa nak makan tu aku sikit punye rushing la nak makan mengenangkan nak kejar imsak. Sampai hampir tersedak kot huehue. Baru aku teringat yang aku sebenarnya sedang makan asam pedas.
ASAM PEDAS BABEYH. ASAM PEDAS AUNTIE SU BABEYH. TIADA TANDINGAN MESKIPUN MENURUT KUIZ DI FB TERDAPAT ASAM PEDAS YANG TERBAIK BERADA DI BATU 3 KE, PERINGGIT KE, Dah takde kerja aku nak ingat kat mana asam pedas terbaik walhal the best dish lies here in my home sweet home. =') kat sana nanti takda asam pedas bukan? jadi rentak makan daripada "cepat-weh-cepaaaattt" bertukar kepada rentak "let's-enjoy-the-dish-and-the-moment-shall-we?" .
Ahh. If you serve me with my mom's asam pedas for every berbuka puasa, I can say that I will live as a happy girl forever.
Speaking of living as a happy girl, hoho, I remembered a few weeks back, my mom brought me to her friend's house. Because of this QUEYH-MUEYH stuff (yess hani, you can LOL now hoho), so I haven't been to my mom's friend's house for quite of a long time, and I was kinda shocked when a lil boy greeted us at the door.

Seriously, this lil adik memang sangat comel EEI GERAM MACAM NAK CUBIT PIPI HOHO. Dahlah main cak-cak dengan aku. DIULANGI, MAIN CAK-CAK DENGAN AKU. Maksudnya, he's the one who did all the cak-cak, while I just sat there and laughed. hoho.
And he's sooooo excited with showing all of his toys. Macam kebanyakan budak-budak yang aku jumpa, hmph, nak dekat dengan aku pun tak nak, inikan pula nak tunjuk toys. Tapi this lil adik sangat kesayangan =') he even got me interested in his rattle-like toy. T__T And if you were there that time, you can see me playing with that rattle-like toy like the whole time hoho dah jakun dah ni. Duluw Iw mainw powerw rangersw jew youw. Takw pernahw mainw bendaw alahw macamw tuw. HEUHEUHEU annoying dah ni.

Gambar atas ni paling kesayangan =') Sudahlah comel bergaya, peramah pulak tu, now dah memasang angan-angan dari kecil untuk bermain gitar. Walaupun itu hanya raket badminton, yang penting cita-cita dik. =')
Adik ni pasti menjadi hodsetap bila dah besar nanti. (Sangatlah shallow bila kita membuat assumption sebegini sebenarnya). Jangan jadi macam akak, dik, takde sape nak HARHARHAR. (You guys have the urge to lempang tak if you guys heard someone said this?)
Semoga berjaya dik for your future ='). Tetiba tapi kena jugaklah aku cakap macam tu bukan. Tee-hee.

This is the coverboy that I was talking about just now. Bukan Chace Crawford, walaupun dia sangatlah good-looking di situ, dan bukan Penn Badgley, PFFFTTTT tak suka penn badgley, tetapi ED WESTWICK. *mata berkaca*
Hidup Ed Westwick.
Tengoklah betapa coolnya dia di situ berbanding lagi dua.
P/STUVWXYZ : Siapa yang cakap Internet works best during dawn sangat-sangatlah menipu. I have been working on my streamyx for half an hour dan dia masih lagi sangat-sangat gedik nak blink-blink the whole time. Bongok **&*&^%%^$^&*&.
I don't know how can I resist jumping onto page 26 (HARHARHAR DAH LUPE KAT PAGE MANA) to read the articles on the coverboy (hekhekhek cuba cakap coverboy ni mcm ala-ala tyra banks cakap covergirl dalam ANTM).
Bapak penipu aku nak baca and read through page by page sebelum baca the article tu. Budget macam penyabar la kan tak nak tergopoh-gapah baca article coverboy itu. Sehinggakan adik aku yang nak baca pun aku tak kasi. Alasannya sebab aku tak suka orang lain baca majalah ataupun buku yang aku tak baca habis lagi.
Okay just drop the subject on "kenapa-aku-guna-rm5-itu-untuk-galaxie-alangkah-lebih-baik-kalau-aku-gunakan-rm5-itu-untuk-benda-lain-seperti-lima-pek-choki2" issue, and let's move on to another issue.
Which is sahur.
Hari ini dalam sejarah bangun lambat gile untuk sahur. Dah nak masuk imsak dah. Imsak masuk pukul 5.38 am. Manakala aku dikejutkan dengan ketukan berpalu-palu di pintu biru bilik tidur aku (WAHH RHYMES LA) pada pukul 5.30 am.
Masa nak makan tu aku sikit punye rushing la nak makan mengenangkan nak kejar imsak. Sampai hampir tersedak kot huehue. Baru aku teringat yang aku sebenarnya sedang makan asam pedas.
ASAM PEDAS BABEYH. ASAM PEDAS AUNTIE SU BABEYH. TIADA TANDINGAN MESKIPUN MENURUT KUIZ DI FB TERDAPAT ASAM PEDAS YANG TERBAIK BERADA DI BATU 3 KE, PERINGGIT KE, Dah takde kerja aku nak ingat kat mana asam pedas terbaik walhal the best dish lies here in my home sweet home. =') kat sana nanti takda asam pedas bukan? jadi rentak makan daripada "cepat-weh-cepaaaattt" bertukar kepada rentak "let's-enjoy-the-dish-and-the-moment-shall-we?" .
Ahh. If you serve me with my mom's asam pedas for every berbuka puasa, I can say that I will live as a happy girl forever.
Speaking of living as a happy girl, hoho, I remembered a few weeks back, my mom brought me to her friend's house. Because of this QUEYH-MUEYH stuff (yess hani, you can LOL now hoho), so I haven't been to my mom's friend's house for quite of a long time, and I was kinda shocked when a lil boy greeted us at the door.

Seriously, this lil adik memang sangat comel EEI GERAM MACAM NAK CUBIT PIPI HOHO. Dahlah main cak-cak dengan aku. DIULANGI, MAIN CAK-CAK DENGAN AKU. Maksudnya, he's the one who did all the cak-cak, while I just sat there and laughed. hoho.
And he's sooooo excited with showing all of his toys. Macam kebanyakan budak-budak yang aku jumpa, hmph, nak dekat dengan aku pun tak nak, inikan pula nak tunjuk toys. Tapi this lil adik sangat kesayangan =') he even got me interested in his rattle-like toy. T__T And if you were there that time, you can see me playing with that rattle-like toy like the whole time hoho dah jakun dah ni. Duluw Iw mainw powerw rangersw jew youw. Takw pernahw mainw bendaw alahw macamw tuw. HEUHEUHEU annoying dah ni.

Gambar atas ni paling kesayangan =') Sudahlah comel bergaya, peramah pulak tu, now dah memasang angan-angan dari kecil untuk bermain gitar. Walaupun itu hanya raket badminton, yang penting cita-cita dik. =')
Adik ni pasti menjadi hodsetap bila dah besar nanti. (Sangatlah shallow bila kita membuat assumption sebegini sebenarnya). Jangan jadi macam akak, dik, takde sape nak HARHARHAR. (You guys have the urge to lempang tak if you guys heard someone said this?)
Semoga berjaya dik for your future ='). Tetiba tapi kena jugaklah aku cakap macam tu bukan. Tee-hee.

Hidup Ed Westwick.
Tengoklah betapa coolnya dia di situ berbanding lagi dua.
P/STUVWXYZ : Siapa yang cakap Internet works best during dawn sangat-sangatlah menipu. I have been working on my streamyx for half an hour dan dia masih lagi sangat-sangat gedik nak blink-blink the whole time. Bongok **&*&^%%^$^&*&.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
what happened?
The past stores brilliant memories for us and when we look back at all those, the first thing that pops into your mind is;
"What happened to that?"
Sue me, I am one who's holding onto the past too much at times.
Maybe that's a way to escape the cold reality that hits you right on the face though.
"What happened to that?"
Sue me, I am one who's holding onto the past too much at times.
Maybe that's a way to escape the cold reality that hits you right on the face though.
Dik, tak baik buat macam tu tau.
I was driving tadi bila tetiba ada two kids walking across the road. A girl and a boy. So I slowed down the car la kan. Then this boy went on and stand in the middle of the road with this "MARILAH-AYUHLAH-KERETA-CEPAT-LANGGAR-AKU" expression on his face pergh.
Okeylah. Budak-budak kan. Biasalah tu memain ke apa kan. Aku faham. Sebab aku pun pernah buat macam tu. Tapi aku buat macam tu dengan ayah dan ibu aku je. Diulangi, AYAH DAN IBU AKU JE. Bukan kepada strangers. Bukan kepada kakak hot pakai baju chelsea dan pakai tudung ekin kepunyaan ibunya eh eh macam familiar je kakak ni HUIHUIHUI.
Disebabkan risau kalau adik sayang itu (Tengok tu tak kenal tapi panggil adik sayang tau T___T), maka hon kereta berbunyi. Berbunyi dengan perlahan. Barulah budak tu beralih. Keluhan lega dilepaskan. Nasib baik budak tu selamat tak kena apa-apa.
Tetapi tetapi tetapi, once I drove past him and his little sister, he showed the middle finger towards me and my mom's friend who was there beside me.
What is happening to the kids nowadays? ='(
Okeylah. Budak-budak kan. Biasalah tu memain ke apa kan. Aku faham. Sebab aku pun pernah buat macam tu. Tapi aku buat macam tu dengan ayah dan ibu aku je. Diulangi, AYAH DAN IBU AKU JE. Bukan kepada strangers. Bukan kepada kakak hot pakai baju chelsea dan pakai tudung ekin kepunyaan ibunya eh eh macam familiar je kakak ni HUIHUIHUI.
Disebabkan risau kalau adik sayang itu (Tengok tu tak kenal tapi panggil adik sayang tau T___T), maka hon kereta berbunyi. Berbunyi dengan perlahan. Barulah budak tu beralih. Keluhan lega dilepaskan. Nasib baik budak tu selamat tak kena apa-apa.
Tetapi tetapi tetapi, once I drove past him and his little sister, he showed the middle finger towards me and my mom's friend who was there beside me.
What is happening to the kids nowadays? ='(
Monday, August 31, 2009
kusut masai.
I hate it when I cannot fulfill things that I have promised to do.
Macam pagi tadi. :(
To whom that individual may concern, I'm sorry that I couldn't wake you laa. I myself dah terbabas tadi. Sorrrrryyyyyyyyy :( :( :( ='(
And to uncle kereta Myvi hitam, I AM SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SORRY UNCLE!! ='(
Serious aku yang tengok kereta kemek tu pun dah rasa macam sumpah sedih dengan kesian dengan takut dengan dengan dengan WAHHH THE FEELINGS ARE UNDESCRIBABLE LA BAI. Nasib baik uncle tu tak marah tapi weh uncle tu muka redha je weh alamak aku tak boleh tengok la muka orang yang redha dengan pasrah ni weeehhhhh. Nasib baik jugak uncle tu walaupun muka redha yang buat aku rasa bersalah uncle tu masih lagi boleh tanya aku, "Baru lepas eh?" Terima kasih uncle kerana memahami. ='( Dan aku rasa macam aku ni bad driver gile ahhh tak boleh dah tak boleh ni lepas kena incident tu terus aku bawak bapak slow ahhhhh. ='( bon bon saya tak boleh drive kereta awakla macam ni kalau awak tak nak kereta awak bercalar ='( Dan I actually cried tadi? Before you guys go on and do that rolling your eyes and stuff, I nearly went berserk and nearly burst with panic kotttt. ='(
Macam pagi tadi. :(
To whom that individual may concern, I'm sorry that I couldn't wake you laa. I myself dah terbabas tadi. Sorrrrryyyyyyyyy :( :( :( ='(
And to uncle kereta Myvi hitam, I AM SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SORRY UNCLE!! ='(
Serious aku yang tengok kereta kemek tu pun dah rasa macam sumpah sedih dengan kesian dengan takut dengan dengan dengan WAHHH THE FEELINGS ARE UNDESCRIBABLE LA BAI. Nasib baik uncle tu tak marah tapi weh uncle tu muka redha je weh alamak aku tak boleh tengok la muka orang yang redha dengan pasrah ni weeehhhhh. Nasib baik jugak uncle tu walaupun muka redha yang buat aku rasa bersalah uncle tu masih lagi boleh tanya aku, "Baru lepas eh?" Terima kasih uncle kerana memahami. ='( Dan aku rasa macam aku ni bad driver gile ahhh tak boleh dah tak boleh ni lepas kena incident tu terus aku bawak bapak slow ahhhhh. ='( bon bon saya tak boleh drive kereta awakla macam ni kalau awak tak nak kereta awak bercalar ='( Dan I actually cried tadi? Before you guys go on and do that rolling your eyes and stuff, I nearly went berserk and nearly burst with panic kotttt. ='(
Sunday, August 30, 2009
tick tock tick tock.
:( / :) ?
I shall use both emoticons though.
:( / :) ?
I shall use both emoticons though.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
procrastination is a big
These recent incidents made me realize that the Almighty God wanna show me the mistakes that I have done until now.
As my mom mentioned this, I'll admit that it made me feel better and relieved as well. At least now if I'm facing any obstacles or whatsoever, I will not fret or anything.
This is what they call as blessing in disguise, no?
It's getting harder everyday to think about leaving.
And it's getting harder now that Taylor Swift's song is stuck in my head.
And Iron and Wine's song keeps replaying in my head too.
Okay this is not good. I'm going crazy. Not because of boredom due to nothing to be done. No. Not because there's nothing left for me to do. Because that will be a super big lie with a big L on my forehead if I say there's nothing to be done. (Walhal baru sahaja aku nyatakan di atas yang aku bosan, bukan? T__T )
These recent incidents made me realize that the Almighty God wanna show me the mistakes that I have done until now.
As my mom mentioned this, I'll admit that it made me feel better and relieved as well. At least now if I'm facing any obstacles or whatsoever, I will not fret or anything.
This is what they call as blessing in disguise, no?
It's getting harder everyday to think about leaving.
And it's getting harder now that Taylor Swift's song is stuck in my head.
And Iron and Wine's song keeps replaying in my head too.
Okay this is not good. I'm going crazy. Not because of boredom due to nothing to be done. No. Not because there's nothing left for me to do. Because that will be a super big lie with a big L on my forehead if I say there's nothing to be done. (Walhal baru sahaja aku nyatakan di atas yang aku bosan, bukan? T__T )
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
i said what?
Sometimes one word, one sentence, could change everything. From bad to better, and even from good to bad to worse.
And sometimes things are better left unsaid.
And that's why I'm keeping it mum right now.
And sometimes things are better left unsaid.
And that's why I'm keeping it mum right now.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
you got the swagger of the champion
When the time comes, then only I will come to my senses and starts to believe that I am really leaving.
*sila pasang lagu Leaving on A Jet Plane.
34/35 more days before flying off. Gahh. Time is flying so, so fast right?
I was suggesting to Hidayah about planning to berbuka puasa ramai-ramai with our MGSS-ians. I was telling that maybe we could do that a few days before Ramadan ends, with almost practically everyone is away from Melaka right now.
And Hidayah was asking me how would I feel sitting down, eating, chatting, having fun with them for the last time. It kinda sucks to think that it is going to be most probably the last time everyone sees each other. But IDK, nak tak nak have to deal with it, right? Although I gotta admit that it kills to feel that way. :(
Oh BTW, went to MGSS this morning. And I was amazed and happy to know that many of my classmates are flying overseas. May Ling, Tian Feng, Shi Wei are going to fly to UK. Hidayah and Illi are going to US. I mean WOW.
Gotta go aite. My mom has reminded me about packing up my stuff and she added on how many more days left for me. THANKYOUVERYMUCH MOM HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH. :D
*tutup balik lagu Leaving on A Jet Plane hahahahah awal lagi ni sebulan lagi kot gehehehe.

gambar macam annoying sebab pecah-pecah. takpelah. nampak sikit nilai sentimental, no?
*sila pasang lagu Leaving on A Jet Plane.
34/35 more days before flying off. Gahh. Time is flying so, so fast right?
I was suggesting to Hidayah about planning to berbuka puasa ramai-ramai with our MGSS-ians. I was telling that maybe we could do that a few days before Ramadan ends, with almost practically everyone is away from Melaka right now.
And Hidayah was asking me how would I feel sitting down, eating, chatting, having fun with them for the last time. It kinda sucks to think that it is going to be most probably the last time everyone sees each other. But IDK, nak tak nak have to deal with it, right? Although I gotta admit that it kills to feel that way. :(
Oh BTW, went to MGSS this morning. And I was amazed and happy to know that many of my classmates are flying overseas. May Ling, Tian Feng, Shi Wei are going to fly to UK. Hidayah and Illi are going to US. I mean WOW.
Gotta go aite. My mom has reminded me about packing up my stuff and she added on how many more days left for me. THANKYOUVERYMUCH MOM HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH. :D
*tutup balik lagu Leaving on A Jet Plane hahahahah awal lagi ni sebulan lagi kot gehehehe.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
I am...
1) getting scared of the thoughts of going away in a few more weeks.
2) trying to register in my mind about having to leave my family, friends and beloved Melaka in a few more weeks.
3) trying my hardest to not go berserk over that register-online thingy.
4) wondering when am I going to sit down and organize my stuff that will be brought
but most importantly,
5) thankful that I am given the opportunity and the chance to go through and experience Ramadhan this year. Alhamdulillah. And I hope this can be a point for me to start changing to become a better me, Insya-Allah. And hopefully starting this month, I can beramal more and hopefully my Ramadhan will be blessed.
Amin. :D
2) trying to register in my mind about having to leave my family, friends and beloved Melaka in a few more weeks.
3) trying my hardest to not go berserk over that register-online thingy.
4) wondering when am I going to sit down and organize my stuff that will be brought
but most importantly,
5) thankful that I am given the opportunity and the chance to go through and experience Ramadhan this year. Alhamdulillah. And I hope this can be a point for me to start changing to become a better me, Insya-Allah. And hopefully starting this month, I can beramal more and hopefully my Ramadhan will be blessed.
Amin. :D
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
treng treng treng.
Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. We have to understand that knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beats the hell out of never trying.
Grey's Anatomy is always brilliant with quotes. I can spend hours and hours reading through all the quotes. Some of them are motivational though. Lagi-lagi that show bun basal doktor-doktor stuff en, so some of them really can be used in our situation as well la kot?
Jadi hmm, the biggest failure is not to try anything ey?
I have to agree on that one. I have been there, done that. I got to admit that I am kinda pessimistic and painfully shy and painfully not confident of myself's capabilities. Especially when I was back in high school. Sumpah sucks gila. Sebab aku rasa macam banyak gila benda yang aku missed out tak buat back then. :(
But people can change. And hopefully, I am going through that process. Macam dulu macam haram la weh kalau nak suruh aku pergi depan pentas. Tapi kini, ececeh, aku dah mampu overcome fear aku tu dan aku pernah menari zapin masa dinner GMN haritu. Walaupun aku mengaku yang masa aku menari tu memang haram tak pandang audience langsung, (terima kasih kepada AJK yang turn off the light kat bahagian audience wooah gua cinta sama lu), dan walaupun time diorang buat hakka tu memang aku pandang je dorang, dan walaupun time nyanyi lagu barney aku memang pandang nina je tak pandang orang lain dah, haha, aku rasa macam satu progress jugaklah untuk someone like me kan.
Tapi aku sampai sekarang tak pernah tengok video aku menari kat dinner GMN tu.
Life is a learning process. It is also a path and an alternative for me to discover and learn more new things and I know it won't harm or cost me anything to do so. So bungee jumping, you're on my what-to-do list bebeh!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
kenaba kenaba kenaba.
kenaba bila kita ada duit sikit dan nak beli shawls semua shawls yang cantik cantik dah sold out dan kenaba bila kita takda duit time tu lah shawls yang cantik menarik tertarik kau memang the bomb semua available? Kenaba kenaba kenaba?
Ignore the B's. It's the thing that Hani and I tetiba buat semalam all out of sudden unexpectedly. gehehe.
karaoke-ing through youtube is uber fun.
This is pretty obvious another random post, haha my mind must be frozen or something. hee.
okey dah bye.
Ignore the B's. It's the thing that Hani and I tetiba buat semalam all out of sudden unexpectedly. gehehe.
karaoke-ing through youtube is uber fun.
This is pretty obvious another random post, haha my mind must be frozen or something. hee.
okey dah bye.
Friday, August 14, 2009
kau cakap apa?
As we get older, we'll be wiser.
Ramai orang cakap aku matang. Kat UKM dulu, Azie dan Nina beria-ria cakap aku matang. Tapi aku tak pernah rasakan aku matang. Betul, aku admit yang kadang-kadang aku jenis yang diam. Dan aku admit yang aku takkan buat something terburu-buru. Aku akan tend to think too hard about those actions yang I'm taking before doing something. Dan aku admit yang kadang-kadang aku remind diri aku supaya jangan overreact sebab aku takut aku boleh give out bad impression pasal diri aku. Seperti apa yang aku pernah cakap dulu, aku tak nak orang cakap aku ni cheap dan desperately friendly.
Betul. Aku mengaku that I think too much. Sampaikan apa yang aku nak buat setelah aku dah tua dan dah ada anak cucu yang akan panggil aku "Grandma, grandma!" sebab aku kahwin dengan mat saleh dan aku imagine mat saleh tu Ed Westwick, okey menyimpang, ye, I even think about what will happen by the time I grow old with my spouse nanti.
Tiba-tiba tak sabar nak ada cucu yang boleh panggil aku "Grandma, grandma!".
Tulah sampai orang suruh aku don't think too much and take it slow. Lepas tu diikuti dengan pertanyaan pernah ke aku dengar lagu Estrella - Take it Slow? Okey menyimpang lagi dari topik.
Jadi aku tak tahu samada sikap terlampau kuat berfikir ni membuatkan aku seorang yang matang. Kadang-kadang aku rasa aku ni lebih kepada paranoid. Entahlah.
For the time being I have also been trying to teach myself on how to not let my feelings and emotions control me. And to be honest, I am trying so hard not to go head over heels for this particular someone. Salah satu reason dia ialah sebab, dia macam "WOW!" dan aku macam "wee." Dia macam HEBAT dan aku macam kurang hebat.
Ni salah satu lagi flaws aku. I have this extremely low self esteem and I always think that others are sooo much better. (Adakah ini juga bermaksud aku tak vain? hahahahah gegegegedik).
Entahlah. Aku deny every thoughts about that particular person yang keeps terjah-ing into my head. Aku tak nak fikir woah pasal tu. Sebab aku rasa macam aku ni seorang yang sangat weak kalau aku fikir pasal tu and kalau aku admit apa yang aku tak nak admit, orang akan cakap yang aku ni gegegedik je lebih nak feeling feeling ni.
Dan aku takut kalau prinsip yang selama ni aku pertahankan akan runtuh kalau aku admit perasaan aku tu. Entahlah. Aku takut weh, sumpah. Tapi aku takut kalau hati aku broken kalau dia choose someone else. Heh. Macam dia pernah pulak interested dengan aku selama ni.
Tapi normal kan, korang tak rasa sakit ke kalau tengok the one that you have been falling head over heels for with someone else? Macam korang rasa geram tengok Orlando Bloom sekarang is together with Victoria Secret's model ntah pekenama model tu,
macam korang rasa geram tak kalau Ed Westwick hook up dengan Leighton Meester ke (tapi ni takkan berlaku. Confirm. Sebab Leighton Meester's currently dating Sebastian Stan)
dan macam korang rasa geram tengok Jake Gyllenhaal dates Reese Witherspoon. Hah macam tu la rasanya.
Jadi sekarang ni, untuk tidak membiarkan aku rasa sakit tu, aku cuba nak buang rasa tu. Sebab aku takut it will destroy me. Tapi how am I gonna be able to do that when I will be seeing him for the next 5-6 years lepas ni kat egypt sana nanti? :(
Takpe Qurratu. Kalau kau rasa perit sangat nak buang rasa tu, fikirlah ada hikmah coming from this. Fikirlah maybe there is something good coming from this. With Allah's will, you can do it.
Dan sebab takda sape tahu pasal apa aku rasa. Mungkin lagi senang untuk aku buang apa aku rasa.
Fikirkan keredhaan Allah. Itu lagi penting.
Tiba-tiba aku rasa best sangat blog macam ni.
Ramai orang cakap aku matang. Kat UKM dulu, Azie dan Nina beria-ria cakap aku matang. Tapi aku tak pernah rasakan aku matang. Betul, aku admit yang kadang-kadang aku jenis yang diam. Dan aku admit yang aku takkan buat something terburu-buru. Aku akan tend to think too hard about those actions yang I'm taking before doing something. Dan aku admit yang kadang-kadang aku remind diri aku supaya jangan overreact sebab aku takut aku boleh give out bad impression pasal diri aku. Seperti apa yang aku pernah cakap dulu, aku tak nak orang cakap aku ni cheap dan desperately friendly.
Betul. Aku mengaku that I think too much. Sampaikan apa yang aku nak buat setelah aku dah tua dan dah ada anak cucu yang akan panggil aku "Grandma, grandma!" sebab aku kahwin dengan mat saleh dan aku imagine mat saleh tu Ed Westwick, okey menyimpang, ye, I even think about what will happen by the time I grow old with my spouse nanti.
Tiba-tiba tak sabar nak ada cucu yang boleh panggil aku "Grandma, grandma!".
Tulah sampai orang suruh aku don't think too much and take it slow. Lepas tu diikuti dengan pertanyaan pernah ke aku dengar lagu Estrella - Take it Slow? Okey menyimpang lagi dari topik.
Jadi aku tak tahu samada sikap terlampau kuat berfikir ni membuatkan aku seorang yang matang. Kadang-kadang aku rasa aku ni lebih kepada paranoid. Entahlah.
For the time being I have also been trying to teach myself on how to not let my feelings and emotions control me. And to be honest, I am trying so hard not to go head over heels for this particular someone. Salah satu reason dia ialah sebab, dia macam "WOW!" dan aku macam "wee." Dia macam HEBAT dan aku macam kurang hebat.
Ni salah satu lagi flaws aku. I have this extremely low self esteem and I always think that others are sooo much better. (Adakah ini juga bermaksud aku tak vain? hahahahah gegegegedik).
Entahlah. Aku deny every thoughts about that particular person yang keeps terjah-ing into my head. Aku tak nak fikir woah pasal tu. Sebab aku rasa macam aku ni seorang yang sangat weak kalau aku fikir pasal tu and kalau aku admit apa yang aku tak nak admit, orang akan cakap yang aku ni gegegedik je lebih nak feeling feeling ni.
Dan aku takut kalau prinsip yang selama ni aku pertahankan akan runtuh kalau aku admit perasaan aku tu. Entahlah. Aku takut weh, sumpah. Tapi aku takut kalau hati aku broken kalau dia choose someone else. Heh. Macam dia pernah pulak interested dengan aku selama ni.
Tapi normal kan, korang tak rasa sakit ke kalau tengok the one that you have been falling head over heels for with someone else? Macam korang rasa geram tengok Orlando Bloom sekarang is together with Victoria Secret's model ntah pekenama model tu,
macam korang rasa geram tak kalau Ed Westwick hook up dengan Leighton Meester ke (tapi ni takkan berlaku. Confirm. Sebab Leighton Meester's currently dating Sebastian Stan)
dan macam korang rasa geram tengok Jake Gyllenhaal dates Reese Witherspoon. Hah macam tu la rasanya.
Jadi sekarang ni, untuk tidak membiarkan aku rasa sakit tu, aku cuba nak buang rasa tu. Sebab aku takut it will destroy me. Tapi how am I gonna be able to do that when I will be seeing him for the next 5-6 years lepas ni kat egypt sana nanti? :(
Takpe Qurratu. Kalau kau rasa perit sangat nak buang rasa tu, fikirlah ada hikmah coming from this. Fikirlah maybe there is something good coming from this. With Allah's will, you can do it.
Dan sebab takda sape tahu pasal apa aku rasa. Mungkin lagi senang untuk aku buang apa aku rasa.
Fikirkan keredhaan Allah. Itu lagi penting.
Tiba-tiba aku rasa best sangat blog macam ni.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
oops I farted, sorry.
Sebenarnya I was not farting at all whenever I'm typing this, tapi tak tahu nak tulis apa dah, hence I came up with that gedik title.
I have managed to find out Mun's blog. T__T Yes, I'm so good at stalking people through blogs, I think I should put "Have an amazing capability of tracking down people through Internet" in my resume next time. Woah. Hebatnya. Confirm boleh dapat kerja terus.
So I was kinda shocked when she tagged me in one of her posts. Because it has been a long time since Mun and I have a proper conversation, even in Facebook. So yeah, there you go, I kinda get the shock of my life when she mentioned and tagged me. Macam sumpah terharu wehhhh kau ingat aku lagiii =') *nangis kegembiraan sampai keluar air hingus*
Before doing the quiz that I have been tagged on, have another brilliant and awesome chat with Hani.
AND HELL YEAH I WANT A JUMPER A VEST AND A CHECKERED BOYFIEE SHIRT WEHHHHHH. okey dah diam Qurratu you sound like a whiny missy so dah diam diam nanti orang ada bad assumption pasal kau dan nanti orang tak nak kat kau haahhh haru kau nanti balik Malaysia takde sapa nak kahwin dengan kau haahh hahh haiiyooohh tak tahu balik rumah makan tauhu haaahhh haaa tauhu takpe, tempe lebey taugeh wajib asingkan. *tetiba quote Farahin boleh masuk sekali.
Okay I edited those words from my Mom. My mom has been worrying about me and my behavior ever since I will be going away to egypt.
Because at times, I could be a litttllleeeeee bit hyper that will be tad annoying and at times I could be a litttlleee bit overreacted and a liiiittlleeee miss sunshine eh eh tu top yang me and Izzy Bee planning to wear masa mintak diskaun masa beli barang runcit dengan ammu kat egypt nanti :D
To ibu : Takpe ibu, insya-Allah akak behave baik2 kat sana. 0=) tengok tu ada ring kat atas smiley tu I am angelic okey.
Jadi Hani, I dah serious tak sabar nak pergi Alex and Cairo dengan u! Hahaha, di samping tu I pun tak sabar jugak nak pergi Fak sama-sama belajar sama-sama semua tuh. Tujuan utama tetap tidak dilupakan, kan ? :)
And I hope you find your leotard prints and neon colored leggings alright! hihi. :)
OKEY NOW TAGGING TIME Y'ALL!!! *sambil buat pose Azean Irdawaty masa dia cakap Lihatlah Dunia hehehehe
Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 5 fakta/5 hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya
-Hobi 1 : Reading-
[Reading can take you and your imagination to all around the world, without boundaries]
-Hobi 2 : Internet-
[I think that is well established by my frequent presence in Facebook and blogs]
-Hobi 3 : Reality TV shows-
[I started to get hooked to watching these dramatic TV shows back in high school, and the first lucky show that managed to get hme hooked was Laguna Beach. I was soooo in love with Talan Torreiro back then (still ingat lagi dialogue dia, "I don't like you, but I love you, I don't love you but I L-U-V you" ahahah wtfart) and now Keeping Up with the Kardashians fascinates and humor me.]
-Hobi 4 : Bloghopping.-
[I love the different thoughts of people that they turn into writing. Somehow it intrigued me]
-Hobi 5 : Getting my beauty sleep-
[tidur itu nikmat. serious woah.]
Fakta 1 : Have fallen in love with cute mini dresses.

Fakta 2 : Not exactly super friendly and bouncy all the time
[I gotta admit that sometimes I could be really boring when making friends with new people. Like I will sit down and not talking at all and just shot a smile for 3 seconds and do my own thing. Heh Timah kau jangan nak contradict apa yang aku cakap, ni memang fakta, the cold truth.]
Fakta 3 : and yet not exactly super grumpy and quiet all the time
[I can be really noisy with my friends and my closest clique]
Fakta 4 : Thinks that British slang is super sexy
[Ed Westwick melts me with his accent]
Fakta 5 : Is interested in listening to Electrico's songs
[Have heard of them for quite a long time, but I've only managed to listen to their song a few days back. They are cool. ]
Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka.
[my indestructible hot pheewit twin]
[My close friend since high school. Kau memang jarang sangat blog tapi takpe weh aku sabar menunggu kau balik Melaka]
[My fellow GMNian. Kamu cool dan rock okeyyy :D sumpah u're a wise person and every advices of yours memang I akan ingat :D]
[My fellow GMNian. I like your shawls wehhh! :)]
-Izzy Bee-
[My fellow GMNian jugak. Sumpah you cute gile okey Izzy rasa macam nak cubit2 pipi u haha]
Si pen-tag :

rindu kau gak. sayang kau dowh!!!! :D
Sebenarnya I was not farting at all whenever I'm typing this, tapi tak tahu nak tulis apa dah, hence I came up with that gedik title.
I have managed to find out Mun's blog. T__T Yes, I'm so good at stalking people through blogs, I think I should put "Have an amazing capability of tracking down people through Internet" in my resume next time. Woah. Hebatnya. Confirm boleh dapat kerja terus.
So I was kinda shocked when she tagged me in one of her posts. Because it has been a long time since Mun and I have a proper conversation, even in Facebook. So yeah, there you go, I kinda get the shock of my life when she mentioned and tagged me. Macam sumpah terharu wehhhh kau ingat aku lagiii =') *nangis kegembiraan sampai keluar air hingus*
Before doing the quiz that I have been tagged on, have another brilliant and awesome chat with Hani.
AND HELL YEAH I WANT A JUMPER A VEST AND A CHECKERED BOYFIEE SHIRT WEHHHHHH. okey dah diam Qurratu you sound like a whiny missy so dah diam diam nanti orang ada bad assumption pasal kau dan nanti orang tak nak kat kau haahhh haru kau nanti balik Malaysia takde sapa nak kahwin dengan kau haahh hahh haiiyooohh tak tahu balik rumah makan tauhu haaahhh haaa tauhu takpe, tempe lebey taugeh wajib asingkan. *tetiba quote Farahin boleh masuk sekali.
Okay I edited those words from my Mom. My mom has been worrying about me and my behavior ever since I will be going away to egypt.
Because at times, I could be a litttllleeeeee bit hyper that will be tad annoying and at times I could be a litttlleee bit overreacted and a liiiittlleeee miss sunshine eh eh tu top yang me and Izzy Bee planning to wear masa mintak diskaun masa beli barang runcit dengan ammu kat egypt nanti :D
To ibu : Takpe ibu, insya-Allah akak behave baik2 kat sana. 0=) tengok tu ada ring kat atas smiley tu I am angelic okey.
Jadi Hani, I dah serious tak sabar nak pergi Alex and Cairo dengan u! Hahaha, di samping tu I pun tak sabar jugak nak pergi Fak sama-sama belajar sama-sama semua tuh. Tujuan utama tetap tidak dilupakan, kan ? :)
And I hope you find your leotard prints and neon colored leggings alright! hihi. :)
OKEY NOW TAGGING TIME Y'ALL!!! *sambil buat pose Azean Irdawaty masa dia cakap Lihatlah Dunia hehehehe
-Hobi 1 : Reading-
[Reading can take you and your imagination to all around the world, without boundaries]
-Hobi 2 : Internet-
[I think that is well established by my frequent presence in Facebook and blogs]
-Hobi 3 : Reality TV shows-
[I started to get hooked to watching these dramatic TV shows back in high school, and the first lucky show that managed to get hme hooked was Laguna Beach. I was soooo in love with Talan Torreiro back then (still ingat lagi dialogue dia, "I don't like you, but I love you, I don't love you but I L-U-V you" ahahah wtfart) and now Keeping Up with the Kardashians fascinates and humor me.]
-Hobi 4 : Bloghopping.-
[I love the different thoughts of people that they turn into writing. Somehow it intrigued me]
-Hobi 5 : Getting my beauty sleep-
[tidur itu nikmat. serious woah.]
Fakta 1 : Have fallen in love with cute mini dresses.

Fakta 2 : Not exactly super friendly and bouncy all the time
[I gotta admit that sometimes I could be really boring when making friends with new people. Like I will sit down and not talking at all and just shot a smile for 3 seconds and do my own thing. Heh Timah kau jangan nak contradict apa yang aku cakap, ni memang fakta, the cold truth.]
Fakta 3 : and yet not exactly super grumpy and quiet all the time
[I can be really noisy with my friends and my closest clique]
Fakta 4 : Thinks that British slang is super sexy
[Ed Westwick melts me with his accent]
Fakta 5 : Is interested in listening to Electrico's songs
[Have heard of them for quite a long time, but I've only managed to listen to their song a few days back. They are cool. ]
Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka.
[my indestructible hot pheewit twin]
[My close friend since high school. Kau memang jarang sangat blog tapi takpe weh aku sabar menunggu kau balik Melaka]
[My fellow GMNian. Kamu cool dan rock okeyyy :D sumpah u're a wise person and every advices of yours memang I akan ingat :D]
[My fellow GMNian. I like your shawls wehhh! :)]
-Izzy Bee-
[My fellow GMNian jugak. Sumpah you cute gile okey Izzy rasa macam nak cubit2 pipi u haha]
Si pen-tag :

rindu kau gak. sayang kau dowh!!!! :D
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Still in the run of searching for the Wow factor.
Not trying to be ungrateful, I know life is precious and beautiful, that's why I'm making the efforts to taste and experience the beauty of life.
And I have to keep reminding myself that everything happens for a reason.

Some photos that will be able to keep me grounded.
To Hani and Ahmad, millions of thanks for not being tired to listen to me rambling about what I have been worrying about lately. You guys rock. :)
Not trying to be ungrateful, I know life is precious and beautiful, that's why I'm making the efforts to taste and experience the beauty of life.
And I have to keep reminding myself that everything happens for a reason.

Some photos that will be able to keep me grounded.
To Hani and Ahmad, millions of thanks for not being tired to listen to me rambling about what I have been worrying about lately. You guys rock. :)
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